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Ershova Ekaterina. Form 8 A

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1 Ershova Ekaterina. Form 8 A
Past Ershova Ekaterina. Form 8 A

2 Purposes Use of the Past Tense Testing
Investigate all the aspects of the Past Tense Use of the Past Tense Testing

3 Active Passive V2 Simple Simple Perfect Past had V3 had been V-ing
Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive Past V2 Was/were + V-ing had V3 had been V-ing Passive Simple Progressive Perfect Past was/were +V3 was/were being + V3 had been + V3

4 Past Simple (I did) Positive Negative Question
Use: to talk about action or situation in the Past. ………………………………….. (Регулярное) Positive Negative Question I walked with my friends yesterday. I didn’t walk with my friends yesterday. Did I walk with my friends yesterday?

5 Be - was/were Positive Negative I was I wasn’t You were You wasn’t
He/she/it was He/she/it wasn’t We, you, they were We, you, they weren’t Conclusion: no auxiliary verb.

6 Past Progressive (I was doing)
Use: a temporary action in the Past. (Процесс) Positive Negative Question I was walking with my friends when I saw him. I wasn’t walking with my friends when I saw him. Was I walking with my friends when I saw him?

7 Some verbs are used only in simple tenses:
want know need realise prefer believe like suppose love mean hate understand belong remember see forget hear seem

8 Past Perfect (I had done)
Use: to say that something had already before this time. (Завершённое) Positive Negative Question I had drunk my milk before my mother come home. I hadn’t drunk my milk before my mother come home. Had I drunk my milk before my mother come home?

9 Past Perfect Progressive (I had been doing)
Use: to say how long something had been happening before something else happened. (Завершённо-длительное) Positive Negative Question I had been walking for two hours when my mother come home. I hadn’t been walking for two hours when my mother come home. How long had I been walking when my mother come home?

10 Test My husband (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993:
was worked had worked worked

11 2. I (get) to the market myself last time, but now I don’t remember how to get there.
getted goted got

12 3. When I arrived, Tom (speak) over the phone.
Spoke Speaking was speaking

13 4. The house he … was of a modern design.
was built built had built

14 5. While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.
had waited was waiting waited

15 Thank you for attention!

16 Resource «State Exam. Maximiser», Pearson «Longman»
«English Grammar In Use», Moscow Jill Albiker Shannon, «Титул», 1998

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