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Just Think -A new Creative innovation for trivia games everywhere

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Presentation on theme: "Just Think -A new Creative innovation for trivia games everywhere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Just Think -A new Creative innovation for trivia games everywhere
By Menoetius Games


3 Age Groups

4 What ages is this game meant for??
Today’s generation want’s to have fun all the time so we created a game that allows them to learn while doing it. Meant for any kids in the middle school to high school range.” What ages is this game meant for?? Age’s eleven through eighteen for kids who want to learn something new!

5 Game Play

6 We will use real life bridges and their location to educate people about famous land marks. Some of these landmarks includes, The Golden Gate Bridge, The Helix Bridge, etc.” How's the gameplay like?

7 Examples of Bridges were going to use.
-The Helix Bridge

8 The Purpose of the Bridges.
Each bridge would set the level in a different area of the world and will help the the player understand what the level is focused on. Weather it is Science, math, or history. The Purpose of the Bridges.

9 Rules of the “Just Think”

10 When trying to cross the bridge.
When your get a question wrong you jump back and you lose two seconds of your time and the questions will get harder.” At the end of the level the player will be transported to a mini game to have more fun. And win a token for the game.”

11 The point system in the game would work in a way to unlock other missions. The more points you get the more missions you can play. Point system

12 What will be the game teach?

13 The game “Just Think” will teach the basic subjects such as Math, Science, and History”
Those subjects aren't the only one you can learn in the game though and later can unlock more subjects with tokens.” School Subjects

14 The levels of the game will range from easy that would be the middle school level. To hard witch would teach high school kids. Levels of Gameplay

15 The game will show people the cool architectural designs of the modern world and how advanced we have gained knowledge Enjoyment of the Game

16 Bonus Levels/ Mini Games

17 The bonus levels In the game would be the levels you are able to play after you complete the main level or bridge challenge Bonus Levels

18 Question Challenges These questions might relate to pop culture references or can be anything to such as a game, these questions are meant to be fun for the player

19 The mini games would consist of levels such as the the question challeges but these you have to unlock on your own and are customizable to your avatar or interest Mini Games

20 Avatar/ Player Also the Social Interactions

21 The Customization of the Avatar
The avatar would be any idea the player would like to use and can add or delete any of the options we will give them. The Customization of the Avatar

22 The social options for the game would be for players to be able to interact with other players or can challenge their friends in how fast they can go through the level” Social Options

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