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Mutation source of all new alleles and genes

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1 Mutation source of all new alleles and genes no mutation is a condition of HWE importance for changing allele frequencies importance relative to selection in shaping population genetic variation

2 single locus, neutral alleles
A A* once: pr(loss) = 1; pr(loss) = 1 – 2s recurrent: A A* (typically, m = 10-4 – 10-8) if f(A*) = q, pt = (1 – m)tp0 where p0 is initial f(A) how long until pt = p0 ?? if m = 10-5, t = 70,000 generations m 1 2

3 single locus, neutral alleles recurrent, reversible: A A*
if f(A*) = q, q = and p = m n m + n v

4 recurrent, deleterious mutations AA AA* A*A* A A* and wij 1 1 1-s
f(A*) will via mutation and via selection m -sq2(1-q) 1-sq2 Dqmut= m(1-q) Dqsel= sq2 1-sq2 m = m /(1+ m)  m v m s q =

5 recurrent mutation can change allele
recurrent mutation can change allele frequencies in a population, but only very slowly mutation is a weak force relative to selection, gene flow or genetic drift simultaneous forward and backward mutation produces equilibrium allele frequencies recurrent mutation can maintain a deleterious allele at low frequency

6 Measuring Selection in Natural Populations
Methods based on assumption of equilibrium Deviations from expected genotype frequencies Changes in allele frequencies Within generation fitness comparisons Responses of populations to perturbations Functional studies

7 Mutation – Selection Equilibrium
v m s q = Suppose we know allele frequency and mutation rate and can assume equilibrium. Then we can estimate selection. e.g. q = 0.01, m = 10-5 s = m /q2 s = 0.1

8 Equilibrium frequency and heterozygote advantage
We make the observation that the frequency of the sickle-cell anemia in Yemen is 1.4%. Sickling allele confers some resistance to malaria, but we will assume that homozygotes die. What can we say about the cost of malaria in this region? AA SA SS 1-t s Susceptible to malaria Resistant to Malaria Anaemic v q = t/(t+s) = t/(t+1) q2 = .014, q = 0.12 t = 0.14

9 Deviations from H-W equilibrium Sickle-cell in Yemen again
Genotype Observed Expected Ratio (O/E) Relative Fitness SS 29 187.4 .155 0.155/1.12 = 0.14 = 1-s SA 2993 2672.4 1.12 1.0 AA 9365 9527.2 .983 0.88= 1-t total 12,387

10 Using changes in allele frequencies to estimate
selection. Remember what happens when there is selection against a recessive deleterious trait. p’ = p/(1-sq2). p’- p’sq2 = p, or p’ - p = p’sq2 . This will simplify to: s = Dp/p’q2 We look at the increase in frequency of the dominant allele

11 Estimating the strength of
selection from allele frequency changes in the Peppered Moth, Biston betularia

12 Intro bio version: melanic moths increased because
industrial air pollution caused the typical form to be more conspicuous to bird predators -- improvements in air quality have caused the melanic form to decline but: this species does not rest on tree trunks, so most experiments were artificial -- the melanic form has higher survival in conditions where predators are absent -- melanism affects features other than crypsis phenotypic evolution has occurred in the Peppered Moth, but the causes of that evolution are uncertain

13 Consistent change in allele frequencies 10-5 0.8
allele frequency year “C” c Consistent change in allele frequencies in ~50 generations {p’ = p/(1-sq2)} s if change due solely to selection

14 Warfarin resistance in Rattus novegicus
1953 first use in U.K. 1958 first resistance but, resistance did not fix in populations what maintains the polymorphism??

15 disrupts vitamin K dependent clotting factors,
how warfarin works: anticoagulant disrupts vitamin K dependent clotting factors, leading to hemorrhage and death resistance alteration of vitamin K oxide reductase less sensitive to blockage by warfarin less effective in normal activities (Vit.K req.) Phenotype Rw1Rw1 Rw1Rw2 Rw2Rw2 resistance susceptible resistant resistant Vitamin K (mg/100g/day)

16 Warfarin disrupts activation +/or production of one or
more of the vitamin K dependent clotting factors

17 disrupts vitamin K dependent clotting factors,
how warfarin works: anticoagulant disrupts vitamin K dependent clotting factors, leading to hemorrhage and death resistance alteration of vitamin K oxide reductase less sensitive to blockage by warfarin less effective in normal activities (Vit.K req.) Phenotype Rw1Rw1 Rw1Rw2 Rw2Rw2 resistance susceptible resistant resistant Vitamin K (Wales) (mg/100g/day) (Germany)

18 warfarin hedgerow

19 s = .2/(.23X.95) ~ .91 Fitness of Rw1Rw1 =.09
warfarin hedgerow Proportion resistant before application about 0.05. Within short time phenotypic resistance rises to about 40% What is p? ~0.025 is freq of Rw2 What is p’? If 40% are resistant, Rw1Rw2 or Rw2Rw2 , or, p2 + 2pq = 0.4 p’ ~ .23 What is Dp? ~0.2 What is q2 ~0.95 s = .2/(.23X.95) ~ Fitness of Rw1Rw1 =.09

20 on survival? (the resistance allele)
What is the effect of Rw2 on survival? (the resistance allele) Rw1Rw2 x Rw1Rw Rw1Rw2 x Rw1Rw1 Litter Size: 1:2: :1 Rw2Rw2 pups are more likely to die before weaning

21 wij Rw1Rw1 Rw1Rw2 Rw2Rw2 warfarin ~ no warfarin (two populations)

22 Within generation comparisons of fitness:
tail length and mating success in widowbirds Euplectes progne nests in savannah, multiple females on one male’s territory males have a 50 cm long tail, used in displays to females does tail length affect mating success??

23 two treatments: experimentally lengthened experimentally shortened two controls: cut and re-attach capture but not cut new nests each male is his own control males have significantly more new nests

24 Selection in widowbirds, con’t
shortened control lengthened initial # nests wij # new nests wij adj. wij

25 disturbed popns sexual selection viability undisturbed popns

26 Kingsolver et al. 2001 Am. Nat. 157:245 Median = 0.16

27 measuring selection in natural populations
calculations based on equilibrium expectations deviations from expected genotype frequencies temporal patterns allele frequency change in B. betularia, warfarin resistance within generation fitness comparisons tail manipulations in widowbirds responses of populations to perturbations AZT resistance, G. fortis, warfarin resistance functional studies enzyme kinetics of PGI in Colias

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