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OXSIT WORKSHOP – improving SEMH provision

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Presentation on theme: "OXSIT WORKSHOP – improving SEMH provision"— Presentation transcript:

1 OXSIT WORKSHOP – improving SEMH provision
7th July 2016 OXSIT WORKSHOP – improving SEMH provision IMPROVING ATTAINMENT - REDUCING EXCLUSION A Schools and Learning traded service

2 Provision for learners with SEMH

3 Managing challenging behaviour
What are the current challenges for you in your role?

4 Model how to learn with energy, openness and focus
Kind Sometimes tough Confident Respected Original Bothered In Control Interesting You Fair Present Adaptable Funny What would learners say about you? Model how to learn with energy, openness and focus Make it relevant to the learners

5 CONTEXT and ETHOS Exclusion *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Inclusion Behaviour *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Engagement Additional *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Alternative Individual *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Team Support *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Independence Reactive *-----*-----*-----*-----*----* Proactive

6 THE problem…? 'The endemic problem that we have had for far too long is that we are looking at the child and what is wrong with the child, not looking at what is wrong with the learning environment. Anyone who ran a business by trying to decide what was wrong with their customers rather than what was wrong with their services would soon be out of business.’ Behaviour and Discipline 2011

7 The journey of a child through school
Nursery /EYFS Primary KS1 / KS2 Secondary KS3 / KS4 Post 16 Education Inclusion Specialist outreach Early identification of need Therapeutic support Ethos Inclusive provision

8 Take a learner – What was their story. What did we learn
Take a learner – What was their story? What did we learn? What did you change?

9 Identifying Risk Factors / Building Resilience
Identify / Assess / Provide Monitor Assess Impact Train / Build Capacity / Work in Partnership

10 Building character and resilience
Outcome: Being resilient, knowing how to persevere, how to bounce back if faced with failure, and how to collaborate with others. How – review of PHSE

11 Working together…..

12 How we do it… Consistent approach (behaviour policy and Behaviour for Learning Guidance) Inclusive approach – meet the needs of individual learners e.g. reasons for being late? Solution focused approach Working as a team around the child (family, all staff, SENCO, other agencies)

13 Developing positive relationships:
Model the behaviour we want to see Praise the behaviour we want to see Keep the focus on primary behaviours positively correct consistently apply the rules use verbal and non-verbal communication listen to pupils and respecting their opinions remaining relaxed but vigilant (pre-empt unacceptable behaviour) Human being is more a verb than a noun, each of us is unfinished, a work in progress


15 CARD SORT ACTIVITY Take 3 learners with SEMH needs
CASE STUDY CARD SORT ACTIVITY Take 3 learners with SEMH needs

16 Provision for learners with SEMH needs Summer 2017

17 Make your Elephant fly!

18 Jo Hatfield
Conference 2016 Jo Hatfield A Schools and Learning traded service

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