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Support Learning for Students with Disabilities

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1 Support Learning for Students with Disabilities

2 What is Disability? Permanent loss of function – either physical, intellectual neurological or sensory Factors Environmental – nutrition, cultural motor vehicle Genetic – chromosomal, heredity Physical – prematurity, ageing, toxicity ageing Present at birth, acquired at birth, acquired at any other time Brainstorm – definition of disability

3 Disability/Special Needs
Disability: A way of understanding one or more things about how your child’s body or mind works, which is different to most other people. Your child’s disability might mean that they sometimes need extra help to be well, move around, hear, see, learn, communicate or feel comfortable. Special Needs: One or more differences between your child and most other children, which affects what they need so they can be well, move around, hear, see, learn, communicate or feel comfortable. Special needs can include disability, chronic illness and mental health issues. Brainstorm special/additional needs

4 Some Statistics 13% living in households where there is a carer of someone with a disability/aged (2,557,000) There are 474,000 carers 71% female yrs of age (2013 report)

5 Issues Confronting those with Disability and their Carers
Grief and loss Family and carer issues Retuning to work Routine Parental Relationship Siblings Social Isolation Lack of information about options (language/cultural issues) Lack of information about procedures Inconsistency Information/Education about rights cost

6 Issues Confronting those with Disability and their Carers
Unsatisfactory co-ordination between services Insufficient funding Disability unrecognised or undiagnosed Lack of trained support staff Lack of equipment, technological aids and other devices Access to buildings Discrimination Social isolation, teasing, or harassment

7 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
On 13 December 2006 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol was adopted and opened for signature on 30 March There were 82 signatories to the convention on that day, including Australia

8 Rights of People with Disabilities
The right to respect and dignity The same fundamental rights as the rest of the society The right to reach their individual potential The right to make their own decisions The right to services specific to their disability The right to complain about the services or lack there of

9 Legislation Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Disability Standards for Education 2005 Modifying educational premise Modifying or providing equipment Changing assessment procedures Changing the course of delivery

10 Inclusive Education

11 Equity Vs Equal Opportunity
Inclusive Practises Equity Vs Equal Opportunity Equity – participation and achievement to an equal level Equal Opportunity – every one having an equal start

12 Inclusive Practices There is a holistic view of child development
Educators should develop a sense of community Collaboration Heterogenous grouping Range of individual support and services Engagement and active learning Reflective teaching Multiple ways of teaching

13 Inclusive Practices Personal Beliefs
All people have the right to freedom, justice and equity All people have access to an decent standard of housing, health care, education and safety EVERYONE should be seen & valued as a whole person All humans are created equally Free speech Everyone has the right to feel safe and accepted Brainstorm personal beliefs re people with disability

14 Inclusive Practices Everyone should be accepted for who they are
Everyone’s difference should be celebrated People with disabilities should be treated with same dignity and respect as any other person Everyone has the ability to make a contribution to society Everyone has the right to have their needs addressed adequately and appropriately

15 Inclusive Practices Use appropriate language
AVOID USING TERMS SUCH AS: abnormal, defective, defected, invalid Invalid, Afflicted with, stricken with, victim of, suffers from Deaf and dumb, deaf mute, deaf mute, blind as a bat, cripple Describing someone as an epileptic, arthritic, Down’s

16 Inclusive Practices Avoid using insulting language
Pidgeon holing people (sterio-typing) Use the correct terminology

17 Child First Principle ALWAYS Refer to the Child First and the disability second by: Act a positive role model Value every student as a valuable member of the school community Support the privacy of every student Support the right of every student to have their physical needs met. Model and support the use of augmentative communication and technology Support student learning in regular classrooms Support children to build friendships Support students to have a voice in school matters

18 Marginalised Students
Those students that have additional needs e.g. Child at risk of abuse and neglect Children exposed to domestic violence Children who experience serious illness or death in the family Children who experience racism and prejudice Children who experience homelessness Children who live in poverty Children who experience divorce Children who are living with someone who has a substance abuse problem Children who speak languages other than English Young people who identify as homosexual

19 Identifying Students with Additional Needs
Student may have a disability that has been identified from birth or soon after Student acquires a disability as a result of illness or accident Parents express concern and seek support from the school and other professionals The teacher identifies concerns after a period of close observation

20 Benefits of Inclusive Education
Students with disabilities should be removed from mainstream classrooms because they are putting a strain on teachers and schools. Discuss

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