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EQ: What are the properties of matter and how does matter change?

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1 EQ: What are the properties of matter and how does matter change?
Matter Notes EQ: What are the properties of matter and how does matter change?

2 Matter Matter is anything that has mass, and takes up space

3 A. Elements and Atoms Many elements names often have names and symbols relating to their Latin or Greek origin Note: Elements can have a one or two letter symbol. Only the first letter of an element’s symbol is capitalized. Element Symbol Latin or Greek Iron Fe Ferrum Lead Pb Plumbum Tin Sn Stannum Mercury Hg Mercurum (Hydragyrum – Greek) Copper Cu Cuprum Silver Ag Argentum Potassium K Kalium Sodium Na Natrium

4 A. Elements and Atoms Periodic Table properties
Elements are listed in the _______________ _______________. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains the _________________ (color, hardness, melting point…) of that element. Table properties

5 Copper Phases - Solid

6 Copper Phases - Liquid

7 Copper Phases – Vapor (gas)

8 B. States of Matter Solid Liquid Gas definite indefinite indefinite
Shape Volume Spacing definite indefinite indefinite definite definite indefinite compact Loosely Spaced Spread Out

9 4th state: Plasma - formed at high temperatures; ionized phase of matter as found in the sun

10 C. Pure Substances Vs. Mixture
Pure Substance: A substance that contains only one type of _________. Element: _______________ be changed into a simpler substance Compound: _____________ be changed into a simpler substance Elements  Compounds (through _______________________) particle can not can (2 or more elements) Chemical reactions

11 C. Pure Substances vs. mixtures
Mixture: Two or more substances (elements or compounds) that are not chemically combined (can be separated physically) ________________mixture: two or more pure substances that are evenly mixed (ex: salt and water) ___________________mixture: two or more pure substances that are not evenly mixed (ex: salt & pepper) homogeneous heterogeneous

12 homogeneous heterogeneous

13 Label each of the following with: Element (A), Compound (B), Mixture of Elements (C), Mixture of Compounds (D), or Mixture of compounds and elements (E) B C D D A B B E E

14 Label the following as… Element, mixture, or compound Heterogeneous or homogeneous
# Substance Element/mixture/compound Homo/Heterogeneous 1 Oxygen 2 Air 3 Blood 4 Brass (Cu & Zn) 5 Food Coloring 6 Soda 7 Silver 8 Oil and water 9 Candle wax 10 Ice (Mixtures Only) Element N/A Mixture Homogeneous Homogeneous Mixture Homogeneous Mixture Homogeneous Mixture Homogeneous Mixture N/A Element Mixture Heterogeneous Compound N/A Compound N/A

15 D. Chemical Vs. Physical Properties
Chemical Property: The ability of a substance to undergo chemical reactions to form __________ substances. new

16 D. Chemical Vs. Physical Properties
Physical Property: A quality of a substance that can be _______________ or ____________without changing the substance’s chemical composition. ________________ Properties depend on the amount of substance present. ________________ Properties are the same no matter how much you have. observed measured Extensive Intensive

17 You Try: Label the Common Physical Properties: Intensive (I) or Extensive (E)
Mass ______ Electrical Conductivity ______ State of matter ______ Volume ______ Solubility (dissolve) ______ Viscosity ______ *Boiling point ______ Color ______ Length ______ *Density ______ Odor _______ Malleability (moldable) ______ *Melting Point _______ Ductility (stretchable) _______ I E I I I I E I I I I I

18 E. Matter Can Undergo Physical and Chemical Changes
Physical Changes: In a physical change the __________________ of a sample doesn’t change even though its ____________, ____________, or ___________________________ (solid liquid, or gas) has changed. identity size shape Physical state

19 Condense Freeze Melt Evaporate Solid Liquid Gas

20 E. Matter Can Undergo Physical and Chemical Changes
Chemical Changes: When one or more chemical substances (reactants) are _____________________ to one or more DIFFERENT chemical substances (products) a chemical change has occurred. changed

21 E. Matter Can Undergo Physical and Chemical Changes
Indications that a chemical change has occurred include: Energy (Heat or light) is released or absorbed. Change in color or odor Production of gas or solid (precipitate) from a liquid Chemical change is often irreversible.

22 Physical or chemical? P P P P P C C C C
Water Boils ______ Bending Wire ______ Salt dissolves ______ Iron Melts ______ Cutting of grass ______ Firefly emits light ______ Milk Spoils ______ Burning Coal _______ Metal chair Rusts _______ P P P C C C C

23 Law of Conservation of Mass
“Mass is neither created or destroyed” Mass of the reactants (the stuff being put into the reaction) must equal the mass of the products (the stuff made once the reaction has taken place). Reactants Products Mass = Mass

24 hydrogen + oxygen  water 72 g 8 g + 64 g = ? Law of Conservation
8 g of hydrogen react completely with 64 g of oxygen, how much water is produced? hydrogen + oxygen water 72 g 8 g + 64 g = ?

25 NH4NO3 (s)  2 N2 (g) + O2 (g) + H2O (g) + 40 g = 14 g + 8g ?
Law of Conservation NH4NO3 (s)  2 N2 (g) + O2 (g) + H2O (g) + 40 g = 14 g + 8g ? 40 g = ? 22 g + 40 g – 22 g = 18 g

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