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DATA for ACTION Edna Yohei Malaisé

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1 DATA for ACTION Edna Yohei Malaisé

2 Too much data, kills right information
ALERT! this is what I need to know Years ago, in the early stages of Automated Meter Reading, I heard an expression « Data Graveyard », which made me confused and laugh at the same time. Was not true that more data we have, more information we can create? Was not true that more data we have, better will be the accuracy of information? Maybe, but what was not clear or not said, was that, yes, it is better if we have more data, but the ones that are really relevant. The ones that after filtering, treating and analysed, we can take decisions on that. The ones that can lead us to right decisions. That is true that Big Data and Cloud based platforms accelerated the accumulation of billions of data that are retrieved every year from different devices, but the dark side of this concept is that too much information are killing information. It seems very obvious what I am saying, but very few Water Utilities around the World are using all data or information they do receive from their assets in a holistic way so that they can solve real problems. Also, a deep level of expertise in each domain is necessary to create the right algorithms to solve problems in water distribution, read the information and understand them. Presentation Title |

3 Example of innacurate data in metering
Distribution Transmission Mains Storage Reservoir Commercial & Industrial Meter ? Production Plant ? Meter for Billing Water Treatment Plant ? District Meter or Network Meter ? ? Domestic or Residential Meters ? ? ? ? ? Catchment Ok, this is very specific, but being in metering business, this is a classic example I bring up and wonder every time I see it – « how water utilities can reduce Water Losses problems if the basic data is not right?? Correct me if I say something completely absurd, but as far as I know, to calculate the hydraulic balance in a network, we need to know how much water we input in the system and how much water we are delivering to consumers. How can we make it right if the instruments we are using to measure the volume of water are not counting properly?

Accurate, regular and medium frequency data Approximative or estimate data Accurate, regular and higher resolution data … to achieve results To reduce from levels above 50%, no matter what is the action, the results are immediate and visible. So, approximative data is still acceptable to define actions e.g. if we change massively the water meters, the revenue tends to increase slightly and immediately. Now, when we go down to 30 % level, we need to consider more specific and targeted actions like choose between changing meters or changing pipes, or reduce pressure in the network are necessary. If the data we have is not accurate enough to tell us the root cause of losses, it is very difficult to define actions When we go down to 20% and less, the challenge is not to reduce, but to keep and to do it, a consistent long term plan,), accurate and reliable technology to produce accurate and reliable data for decision making process. Data Source: Guidelines for water loss reduction, GIZ, VAG, KIT and FHNW

5 Let’s stop « non revenue data »
The data coming from meters are the most precious ones if we combine them with other data avalaible in Utilities in general. I have been hearing some « buzz » through different sources on WEB defending ferosciously the need of « real time data ». It made me think for quite long time, why do I need « real time data » if I am not capable to act on them. It is better have a reasonable amount of data that will give me enough information to act according to my capacity rather than having so many information that we will not be able to understand. Obviously as long as we improve in the pace adapted to our human and technical resources, yes, we can increase the resolution or frequency of data collection. But step by step, consciously. Just to give you an example of volume/ quantity of data we can accumulate: In a city with around 100k connections, if we have hourly readings, we can easily have a billion of readings in a year. If we are not using them, they are only extra cost.

6 22,11 m3 How utilities use this information? 1 2 5 9 7 3
Check the customer data base Check if customer profile changed Check the regular presence of customer in the house Replace meter to avoid or reduce losses in revenue Action Consumption Historical dropping down Analyse Information m3 February 2017 m3 January 2017 1 2 5 9 7 3 22,11 m3 m3 February 2017 Data How utilities use this information?

Regulation & Water Conservation Tariffs & Customer Engagement Reading Productivity Asset Management Customer Satisfaction Water Efficiency

1’ DMA Management 15’ NRW Management Frequency of read Hour Asset Management BILLING & Customer Service Day Month BILLING Occasional Year N xN xN xN >500xN Before ask for real time data, it is important to define what it will be for. If the objective is just to bill occasionaly, it does not make much sense to ask for so many information. Remember, if there is no plan to use all data you collect to reduce cost or increase revenues, there is no meaning to increase the frequency we collect them. Payload in bytes Amount of Data

DATA SET COMPLETENESS 24h index & Consomption profile 1’ index & Adv. info 15’ index & Night vs Day 1’ Timed index & Night vs Day Daily index & Adv. alarms DMA Management 24h index & Conso profile 15’ Last index & Basic alarms NRW Management Daily index & Adv. alarms Hour Asset Management Frequency of readings Last index & Basic alarms Day BILLING & Customer Service Month BILLING Occasional Year N xN xN xN >500xN Here I show from our experience, what is the ideal frequency to get meter data, depending on use case. Residential Meter C&I Meter DMA Meter Payload in bytes Amount of Data



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