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CE notes NC Taxation and Services

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1 CE notes 73-74 NC Taxation and Services
MSL Practice

2 Week 10: Do Now MONDAY Who decides how land will be used in the county? Which type of mayor can appoint department heads without approval of the city council? In a _______________ system the town has a town council which appoints a town _____________. TUESDAY __________________ is the power of the court to declare acts of the other 2 branches unconstitutional. Which type of cases, when appealed from the superior court go directly to the NC Supreme Court? What is the lowest level of the NC court system? Friday: Which NC Supreme Court Case declared that slaves were considered property? Which NC Supreme court cases declared all schools must provide a sound & basic education? What part of the NC Constitution says that schools must provide a “sound and basic education?”

3 CE Notes 73-74 3.08, 3.09 NC Revenue & Services

4 RAP 73 What is revenue? What types of revenue does the US government collect? What does the US government spend the most money on?

5 Notes 73 State Revenue: Personal Income Tax (51%): largest source of state revenue. General Sales Tax (28%): 2nd largest source of revenue. 4.5% of sale (not on food)

6 Notes 73 NC Department of Revenue is responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing tax laws in the state.

7 County Revenue: Property Tax (38%): largest source of county tax on land and home. Property Tax Assessments: calculates the value of a property. Higher property value=higher taxes Intergovernmental Funds (24%): FED GOV $$ for Medicaid & Public Schools Sales Tax (11%): 2% of sale.

8 Notes 73 Other sources of revenue
Municipal Bonds: citizens vote yes or no on bondcounty or school district issues a bondget CASH from investors for projecttaxpayers pay it back over time. How is this different from taxes? User fees: fee you pay for public service (ex: parking meter)

9 Brainstorm: What does government have to spend money on
Brainstorm: What does government have to spend money on? Write in the government services box on your paper

10 Where do you think the $$ goes?
Each person standing represents 10% of the NC budget. Estimate how much NC spends on each part by going to that side of the room. We will see which team gets the closest, you will only have 1 min to make your decision.

11 State of NC Budget: $19 Billion
Education: 58% (6 people) Health and Human Services: 25% (2-3 people) Justice and Public Safety: 10% (1 person) Other: 7%

12 County Budget Education: 29% (3 people)
Health & Human Services: 28% (3 people) Public Safety: 13% (1-2 people) Other: 13% (1-2 people) What is different about the budgets? What is similar?

13 Notes 74 State Spending: Education: 56% - Community colleges, public education, university system Health and Human Services: 24% - Social Services, Medicaid Justice and Public Safety: 10% - Corrections, Crime Control & Public Safety, Juveniles County Spending: Education: 29% - Public education (K-12) Human Services: 28% - Medicaid, foster care, hospitals, social services, housing Public Safety: 13% - Sheriff’s office, EMS, Fire Other: 13% - Parks and recreation, solid waste, libraries

14 PIT 74 State County Revenue Spending

15 MSL Practice The main issue in State v. Mann is best summarized by which question? Is racial segregation prohibited in schools? Must the state provide all its citizens with a sound education? Can slaveholders legally assault their slaves? Can slaves be imported into the state?

16 Where do you think the $$ goes?
Each person standing represents 10% of the NC budget. Estimate how much NC spends on each part by going to that side of the room. We will see which team gets the closest, you will only have 1 min to make your decision.

17 State of NC Budget: $19 Billion
Education: 58% (6 people) Health and Human Services: 25% (2-3 people) Justice and Public Safety: 10% (1 person) Other: 7%

18 County Budget Education: 29% (3 people)
Health & Human Services: 28% (3 people) Public Safety: 13% (1-2 people) Other: 13% (1-2 people) What is different about the budgets? What is similar?

19 MSL Practice Which subsequent change in federal law would likely have changed the decision in State v. Mann? 14th Amendment Brown v. Board of Education Dred Scott v. Sanford Social Security Act

20 MSL Practice Who filed the lawsuit that started Leandro?
The State of North Carolina A Superior Court Judge The US Attorney General The parents of students

21 MSL Practice 4. What was the impact of the Leandro case on North Carolina schools? A decline in the dropout rate An increase in the use of standardized tests to hold schools accountable A decrease in the use of standardized tests The closing of bad schools in poor counties

22 Where do you think the $$ goes?
Each person standing represents 10% of the NC budget. Estimate how much NC spends on each part by going to that side of the room. We will see which team gets the closest, you will only have 1 min to make your decision.

23 State of NC Budget: $19 Billion
Education: 58% (6 people) Health and Human Services: 25% (2-3 people) Justice and Public Safety: 10% (1 person) Other: 7%

24 County Budget Education: 29% (3 people)
Health & Human Services: 28% (3 people) Public Safety: 13% (1-2 people) Other: 13% (1-2 people) What is different about the budgets? What is similar?

