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Culture in mind.

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1 Culture in mind

2 The procedure of the lesson:
1.Organizition moment 2.Phonetic drill 3.Checking up the home task 4.Presentation 5.Practice 6.Production 7.The end of the lesson. Conclusion 8.Home task

3 The aim of the lesson: 1)Грамматикалық Active, Passive voice тақырыбын түсіндіру, жаңа сөздерді үйрету, өткен білімдерін еске түсіру 2)Оқушылардың тыңдау, түсіну, сөйлеу, жазу, оқу қабылеттері мен дағдыларын жан- жақты дамыту. Cөздік қорын кеңейте отырып, олардың танымдық көзқарасын, ойлауын, есте сақтауын, қабылдауын одан ары дамыту. 3)Оқушыларды табиғатты қорғауға, сүюге, ұқыптылыққа, жинақылыққа, жүйелілікке тәрбиелеу.

4 Save the nature






10 New words Pollution – ластау Litter – қоқыс Disease – ауру
Parking – тұрақ Paradise – жұмақ Litterbug – қоқыс жәшігі

11 cutting of trees – ағаштарды кесу
Smoke – түтін burning of fossil fuels – қазба отын жағу burning of wood – ағаш жағу poison – улы заттар

12 Present simple She writes the reports Am/is/are + past participle(3rd form of the verb) The reports are written Present continuous She is writing the reports Am/is/are+ing+past participle The reports are being written Past simple She wrote the reports Was/were+past participle The reports were written Past continuous She was writing the reports Was/were+ing+past participle The reports were being written perfect She has written the reports Have/has+been+past participle The reports had been written Past perfect She had written the reports Had/been+past participle Future She will write the reports Will+be+past participle The reports will be written Future perfect simple She will have written the reports Will+have+been+past participle The reports will have been written Modal verbs She may write the reports She should have written the reports Modal verbs+be past participle The reports may be written The reports should have been written Be going to She is going to write the reports Is/are going to+ be+ past particple The reports are going to be written

13 Video Air Pollution

14 Water Pollution


16 V. Practice CD T17 Match. Then listen again and check. 1. 99% a. of the world’s diseases are caused by drinking dirty water 2. 70% b. of the world’s fresh water is in places that we cannot get to. litres c. of water are used by one person in the USA or Europe every day. 4. 20 litres d. of water are used by an Africa family every day. 5. 88% e. of all the fresh water in the world is in Antarctica.

17 Exercise 1 This is a very popular television program. (every week it/watch/by millions of people) Every week ………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… What happens to the cars produced in this factory? (most of them/export) ... …………………………………………………………………………… . A: Was there any trouble at the demonstration? B: Yes. (about 20 people / arrested) ……………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… . A: There is no longer military service in Argentina. B: Really? (when/it/ abolish?) ………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………… A: Did anybody call an ambulance to the scene of the accident? B: Yes. (but nobody/ injure/ so it/ not/ need) ……………………………

18 Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell) They paved And put up a With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swimming hot spot. (chorus) Don’t it always seem to go That you don’t know what you’ve got Till it’s ? They paved paradise And put up a parking lot. They took all the trees Put ’em in tree And they charged the people A dollar and half just to see ’ em (chorus) Hey farmer, farmer Put away that DDT now. Give me sports on my But me the birds and the bees, please! Late last night I heard the screen door slam And a big yellow taxi Took away my old man. paradise apples parking not give gone museum

19 1 group 2 group What do you see water for in your daily life?
What do you people use water for in your town/city?

20 Give your paper describe “Water, water – but isn’t everywhere”
VI. Production Give your paper describe “Water, water – but isn’t everywhere” VII. Assessment I will give your marks VIII. Home task Exercise 10 p.31 / learn by heart

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