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Why become a teacher?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why become a teacher?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why become a teacher?

2 Holidays?

3 Educating Yorkshire??

4 Why choose teaching? Love the subject Want to work with young people
Always wanted to teach Inspire young people Holidays

5 How to get into it PGCE (PGDipEd) One year- 8 weeks in a school
15 weeks in another school University in between Teach first (GTP)

6 Day to day life Early starts- school starts at 8.40am
Up to 5 hours of teaching each day (minimum of 3 frees each week-PPA time) Form Assembly Revision classes/ after school clubs Relationships with pupils Prom School trips Marking Meetings Planning

7 Qualities Organisation Patience Desire Commitment
Approachable yet firm Dedicated Confident Enjoy a challenge

8 Professional development
Promotions (TLRs) Lead teacher Head of department Pastoral route Assistant head/Deputy/Headteacher

9 Laughter Exam question:
Why are otters normally released in pairs, a male and a female? Pupils answer: Because Paris is the most romantic city in the world.

10 Brilliant memories






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