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Annotated bibliography

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1 Annotated bibliography
Welcome! Please log into the computer and sign into your EasyBib account. Annotated bibliography Senior Documentary Research Project

2 I can… Define annotated bibliography
Identify components of an annotated bibliography citation Distinguish between a weak and strong annotated citation Summarize the content of a source Evaluate the authorship of a source Evaluate the content of a source Reflect on the usefulness of a source for my research Compose an annotated citation for a source

3 What? What is an annotated bibliography?

4 What is an annotated bibliography?
Annotation List of sources used for researching a topic. Summary and/or evaluation, critical analysis Annotated Bibliography: A list of sources used for researching a topic that includes a summary and evaluation of each source

5 Annotated Bibliography Criteria/Components

6 Annotated Bibliography Rubric

7 Research Therapy-What is an annotated bibliography?

8 How? How do you write an annotated bibliography? (Review)

9 Evaluate for credibility of author and content
Determine the authority of the author *You may need to go outside of the source (search the author’s name) What are the author’s credentials? Institutional affiliation? Is the author’s work cited in other sources or bibliographies on the topic? Is the information covered without bias? Is the information valid and well-researched? Supported by evidence? Does the author have personal experience related to the topic? What is the author’s purpose? Who is the intended audience of the source? How does the source compare with others? Strengths/weaknesses?

10 Summarize the source Do a close reading of the text to identify main ideas, key points Paraphrase (put into your own words) the key points of the text Use clear and concise language Tips: Pay attention to text features that lead to important information Headings, topic sentences, text boxes, charts/graphs, images, etc.

11 Reflect on usefulness of source to your research topic
What is the connection and usefulness of this source to your research? Does the source… Add to your overall knowledge of the topic? (Provide greater insight or detailed information not covered in other sources?) Support your main points (your claim)? Demonstrate the conditions under which your claim is true? Oppose your main points (counterclaim)?

12 Evaluating annotated bibliographies
Using the rubric, evaluate the two annotated citations with your elbow partner. What were the strengths/weaknesses of each ? Which example is the model?

13 Annotated Bibliography Rubric

14 Looking at a Model

15 Citation: MLA 8 style Annotation: Evaluation of: ~Authorship ~Content Summary Reflection

16 Compose an annotated citation for one of your research sources.
Use the graphic organizer to plan your annotation Use EasyBib to generate the citation (edit citation, add annotation, update citation) Directions are on bottom of graphic organizer Additional time? Peer review annotations with a partner using the rubric Write annotations for additional sources Continue note-taking on sources

17 With what level of confidence can you say I can…
? Identify components of an annotated bibliography citation Distinguish between a weak and strong annotated citation Summarize the content of a source Evaluate the authorship of a source Evaluate the content of a source Reflect on the usefulness of a source for my research Compose an annotated citation for a source

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