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National Commander Update

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1 National Commander Update
2009 Winter National Board Meeting

2 Our Members Overall membership down 2%
Cadet membership 21,800 Adult membership 33,800 Better training yielding increased expertise and professionalism Safety improving, but more must be done Our membership is strong and improving

3 Safety of Our Members FY07 FY08 A/C accidents/100k hrs 3.87% 1.89%
A/C incidents Fatalities A/C Repair Costs $219k $685k Vehicle accidents Vehicle incidents Bodily injury accident Bodily injury incident General Aviation While improved as a %, overall incidents have increased and our members are suffering Our responsibility at every echelon I instituted a program to ensure Reporting ALL incidents to better track and improve our processes– began a year ago Provide Zero Accident/Incident Certificates AND Proper Reporting Certificates Increased reporting for DATA acquisition – analyze Safety trends, opportunities for avoidance Safety Officer – Trained and In Place Assessments – should be at Region CC level

4 Cadet Programs We are getting Cadets in the Air!
11,000 Orientation Flights (+20%) Over 18,00 Glider Sorties (-7%) Providing Life Experiences 30 National Special Activities USAF, Business, Government Evergreen Aviation Academy Over $300,000 in Scholarships available Over 7,000 orientation flights given Over 2,000 glider sorties flown so far this year $300,000 in scholarships available to cadets 30-plus National Special Activities including several new programs in 2009 Beginning this summer (2009), Tyndall AFB, Florida will host “Cadet Red Colt,” an Air Force engineering academy.  We expect about 20 cadets to participate Other 2009 NCSA’s in Southeast Region Engineering Academy in Auburn, AL July – 20 slots Cadet Officer School in Montgomery July – 120 slots National Flight Academy in Rome, GA 8-18 July – 20 slots SUPT Fam Courses at Columbus AFB, MS July and July– 75 slots Space Command Fam Course at Patrick AFB, FL 1-9 August – 34 slots Need to continue to build awareness of the exception work of our Cadets and the opportunities available to our nation’s youth

5 Quality Training Organizational Excellence Track
ARCHER Training increased 300% New Aerospace: The Journey of Flight textbook, published National Emergency Services Academy 41% increase! Congratulations to the NSC Director, Lt Col Peggy Myrick, and her staff for an outstanding National Staff College with over ___ graduates. The 2009 college is scheduled for October again. The Wing Commander Course , held annually at CAP National Headquarters, helps CAP senior leaders be successful in their dual roles of commander and corporate officer. Congratulations to the 15 wing commanders who attended the course this past spring. The 2009 course is scheduled for April of next year. Launched the Organizational Excellence Track to provide continuing of our Senior Leaders Aerospace: The Journey of Flight textbook, 2nd edition, was published on March 7th. This textbook is one of the most comprehensive aerospace textbooks in the nation. It is hard-bound, over 650 pages, 27 chapters, with hundreds of full-color illustrations. This textbook is provided free of charge to Mitchell-award winning cadets and our Aerospace Education teacher members. More than 175 CAP members are now trained to operate ARCHER, and training continues. Two ARCHER classes took place at the National Emergency Services Academy and as well as two at the National Board in August. ARCHER operators, and several more lined up for the upcoming classes starting in March. SER has had one big ARCHER mission, Operation Clean Sweep in support of AFRL in the last year, and then several training missions including support for all of the ARCHER classes at NHQ.  We also expect that they will use ARCHER on some of the JTFN missions later this spring. Speaking of NESA, the academy continues to help CAP exceed expectations in meeting its Congressionally-mandated Emergency Services mission, one CAP members are definitely enthusiastic about. In fact, this year, more than 600 members took part in NESA, either as students, instructors or other support staff. NIMS Certifciation – While it has been a challenging process for our members to come into compliance it has helped make CAP a more effective tool in the National emergency response plan

6 Professional Development
Improved focus through Long Term Objectives Collective effort of Region CC’s led by National CC Improved dialogue with a culture of Teamwork and open communication Constructive Cooperation across our entire team THIS NEEDS SOMETHING ELSE ABOUT THE POSTIVE CULTURE THAT YOU HAVE CREATED CAP/CC Strategy with Senior Commanders (Region CCs) Mission/Vision/LTOs–analysis of SWOT Culture of Teamwork–open (communicative), honest (integrity), engaging (inclusive) Prioritization of Needs–Customer and Volunteer Process Improvement–Efficient and Supportive (Selections, CIs, Agendas, etc.) Transcend Paradigms–ready for change–break away from past to reach new heights Benefits–inherent (feel good from doing good), and additional (member benefits such as free life insurance, discounts on educational opportunities and travel, etc.)

7 Our Partners Expanding list of partners Air Force Association
Spartan College of Aviation $85,000+ of Scholarships Evergreen Aviation Wreaths Across America 200+ units participating Increased over 6x over ’07 $200k raised = $72,000 to CAP Increasing range of missions for 1st AF AFA is one of CAP’s best partners Allocating $22,500 for CAP education grants in ’09 Maxwell AFB chapter is sponsorng local SEP programs AFA great resource for meeting/conference guest speakers Units are encouraged to provide support for local AFA events - Helps increase the membership in both organizations Evergreen Aviation 1st ever Evergreen Aviation Academy CAP has partnered with Evergreen Aviation to sponsor 2 new cadet special activities A national level community service project- WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA. The Worcester’s have been placing wreaths at national cemeteries for years, and in 2006 & 2007 CAP pitched in and supported that effort. Last year CAP placed over 6,000 wreath at veteran cemeteries nationwide. This year over 219 CAP units (more than 6 times the units last year 22 units from SER) participated. Business development takes strategic planning but the benefits can be long lasting. Encourage the members of your units to partner with local businesses and associations to sponsor community based events like: Blood drives, food banks, charity runs, and community clean up days. Become the helping hands in your community and watch your units grow and prosper. Many state and federal agencies also offer grant programs that have helped units across this nation to procure funding for their program initiatives.

