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Pesticide and Heat Analysis

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1 Pesticide and Heat Analysis
Rietta Wagoner and Nicolas Lopez-Galvez Statistical Consulting Group 31 October 2017

2 Background Migrant grape workers at commercial grape farm in Northern Mexico Pruning, prepping plants in spring Harvesting and packaging grapes during summer Many different pesticides used throughout year to control pests that can threaten the grape crop. Workers may be exposed to pesticides. Hot, arid climate creates potential for workers to become overheated.

3 Data Collected Table 1. Participants and Data Collection by Sampling Event Type of Data March n June n August n Total n Questionnaire Categorical (multiple choice), Binary, and Continuous (age) N/A 11* 17 28 Environmental measurements and field observations (WBGT) Continuous (unit-less measurement) 1 day 3 days Urine- Specific gravity analysis 10 7* 34 Urine- Pesticide metabolite Concentration Continuous (mass per mass) 20 Pesticide on hands Continuous (mass per surface area) Core Body Temperature Continuous (temperature) 8 8* 24 Temperature of Hands 11 38 * Five of the workers from March repeated an additional round of sampling in June   the best predictors of weighted-average daily metabolite concentration (kissel et al, 2004).

4 Heat Statistical Questions
Question 1 : Which is the best way to predict heat stress? Question 2: Are heat measurements (core body temp, WBGT, hand temp.) correlated? Question 3: Which heat measurement (core body temp., WBGT, hand temp.) best predicts urine specific gravity?

5 Pesticide Statistical Questions
Question 1: Are the levels of pesticides in the urine correlated with the concentration of pesticide on the hands Done- Spearman’s correlation Question 2: Do pesticide concentrations differ by seasons/months? Done- Wilcoxon rank-sum comparison Question 3 : What approach is best for understanding interaction between heat and pesticide

6 Upcoming Questions and Approach
Farm owner wants to know why certain pesticides are in the workers’ urine, especially those he does not apply on his organic grapes. The following questions came out of discussion with the owner: Do workers arrive with pesticides already in their bodies (from food, working on other farms, etc.)? Approach: measure workers’ urinary concentration of pesticides as soon as they arrive at farm and again after they have been working for 1 month Are workers being exposed to pesticides sprayed in the dorms to control bedbugs? Approach: Collect dust samples from dorms and analyze for presence of pesticides Are workers’ urinary levels of pesticides higher than the general population? Approach: Measure urinary levels of pesticides in general population and administer questionnaire (what foods do you eat, do you apply pesticides in your home, etc.). Compare to farm workers. Are workers in organic section of farm being exposed to non-organic pesticides? Approach: Compare urinary pesticide levels of organic workers to non-organic workers

7 Other things we should consider?

8 Thank you! Contacts: Rietta Wagoner
Nicolas Lopez-Galvez

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