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René Vidal and Xiaodong Fan Center for Imaging Science

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1 Two-View Motion Segmentation by Exploiting the Rank and Geometry of the Multibody Fundamental Matrix
René Vidal and Xiaodong Fan Center for Imaging Science Johns Hopkins University Add d15.avi

2 Structure and motion recovery problem
Input: Corresponding points in multiple images Output: camera motion, scene structure, camera calibration Structure = 3D surface Motion = camera position and orientation Rene Vidal

3 The fundamental matrix
Input: point correspondences Output: rigid motion Rotation: Translation: Epipolar constraint Estimate fundamental matrix F linearly Eight-point algorithm Project onto the essential manifold for noise reduction Recover (R,T) from F Write Sym(F_1,…., F_n). Rene Vidal

4 Projection onto the essential manifold
Characterizing essential manifold F Extend to multiple motions! Projection – minimizing the Frobenious norm: Rene Vidal

5 3-D motion segmentation problem
Given a set of point correspondences in multiple views, determine Number of motion models Motion model: affine Segmentation: model to which each pixel belongs Mathematics of the problem depends on Number of frames (2, 3, multiple) Projection model (affine, perspective) Motion model (affine, translational, planar motion, rigid motion) 3-D structure (planar or not) Rene Vidal

6 Our approach to motion segmentation
Estimation of multiple motion models equivalent to estimation of one multibody motion model Eliminate feature clustering: multiplication Estimate a single multibody motion model: polynomial fitting Segment multibody motion model: polynomial differentiation chicken-and-egg Rene Vidal

7 A unified approach to motion segmentation
Applies to most motion models in computer vision All motion models can be segmented algebraically by Fitting multibody model: real or complex polynomial to all data Fitting individual model: differentiate polynomial at a data point Rene Vidal

8 Multibody epipolar constraint
Rotation: Translation: Epipolar constraint Multiple motions Multibody epipolar constraint Satisfied by ALL points regardless of segmentation Segmentation is algebraically eliminated!!! Rene Vidal

9 Multibody fundamental matrix
Lifting Embedding Bilinear on embedded data! Veronese map (polynomial embedding) Multibody fundamental matrix Rene Vidal

10 Multibody Fundamental Matrix
n-body motion 1-body motion Rene Vidal

11 Epipoles in the nullspace of F
Embedded epipoles are in the null space of the multibody fundamental matrix Are all vectors in Null(F) embedded epipoles, or their linear combinations? Are embedded epipoles linearly independent? F The dimension of Null(F) Rene Vidal

12 Rank constraint of F 1-body motion 2-body motion In general, we prove:
# of distinct epipoles Key observation: repeated epipoles will enlarge the null(F) ! time each eipipole repeates Rene Vidal

13 Dimension of Null(F) Let be
Different epipoles (up to scales), each of which repeats times Define as the span of the l-th order derivatives of Rene Vidal

14 Dimension of Null(F) Lemma 1: Lemma 2: when Lemma 3:
Rene Vidal

15 Projection onto the essential manifold
Characterizing essential manifold F Extend to multiple motions! Projection – minimizing the Frobenious norm: Rene Vidal

16 Multibody essential manifold with common rotations
n-body motion 1-body motion Rene Vidal

17 SVD of When the number of motions is odd When there are two motions
Theorem: The singular values of a skew-symmetric matrix are When there are two motions Theorem: The singular values satisfies Rene Vidal

18 Projection onto the multibody essential manifold
Based on the proposed projection theorem, the projection process is: Linearly estimate F Compute SVD Replace by the “desired” singular values Satisfy the multi-body essential manifold constraint Rene Vidal

19 Compute the “desired” singular values
Using Lagrangian multiplier method to solve the constraint optimization problem Two motions with a common rotation Odd number of motions Rene Vidal

20 Multibody 8-point algorithm
Multibody epipolar constraint Multibody epipolar transfer Multibody epipole Fundamental matrices Given rank condition n linear system F Lifting Embedding Sym(F1,,,F_n) This can be solved using a collection of GPCA’s Rene Vidal

21 Experiments Compare three methods:
GPCA (Vidal and Ma, 2004): specifically designed for the purely translational motions. Multibody epipolar constraint without projection (MEC-noprojection): using the proposed approach without projecting the estimated multibody fundamental matrix F onto the multibody essential manifold. Multibody epipolar constraint with projection (MEC-projection): project the estimated multibody fundamental matrix F onto the multibody essential manifold. Rene Vidal

22 Experimental results on synthesized data
Error in the estimation of translational component of motion (in degree) as a function of noise in the image points (std in pixels) for two pure translational motions (left column); and as a function of rotation angle (in degree) for two independent motions with a common rotation (right column). (a) in translation Rene Vidal

23 Experimental results on synthesized data
Error in the estimation of rotational component of motion (in degree) as a function of noise in the image points (std in pixels) for two pure translational motions (left column); and as a function of rotation angle (in degree) for two independent motions with a common rotation (right column). (b) in rotation Rene Vidal

24 Experimental results on synthesized data
Error in the segmentation (in percentage) as a function of noise in the image points (std in pixels) for two pure translational motions (left column); and as a function of rotation angle (in degree) for two independent motions with a common rotation (right column). (c) in segmentation Rene Vidal

25 Experimental results on real images
Experiment setup: The original sequence contains three independent motions, the first two of which are translational. Point correspondences, Compute the rotational component R of the third motion. Rotate the feature points in the first frame that belong to the first motion, Then undergo a two-body motion with a common rotation. Rene Vidal

26 Experimental results on real images
Percentage of mis-segmentation on a real sequence with two independent motions (with a common rotation) for different pairs of frames. The x-axis indicates the index of frame pairs. Rene Vidal

27 Conclusions Unified algebraic approach to motion segmentation
Fit a polynomial to all image data Differentiate the polynomial to obtain motion parameters Applies to most motion models in vision Two views 2-D: translational, similarity, affine 3-D: translational, fundamental matrices, homographies Three views Multibody trifocal tensor Multiple views Affine cameras Two perspective views Rank of multibody fundamental matrices Geometry of multibody fundamental matrices Rene Vidal

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