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Claire Murray Tuesday 26th September 2017

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1 Claire Murray Tuesday 26th September 2017
NQT Mentor Briefing Claire Murray Tuesday 26th September 2017

2 NQT Contacts NQT address
Claire Murray (RBWM NQT Consultant) – Elaine Norstrom (Administration Officer) Karen Piper (Finance Officer) Clive Haines (Schools Leadership Development Manager) Contacts A lot of communication on FC Dianne for all Booking – please do check you are booked on –someone at school should do that for you! i

3 All information can be found at:

4 Aims of Briefing Session
Explore the roles of the induction tutor Requirements for NQT year Become familiar with the teaching standards Identify support and training offered by RBWM Ask delegates to reflect what they want from the session. Write down – post it note? Stick post its onto flip chart. Line up activity?

5 A NQT mentor is… A respected colleague skilled in facilitating and brokering supportive, yet challenging development Selected on the basis of appropriate knowledge of the needs and working context of the NQT Knowledgeable about the culture and day-to day running of the school. Two elements of the role: Formative -developmental Assessment role

6 Appointment of an induction tutor
2.35 The headteacher/principal must identify a person to act as the NQT’s induction tutor, to provide day-to-day monitoring and support, and coordination of assessment. The induction tutor must hold QTS and have the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully in this role and should be able to provide effective coaching and mentoring. This is a very important element of the induction process and the induction tutor must be given sufficient time to carry out the role effectively and to meet the needs of the NQT. The induction tutor will need to be able to make rigorous and fair judgements about the NQT’s progress in relation to the relevant standards. They will need to be able to recognise when early action is needed in the case of an NQT who is experiencing difficulties. It may, in some circumstances, be appropriate for the headteacher to be the induction tutor. Statutory guidance on Induction for newly qualified teachers (England) 2016

7 81. As well as meeting pupils, inspectors should usually conduct meetings with:
parents (these may be informal at the start and end of the day) staff (including conducting a specific meeting with NQTs and trainees to discuss, for example, the effectiveness of induction and mentoring arrangements) other stakeholders. School inspection handbook from September 2015

8 Recruitment difficulties Guardian March 2015
Welcome over 60 NQTs Recruitment difficulties Guardian March 2015 - 4/10 leave with in a year - 76% consider leaving in first year Guardian July 2017 Almost a quarter of teachers have left profession since 2011 31% have left within 5 years

9 Great Profession Research shows teachers:
-Laugh out loud on average every 9 minutes -Smile every 3 minutes and - enjoy two way banter with pupils every 7 minutes! -Been identified as the least bored profession

10 What makes an outstanding mentor?
Skills and attributes How realistic is this?

11 The Role of the Mentor Provide guidance and support including coaching for the NQT’s professional development Ensure teaching is observed at least 6 times a year, feedback provided Undertake 3 formal assessment meetings and regular progress reviews Inform NQT during the assessment meeting the judgements to be recorded and invite NQTs to add their comments Ensure NQTs are aware of how, within and outside the institution, they can raise any concerns Take prompt, appropriate action if an NQT appears to be having difficulties Ensure NQT receives 10% PPA and 10% NQT time

12 Requirements of NQT Year
An induction tutor Not make unreasonable demands on NQT Not normally teaching outside class or age range employed to teach in. Not present the NQT, on a day to day basis, with discipline problems that are unreasonably demanding for the setting. 10% PPA and 10% NQT time 3 Assessment points December, March and July 3 Assessment points December, March, July Non Contact time. Plan use of non contact time. Should be used to support induction: Meeting your induction tutor. Talking with Teaching Assistants or other teachers Meeting SENCO Observing colleagues teach Collecting evidence for your Career Entry Development Profile All colleagues now have Planning, Preparation and Assessment time. (PPA) You have an additional 10% Observations expect one in first 4 weeks – perhaps sooner!

13 The First Half Term Meet NQT in first week. Review their strengths and areas for development from ITT (CEDP) Provide key whole school policies, for example child protection, management of behaviour, health and safety, marking and feedback policies (See checklist) Ensure 10% PPA and NQT time is set up Set up individualised induction programme

14 Individual Induction Programme (see tracker)
Formal lesson observations - first before half term - at least 6 observations Agree dates and which lessons to be observed - by mentor or another suitable person - time for follow up discussions and regular review of progress - targets set against Teaching Standards

15 The Standards They have already proved that they have the qualities to be a caring, professional and committed teacher Need to consolidate in NQT year Consolidation of ITT 8 standards Build on QTS

16 Induction Programme Continued
Time for NQT to observe - other teachers in own setting in another setting where effective practice is identified -video lessons - ‘parrot on the shoulder’ - time to discuss findings At least 3 formal review meetings and complete 3 formal assessments with NQTs

17 Assessment Dates These are to be sent electronically only
- with signatures scanned in or from Headteachers mailbox Send to First assessment - 1st December 2017 Second assessment - 16th March 2018 Final assessment - 6th July 2018

18 Writing Assessment Reports (See proforma)
Reports should show progress against specific standards Brief details about progress including: - strengths - areas for further development even if progress is satisfactory - evidence - targets for the term - planned support

19 Assessments Reports must be shared with NQTs
There is to be no surprises Standards may not be met in first and second assessment but you would need to have clear action plan in place to show how to help NQT meet the standards Inform ‘appropriate body’ about any concerns If do not pass final assessment cannot teach

20 Requirements of NQT year
There is no set time for starting or completing an induction period NQTs can serve induction on a part time basis (See part time sheet) No more than 30 days absence Fast tracking Only one chance

21 Overseas and Irish NQTs
Applications for Qualified Teacher Status for Nationals of European Economic Area Member States Applications for QTS: teachers qualified in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America Applications for QTS for teachers qualified in Northern Ireland

22 Collecting & use of evidence
In most cases it will not be necessary to collect large amounts of supporting evidence for the 8 Standards More helpful to select specific pieces of evidence that arise from day to day work & planning Evidence to support termly assessments (see evidence proforma and tracker)

23 Collecting & use of evidence
Records of observations and professional review meetings Self assessment by the NQT Analysis of pupils’ work & assessment records – both formal & informal Samples of planning & lesson evaluations Liaison with colleagues, parents Examples of standards that need more consolidation

24 NQT Certificates The NCTL no longer issue printed certificates
NQTs are required to access the NCTL system in order to save or print a PDF version of their certificate The process is documented in the handout It is important that NQTs supply the correct address to the NCTL and notify the NCTL if they change their address

25 Training Training Programme Primary Funding
RBWM training follow on from School Direct Elaine Norstrom - - NQT Conference Primary and Secondary Monday 26th February 2018

26 4 Steps to becoming an Outstanding Teacher David Weston - Chief Executive of Teacher Development Trust Chair of Teachers’ Professional Development Expert Group Get the behaviour right Become friends with the data Question everything, make time to read Group work

27 Questions???

28 Work life balance

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