25 MSL Practice 5. What does the state use to set up a local government?
Constitution Charter Bill of Rights Amendments

26 MSL Practice 6. Which of the following best describes the process for Amending the NC Constitution? 3/5 of the general assembly propose and 2/3 of Congress ratifies 2/3 of the general assembly propose and ¾ of the NC people ratify 3/5 of the general assembly propose and majority of NC people ratify The governor proposes and the general assembly ratifies.

27 MSL Practice 7. A referendum would most likely be used to accomplish which of the following goals? To pass bonds to pay for new schools To recall a public official To get voters opinions on a proposal To revise a charter

28 MSL Practice 8. How are tax rates set for the county?
The General Assembly decides for the county Rates are set by the clerk of court and county manager County commissioners have the authority to set rates Rates are set by a local magistrate and subject to the governor’s veto

29 MSL Practice 9. Who is responsible for law enforcement in the county?
Police FBI magistrate sheriff

30 MSL Practice 10. The idea that the power of government resides with the people is the basis of which principle of government? Separation of powers flexibility Popular sovereignty federalism

31 MSL Practice 11. How can the general assembly check the power of the governor following a veto? Override with a 3/5 vote Override with a 2/3 vote Veto the governor Sue the governor

32 MSL Practice 12. What is the difference between the NC governor’s veto power and the President’s veto power? The NC governor does not have a veto power The NC general assembly does not have an override power but the US Congress does The NC governor has to reject the whole law but the President can veto parts of the law. The NC governor can veto parts of a law but the President has to reject the whole law.

33 MSL Practice 13. Which of the following describes a municipal bond?
Bonds do not have to be paid back Bonds are voted on by the voters and must be paid back through taxes Bonds take a long time to raise money for projects Bonds are only used in an emergency situation 1st Period here 11/20/09

34 Where do you think the $$ goes?
Each person standing represents 10% of the NC budget. Estimate how much NC spends on each part by going to that side of the room. We will see which team gets the closest, you will only have 1 min to make your decision.

35 State of NC Budget: $19 Billion
Education: 58% (6 people) Health and Human Services: 25% (2-3 people) Justice and Public Safety: 10% (1 person) Other: 7%

36 County Budget Education: 29% (3 people)
Health & Human Services: 28% (3 people) Public Safety: 13% (1-2 people) Other: 13% (1-2 people) What is different about the budgets? What is similar?

37 MSL Practice 14. A convicted murderer in NC was given the death penalty in superior court and has decided to appeal his case. Which level of the NC court system will he go to for his appeal? Superior Court US Supreme Court NC Supreme Court Court of Appeals

38 MSL Practice 15. Which of the following represents the largest portion of the county budget? education defense Public safety Health and human services

39 FRIDAY REVIEW What was the first example of a bicameral legislature in the colonies? What document did the Anti-Federalists want to add to the Constitution? What event made the colonists realize they needed a better government than the Articles of Confederation? What were the strengths of the Articles? How were slaves counted in the Constitution? What is the Constitution Value Meal? What does the 1st Amendment Protect? What does the 10th Amendment Say? What is the 8th Amendment say? Which branch nominates/appoints federal officials? Which branch has to confirm those federal officials? Which branch has the power to impeach federal officials? Which branch can review the acts of the 2 other branches and decide whether they are constitutional or unconstitutional?

40 FRIDAY REVIEW Which branch can negotiate treaties?
Which 4 US Supreme Court cases concerned segregation? Which case determined flag burning was protected by 1st Amendment freedom of speech? Which 3 cases restricted the rights of students in schools? Which case expanded the power of the federal government during wartime? Which department runs all entitlement programs? Which department is in charge of “providing for the the common defense?” Where does the majority of America’s revenue come from? What is the tax on luxury items or extras called? Which department was created after 9/ ? What are 3 examples of civic responsibility? What is apathy? Who are the baby boomers?

41 Justice and Public Safety

42 Health and Human Services

43 Education

44 Other

45 Where do you think the $$ goes?
Each person standing represents 10% of the NC budget. Estimate how much NC spends on each part by going to that side of the room. We will see which team gets the closest, you will only have 1 min to make your decision.

46 State of NC Budget: $19 Billion
Education: 58% (6 people) Health and Human Services: 25% (2-3 people) Justice and Public Safety: 10% (1 person) Other: 7%

47 County Budget Education: 29% (3 people)
Health & Human Services: 28% (3 people) Public Safety: 13% (1-2 people) Other: 13% (1-2 people) What is different about the budgets? What is similar?

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