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E-mail Etiquette Netiquette.

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Presentation on theme: "E-mail Etiquette Netiquette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Etiquette Netiquette

2 Importance We interact more with the written word
It’s easy to be misunderstood is a formal correspondence

3 E-mail Address Evaluate the integrity of the address
Select an address that clearly identifies you Avoid using vulgar or casual addresses Address says something about you Avoid being mistaken for spam Address

4 Subject Line Never leave the subject blank
Provide a short phrase to give the receiver a general sense of the content

5 Salutation Salutation Always begin with a proper greeting
Use one of the following: Dear Mrs. Smith: Mrs. Smith: Hello, Mrs. Smith: Use a colon after the greeting for a formal Salutation

6 Body of the E-mail Identify yourself
Keep questions and information to the point Use bullet points or numbering Ask for a meeting

7 Closing Statement
Keep it simple End with a closing statement Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Madison Jones

8 Responding Respond in the same time frame you would with a phone call
Be cautious of Reply to All and Forward options Be aware of your recipient Don’t expect an immediate response

9 Tips Add your attachments BEFORE sending
Use spell check Don’t use IM language or slang Choose your font wisely Avoid using all UPPERCASE letters Add your attachments BEFORE sending Tips

10 Caution Remember that e-mails are permanent
Make sure what you send is appropriate Do not copy and paste an entire document into the body (send an attachment) Read s aloud before sending Never when angry

11 Email Assignment Directions
To complete the assignment for this PowerPoint, you will have to open the link below. Then, follow the rubric on the last slide.

12 Email Assignment Rubric
Required Item Points contains a greeting and closing with student signature 1 – greeting 1 – closing 1 – signed with student name Subject line includes assignment name 2 – subject line includes assignment Body of tells reader to open attachment to see their assignment 3 – body informs reader that assignment is attached Attachment 2 – assignment attached to Assignment summarizes three most important points from article 5 – assignment appropriately summarized Student sends a reply that acknowledges grade. includes: Greeting Message Closing Signature 1 – message 1 – signature

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