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人教课标版 高二 选修 7 Unit 4.

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1 人教课标版 高二 选修 7 Unit 4

2 Listening task

3 Before you listen, look at the pictures that Annie shows the students
Before you listen, look at the pictures that Annie shows the students. Answer these questions. 1. Photo 1 shows how things would look if you had cataracts (白内障). How would you describe the effects of having cataracts? Look at the person’s eye. Can you see how big the cataract is?

4 Cataracts make things look blurry/fuzzy/very unclear
Cataracts make things look blurry/fuzzy/very unclear. The cataract is covering most of the pupil of the eye.

5 2. Look at Photos 2, 3 and 5. What are the different ways the patients’ eyes are being examined?
In Photo 2, the patient’s eyes are being examined through a microscope in a hospital.

6 In Photo 3, the patient’s eyes are being examined through a microscope that is attached to Fred Hollows’s face. The patient is being examined outside, not in a hospital. In Photo 5, the patient’s eyes are being examined by a doctor who is holding up her fingers to see if the patient can see them. The patient is being examined outside, not in a hospital.

7 3. What is the surgeon (外科医生), Fred Hollows, wearing on his face in Photo 3?
Special glasses (like a microscope) that allow the patient’s eyes to be magnified so he can see any problems with the patient’s eyes.

8 4. What is Fred Hollows (left) doing in Photo 4?
What is the man on the right doing? Who are the other people? He is giving the patient an injection. The man on the right is explaining what Fred Hollows is doing. The other people are Vietnamese doctors who are being trained by Fred Hollows.

9 Listen to the tape for these dates and number them in the order that you hear them. Then listen again and write down what happened on these dates.

10 Order Year Event (s) 1985 Fred Hollows realized there weren’t enough medical resources in developing countries; the operation was very expensive. He became determined to find a way of reducing the cost of treatment. 1

11 Order Year Event (s) 1992 1993 1994 He started the Fred Hollows Foundation. 2 He died. 4 Two laboratories for making perspex lenses opened – one in Eritrea and one in Nepal. 3

12 Order Year Event (s) 2003 A doctor trained by the Foundation put in the one millionth Fred Hollows perspex lens. 5

13 Then listen to Annie again and answer them.
1. How often does someone in the world go blind? 2. How many people around the world are blind? 3. How many of these are blind because of cataracts? Every five seconds. Around 45 million people. About half of these (that is, 22.5 million).

14 4. How long does a cataract operation take?
5. How long is it before the patient can see again? 6. How many surgeons has The Fred Hollows Foundation trained in developing countries? 20 minutes. About a day. Over 750.

15 7. What were Fred Hollows’s beliefs?
8. What are Annie’s beliefs? He believed that action was the answer to human unhappiness, not despair. She believes that we are very lucky to have our sight and that we have a duty to share what we have.

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