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If a Business Does not have customers, it is not a Business

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Presentation on theme: "If a Business Does not have customers, it is not a Business"— Presentation transcript:

1 If a Business Does not have customers, it is not a Business
Marketing Review If a Business Does not have customers, it is not a Business

2 Bad Management - Repercussions
Lack of customers leads to lack of profit, reduced cash flow and often closure – lack of marketing is almost always an indicator of Bad management. Bad Management is invasive and destructive on every part of the business and often leads to a detrimental effect on not just the business owner but all stakeholders The effect of bad management apart from the obvious bankruptcy is of loss of money for suppliers, employees and even customers as well as increased hassle, time and energy dealing with bad managers at best the business will never achieve any of its potentials Stake holders include staff, us, customers, suppliers, investors, family etc etc Bad Management - Repercussions

3 Bad Management - Repercussions
Translated to our target market, marketing is a posh word for getting customers and selling to them Sadly bad management (whether intended or not ) does tend to go hand in hand with dishonesty & evasion tactics Bad Management - Repercussions

4 Lack of marketing procedures is usually down to: Lack of Time Lack of Faith Lack of Money Lack of Know How Lackings

5 Accounts Direct Code of Honour
Although we are primarily accountants – we do believe that we have a moral responsibility to help clients improve and run their businesses well But we have a struggle to help our clients in this area in a way that overcome the problems in their Lacking's Accounts Direct Code of Honour

6 We have set up some tremendous resources to help the client to market their business, many at very low cost or no cost – which most clients do not even know about The problem is to see what the client is lacking and to uncover their mind set We already send out training and motivation videos to educate the importance of marketing over time Marketing

7 It would be useful if you would perform a Marketing Review to find out what the clients lacking's are and what their mind- set is towards marketing We can then decide a course of action for the client, either now or at some point in the future Marketing Review

8 Reviews will be triggered mainly by underperformance of the business or if the client specifically touches on growing our business You can also trigger a review if you think it is needed Marketing Review

9 The review is in essence a Fact Find As with most reviews with clients, the idea is for you to obtain as much RELEVENT information as possible, so that one of the CRM can analyse the situation deeper and either advise you of what to do next or handle it themselves – This includes recommending the product solutions Marketing Review

10 To introduce the review, simply explain that every so often we like to conduct a general marketing review with our clients It’s a good thing because it also means that we can improve our services to you so that you get what you need Many of our facilities are free to our clients and the review will help us all to decide what areas would be of most use Marketing Review

11 Update sales force with the information and mark the marketing review complete on the Account Page

12 Remember when approaching clients with this subject that it can be quite a sensitive area and clients may not wish to discuss the issue with someone they don’t know At this point simply transfer to Tony or advise the client that you will get Tony to Call if thee prefer – then update and assign the Task Hi John, its Bill from the accountants, Tony asked me to give you a quick call because the accountants noticed some potential issues with your accounts and he wanted be to clarify the situation before he calls you Is that Ok? Review Approach

13 Some Marketing Products: Acquiring Databases Database Management Bulk Portal Campaign Planning & Management BVTV Package Videos & Adverts Air Time News paper promotions Small business on line pack inc wb sites Marketing Plan & Management Marketing Products

14 Depending on answers on the review a different product or group of products will be presented
Although we term debt, cashflow and genral money issues – issues can also be non monetary The goal of the review is to find out and assess the problem Marketing Products

15 After the Review & Fact Find
After you have completed the review, the results will be analysed and suggestions for schemes or ideas to remedy the issue You will receive a task with instructions of what to discuss with the client, or a request for more information, or notification that because of potential complexity of the situation, a more experienced person will be dealing with the case After the Review & Fact Find

16 Marketing Marketing Solutions are often about: Keeping in Touch
Putting things in perspective Creating good Marketing Routines Have good feedback & data analysis Reacting to feedback & response Marketing

17 We have had significant success in helping clients to improve & develop their business simply by ensuring proper appraisal & management takes place We generally charge fixed fee depending on what service we have performed or introduced We send out various s to promote different products, TV shows, Events and offer general information We also regular keep in touch s (KIT) where we give examples of how we work with different clients Marketing Products

18 If the client asks any specific questions or issues advise the client that you will get someone to call them back – Set up a task, finish the review and update the Account records Marketing Review

19 Set up the Marketing Review Record and complete
There will be one of four responses 1- OK go ahead with Review Now Set up the Marketing Review Record and complete Go into the Account Create a new review from the related records Select Bad Management as the record type and complete as many fields as possible Save when complete Let SE know if there are technical problems or you do not understand the fields Marketing Review

20 2 Reappoint to Another Time
Reappoint and set up a task – share the task with yourself to make sure it is you that calls Go to the Account and under activities create a new task, note the reason for the call and set the date Share the task with yourself and this will ensure that the task is listed on your profile Change the Lead Record Type to Tax Appraisal – Prospect and update the first response field with the relevant event Marketing Review

21 Marketing Review Update the Salesforce
3 – Client is not Interested in discussing Update the Salesforce Change the rating to cold Update the first call response field and the general notes Marketing Review

22 4 – Client is uncontactable Simply note the task accordingly and either close or diarise forward Obviously after a reasonable amount of calling Uncontactable Task

23 The sale process has 4 commissionable levels and is payable when the first instalment is received after sign up. 1 Opportunity gen (accountants) 2 Appraisal 3 Analysis 4 Negotiation & close To ensure you receive these commission make sure that Opportunity records have been set up and completed properly Ensure that sales create the opportunity and that you have been included Where you sign the deal Change ownership of the lead to accounts department, convert the lead, open opportunity – you are the deal maker If still unsure ask someone in sales or your manager to show you Commissions

24 The key goal here is to encourage clients to market their businesses, it is important Many clients will initially take on board only our free facilities, but this in time, especially if it produces results for the client, will encourage more activity and therefore more opportunities all round To ensure you receive these commission make sure that Opportunity records have been set up and completed properly Ensure that sales create the opportunity and that you have been included Where you sign the deal Change ownership of the lead to accounts department, convert the lead, open opportunity – you are the deal maker If still unsure ask someone in sales or your manager to show you Commissions

25 READ More about marketing : Team Zone Business Edge TV Solutions CRM Resource Site The internet
The more you know, the more you will earn Check these sites regularly The CRM Resource Site - TeamZone - Steven Englander Blog Site - Essential Research

26 Please note that crisis & debt management could make an additional and separate business model of which Accounts Direct would consider investing Improve that Business

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