8 Our Partners Air University and 1st Air Force
Increasing range of missions New roles Volunteers to serve Aligning to meet future needs Emerging relationships with new partners with increasing needs Oil pipeline safety surveys The scope and range of our missions increase almost daily, as more DoD and other agencies learn more about our capabilities.

9 Missions Serving our core mission saved 91 lives
Flew more than 4,000 hours and dedicated over 40,000 man-hours Responded to over 1,800 distress signals All for only $135 per flight hour CAP flights are 80% of 1st Air Forces daily air sorties CAP was credited with saving 91 lives saved in FY08 In 2008, CAP has already flown more than 4,000 hours, primarily to support more wildfire and flooding missions as well as damage assessment following tornadoes in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee. Expanding range of support from SAR, Wildfires, Damage assessment, air defense training support, enhance aerial imagery and much, much more. And we are executing these missions across an increasing range of Wings WMIRS (Web Mission Information Reporting System) has been an important tool to highlight CAP missions and accomplishments at the general officer level in DoD and increased our roles in USNORTHCOM’s civil support missions

10 Missions More than Emergency Services 50% of all AFJROTC O flights
NASA STS-126 – Pilot Nearly 1,500 AE Members, +44% AE Connections Program in Education 7,000 students in K-5 1,800 students in Grades 6-8 CAP flew over 240 teachers in FY08 CAP’s Fly-a-Teacher Program is growing. CAP flew over 240 teachers in FY09. New awards programs are on the way to recognize the hard work of our AE volunteers in the classrooms and in CAP units. The first-ever CAP Teacher of the Year and CAP AEO of the Year will be recognized at the 2009 Summer National Board. CAP’s Aerospace Education Officer (AEO) schools are attracting more students. Over 70 students from across the nation attended AEO schools conducted last summer in Seattle and Pensacola.

11 Critical Assets 55,639 Members 33,863 Officers 21,776 Cadets
915 Vehicles 8,000 Mobile Radios 55,639 Members 550 Aircraft & 62 Gliders 33,863 Officers 14,900 Portables 21,776 Cadets To execute these missions we have been investing in hard assets to support our people and their training 104, ,000 hours flown annually 915 driven vehicles with the remaining 197 as travel trailers and glider trailers CAP has the largest emergency radio network in the country. Nationwide system comprised of short range VHF Land Mobile Radios, using more than 500 repeaters, and a medium to long range HF capability.   2,100 Fixed Land Radios

12 Equipment Upgrades New aircraft purchased 2008 – 16
2009 – Expect to purchase 19 New vehicles purchased 2008 – 36 2009 – Expect to purchase 36 $30M in new communications Fleet now growing to 550 aircraft and over 900 driven vehicles 16 new G1000 equipped Cessna 182Ts were delivered in 2008 and we expect 19 more in Currently 20% of our fleet is G1000 equipped. 69 new vehicles were purchased in 2007, 36 more in 2008, and we expect 36 more in 2009 $30 million in communications equipment purchased over the past several years; another $14 million will be spent on HF radios

13 Financials On track to achieve our first, UNQUALIFIED AUDIT!!!
Appropriated Budget Operations & Maintenance AF Missions $9,053,360 Other 380,507 Communications 2,327,992 Aerospace ED 1,640,352 Cadet Programs 3,023,776 Professional Dev. 540,886 DDR 430,846 Liability Ins. 1,638,478 Wing Admin 2,235,317 Veh/Equip Maint. 516,365 A/C Maint. 3,514,843 Admin Exp 2,601,333 TOTAL $27,904,055 On track to achieve our first, UNQUALIFIED AUDIT!!! Wing Banker was critical WIMRS 100% accountability & improved utilization Consolidated maintenance Working with Congress to restore our FY10 budget Wing Banker program addresses on-going reported weakness from our auditors. Ensure full accountability at all echelons of the corporation. WIMRS WMIRS ensures increased accountability of mission authorizations and funding and provides “real time” information on budget availability. Web Mission Information Reporting System (WMIRS) being viewed by all DoD levels of command providing increased visibility. Consolidated Maintenance 42 wings (80.7%) and 410 aircraft (79.8%) currently under contract. Goal is to be 80% complete by end of calendar year 2008 4 regions completely under consolidated maintenance (NER, MER, SER, GLR) All of CAP benefits from efficiencies gained in consolidated maintenance $230 thousand to fund vehicle minor maintenance Funded MHz ELTs and 17 TDFM-136 FM radio upgrades Contributed over $50 thousand to flying hour program Additional $7,104,000 in procurement dollars for a total appropriated budget of $35,008,055 Our corporate budget was __________________ with

14 Future Long Term Objectives & Short Term Objectives CAP Billets
Streamlined Regulations Expansion of National Cadet Special Activities

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