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Emittance growth AT PS injection

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1 Emittance growth AT PS injection
W. Bartmann LIU beam parameter meeting, 22nd July, 2016

2 Emittance growth at PS injection
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Overview 1 Aim: fully deploy LHC potential of L4 beams at 2 GeV PS injection So far damper not taken into account Try to understand if damper HW can handle injection errors in terms of peak oscillation and frequency spectrum – damper bandwidth also important during cycle Error catalogue – Wolfgang, Vincenzo Which errors Injection oscillation amplitude Frequency of systematic errors Mitigations Damper (and what is impacting the damper spec from instability side) – Guido Specifications of magnets/converters - Wolfgang

3 Emittance growth at PS injection
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Overview 2 What info is missing PS closed orbit stability Errors from bumpers Chromaticity dependence, resistive wall studies (more for HI beams) – Guido, Alex Study effect of damper theoretically - Wolfgang Saturation at 2 GeV Which margin for unknowns like ½ h timescale drifts? Measurements to be done Chromaticity studies with single bunch high intensity, go up to transition, with/out damper (Guido) Brightness curve at PS (Guido) Amplitude dependent detuning (Wolfgang) Damping time (Wolfgang) KFA45 field measurements, ideally with improved instrumentation (Vincenzo)

4 Error sources for delivery precision
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Error sources for delivery precision Correctable errors Magnet misalignment Magnet systematic (different laminations, steel,…) and random errors (different transfer function within a series) Long term drifts due to temperature, humidity,… All these errors lead to trajectory variations that can be corrected Since the transfer function is considered correctable  ΔI/I = ΔB/B Uncorrectable (dynamic) errors Random errors: Shot-to-shot stability, in particular in view of ppm operation between 1.4 and 2.0 GeV Systematic errors: Power converter ripple, kicker waveforms

5 Stability calculation
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Stability calculation Assign correctable errors and verify correction feasibility Only limited by BPM readings and correction strategy  checked in Oct-13, OK Assume machine free of correctable errors and assign separately dynamic errors to identify the main contributors to delivery imprecision Calculate delivery precision of position and angle at PS injection Check aperture in the lines (losses, radiation) Check foreseen margins for CO and betabeat in GFR Calculate emittance growth from steering error Calculate unavoidable emittance growth from optics and dispersion mismatch Sum all error sources into overall emittance growth and potential particle loss for LHC and HI beams R

6 Emittance growth at PS injection
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Error source Tolerance ΔI/I x rms (mm) px rms (μrad) Rx2/ε0 [1e-3] y rms (mm) py rms (μrad) Ry2/ε0 Random effects PSB orbit ± 0.15/0.10 mm (h/v) 0.04 4 0.4 2 0.2 BVT10 1e-4 0.08 1 0.3 SMV10 0.13 QNO10 5e-4 0.11 QNO20 0.03 0.06 KFA10 3e-4 0.02 SMV20 0.01 KFA20 BVT20 0.05 3 BT.BHZ10 0.07 All random effects 17 5.1 0.21 6 4.0 Systematic effects 5e-3 0.39 15 0.22 8 5 Sensitivity table

7 Trajectories for all dynamic errors applied
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Trajectories for all dynamic errors applied Contributions for trajectory variation in aperture OK Betabeating from uncorrectable quadrupole errors is in the regime of a few percent (20% assumed in the aperture calculation) and therefore negligible compared to the systematic optics differences between the four lines

8 Distribution of trajectories for all dynamic errors applied
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Distribution of trajectories for all dynamic errors applied

9 Present situation (LHC)
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Emittance growth From steering error at PS injection due to power converter ripple and kicker waveforms Rx2/ε0 (random errors ) gives and 0.004 Rx2/ε0 (systematic offset) gives 0 and (extraction kicker waveform not included) From optics mismatch between different lines Energy error, geometrical mismatch and coupling negligible All error sources considered independent Error Emittance growth [%] Present situation (LHC) LHC beam HI beam Hor Vert Steering error 0.25 1.45 0.05 0.48 Betatron mismatch 4.55 6.81 2.31 0.02 2.0 Dispersion mismatch 4.40 8.77 0.09 5.36 0.03 5.25 Total 6.33 11.20 2.53 5.45 2.00 5.27

10 Distinguish field quality for beam type
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Distinguish field quality for beam type BT.BHZ10 Field homogeneity of 1e-4 rms  max value of ±2e-4 Possible approach: use this requirement only for LHC beam size (±19/21 mm instead of ±51.5/51.5 mm)  optimize for emittance Accept higher field inhomogeneities for HI beams as long as they fit into the acceptance  optimise for losses

11 HI beams - particle loss
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection HI beams - particle loss Assuming ∫ΔB/B for the large GFR BT.BHZ10: 5e-4 rms (max at ±1e-3) BT.BVT10/20: 5e-4 rms (max at ±1e-3) Together with other recombination error sources leads to steering error of 0.4 (hor) and 1.6 mm (vert)  comparable to the assumed orbit tolerance of 1.5 mm in the ring

12 HI beams - particle loss
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection HI beams - particle loss Aperture bottleneck at PS injection when bump is fully on: 33 mm radial aperture Subtract 2 mm for alignment errors 3 mm for the orbit already included in beam size Fit 3.3 sigma horizontally of HI beam at 1.4 GeV New septum will have increased vertical aperture (4.1 sig) Beam size changes by 0.8% due to optics mismatch after filamentation has taken place Bump is collapsed within 500 turns

13 Taking longitudinal distribution into account for kickers
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Taking longitudinal distribution into account for kickers Can distinguish importance of rise/fall/flattop/postpulse Measured emittance growth is 40% smaller than theoretically expected

14 Emittance growth at PS injection
22/07/2016 Emittance growth at PS injection Conclusions Comparison of different sources of emittance growth show: Difference in optics between the four lines is the main cause of emittance growth, in particular the dispersion mismatch Emittance growth from steering errors due to power converter ripple is a minor contributor and can in principle be damped Assuming similar systematic contributions from PSB extraction and PS injection kicker in the horizontal plane as for the recombination kickers gives as maximum expected oscillations to be damped: +/- 1.5 mm in both planes (for LHC beams) Error from injection bump and PS closed orbit not yet estimated Different requirements for LHC and HI beams Relaxed field homogeneity for HI beams leads to increased trajectory variations at PS injection (0.4 mm hor, 1.6 mm vert) Bottleneck during injection when bump is fully on in horizontal plane Fit 3.3 sigma at 1.4 GeV Folding bunch distribution with kicker waveforms allows to get weighted effect of ripple Measure 40% less than expected

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