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Design and Prototyping, Part 2

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1 Design and Prototyping, Part 2

2 Objectives for today Prototyping exercises Using prototypes in testing

3 Review of LoFi Prototypes
Quick and cheap to make, easy to change Use early in the process, iterate often “To get a good idea, get lots of ideas” Examples Screen sketches ‘Post-it’ notes, note cards storyboards

4 Need a “toolkit” for making LoFi prototypes
Construction paper Note cards Post-it notes Scissors Glue, tape Lots of paper copies of standard GUI elements: text fields, buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, labels, etc.

5 Prototyping Exercise #1
Sketch an interface for the following device An automated teller machine That also sells postage stamps “Sells” rolls of coins And converts Euros, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, and Mexican Pesos into US Dollars

6 Prototyping Exercise #2
In groups that I will “assign” Review the ATM prototypes Pick a starting point for a second (revised) prototype Draw a second prototype as a group

7 Questions How much difference was their between the individual designs? Did you think some were better than others? Why?

8 Prototyping Exercise #3
Consider the following tasks Getting the balance in your checking account which has account # pin # 2187 Evaluate how well your prototype supports that task Redesign your prototype as necessary

9 Prototyping Exercise #3
Consider the following tasks “Buy” a roll of quarters using money from your savings account # pin # 2187 Evaluate how well your prototype supports that task Redesign your prototype as necessary

10 Prototyping Exercise #3
Consider the following tasks Buying a book of stamps ($9.80) using cash. Evaluate how well your prototype supports that task Redesign your prototype as necessary

11 Questions How much did the task focus help?
Did considering a task make you change your design significantly?

12 Next chapter from our DVD

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