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Creating Schools for the 21st Century
West Virginia Institute for 21st Century Leadership Dave
To support principals in becoming leaders of 21st century schools
Institute Purpose Leading Students into the 21st Century To support principals in becoming leaders of 21st century schools Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Institute Objectives Leading Students into the 21st Century 2. Develop the leadership skills associated with effective schools and continuous improvement including 21st century leadership skills Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
…leaders who can lead schools of adults and students in a collaborative way that will transform schools into engaging and rigorous 21st century learning environments. Leading Students into the 21st Century Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Institute Objectives Leading Students into the 21st Century 3. Develop pride and a sense of efficacy regarding the importance of the principalship in developing 21st century learners Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Institute Objectives Leading Students into the 21st Century 4. To create a networking and support system for school leaders comprised of colleagues, experts in the field and WVDE staff that will assist and support professional growth to enhance professional learning. Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Institute Objectives (All Year)
Leading Students into the 21st Century 6. To develop knowledge and skills related to the use of 21st century technology tools. (All Year) Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Rationale… “Flattening” of the world
Leading Students into the 21st Century “Flattening” of the world The impact that technology has had on the way the world is doing business International competitiveness of China, India, Singapore, etc. Focus that other nations are placing on education Skill sets necessary for success in the 21st century Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Framework Overview Graduates Prepared for the 21st Century
Kathy. This graphic represents the foundation blocks for creating a high performing school systems. High performing High School level schools employ these same elements of systemic improvement. High performing High School schools have four broad components. Turn to page 5 in your High School framework. Let’s talk about the foundation of the High School school, the heart of the High School school, its culture.
Component 1 Culture “High performing organizations intentionally create a culture designed to influence actions and beliefs in order to produce desired results.” Leading Students into the 21st Century Kathy- p. 6 The culture is generally defined as the “way we do things around here” Underground stream of norms, values, beliefs, traditions and rituals. Culture influences everything we do at the school. Toxic School………… Strong positive cultures are places of shared sense of what is important, a shared ethos of caring and concern, and a shared commitment to helping students become productive…..
Component 2 High Yield Practices “The Four Pillars”
Leading Students into the 21st Century “21st Century high performing organizations share certain practices in curriculum, instruction, school effectiveness and student support/family and community connections. Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Pillars of the Frameworks…
“ Pillars of the Frameworks… Leading Students into the 21st Century Culture influences EVERYTHING Curriculum – “Triangulation of 21st century content, skills and tech tools” Instruction – “Student as worker…teacher as guide” to develop deep understanding and the skills to use and apply” School Effectiveness - “The operation of the total school has a profound effect of learning…the 7 correlates coming together can profoundly affect student achievement.” Student Support – “Taking care of and supporting the success of each kid” Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
None of this happens without leadership…
Organizations tend to maintain themselves; it’s only through leadership do they change.
Opening Comments Chuck Heinlein,
Leading Students into the 21st Century Chuck Heinlein, Residential Director Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Today we begin PART II of our learning journey.
To answer the question…
Leading Students into the 21st Century What kind of leadership skills does it takes to lead a 21st century school? Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
“The Challenge of Leadership”
How… Listen to Nationally Recognized Practitioners
Leading Students into the 21st Century Listen to Nationally Recognized Practitioners Interact with Noted Researchers Complete Problem-Based Learning Activity Learn from Each Other Post Institute “Focus Group” Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
A Look at the Agenda… Lets take a look at the agenda in your padfolio.
The graphic on page three represnts the journey we will take together this year. It is comprised of three residential phases here at Glade Springs coupled with two electronic discussion forums via a wiki during the intercessions. This is a year of learning together to assist you as you plan for the changes you wish to make to create your 21st century school. The agenda is based upon the frameworks which is a big picture overview of what makes a 21st century school at each level. You also have that document in your possession. Why? What? How? Keynotes, programmatic meeting, tech time, and formal and informal networking which culminates each day in journaling in your e-Portfolio which you will learn about in tech time.
Leadership Jet Blue Leading Students into the 21st Century Sharon
stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
Leading Students into the 21st Century Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Debbie Russell, Principal Wayne Elementary School Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Gerrita Postlewait The Stupski Foundation
Keynote Address: Leading Students into the 21st Century Gerrita Postlewait The Stupski Foundation Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Lunch 12:30 Programmatic Group
Friday 2:45 p.m. Session Sharon stress that this is a draft
looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
Leading Students into the 21st Century Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Lori Wiggins Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Connecting the morning to the afternoon :
Leading Students into the 21st Century Dr. Jerry Valentine Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Friday 4:15 p.m. Session Dr. Gerrita Postlewait and Critical Friends
Opening Comments Chuck Heinlein,
Residential Director Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
Leading Students into the 21st Century Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Lori Wiggins Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Dr. Steve Edwards Keynote Address
Leading Students into the 21st Century Dr. Steve Edwards Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Chuck Heinlein, Opening Comments 12:45 General Session
Leading Students into the 21st Century Chuck Heinlein, Residential Director Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Old Westerns Leading Students into the 21st Century Sharon
stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
I see no advantage in the graphical user interface.
Leading Students into the 21st Century I see no advantage in the graphical user interface. Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft 1984
Leading Students into the 21st Century Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft 1984 Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Series of independent organizations united by a central hallway.
Leading Students into the 21st Century Series of independent organizations united by a central hallway. Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Crab Bucket Philosophy
How to be a team. Crab Bucket Philosophy Tall Poppy Syndrome Leading Students into the 21st Century Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Did you say PBL? What is it? Problem based learning
Leading Students into the 21st Century What is it? Problem based learning A curriculum development and instructional approach to solving real-world problems What does it do? Develops problem solving strategies Develops interdisciplinary knowledge bases and skills Helps students to learn how to work in groups Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
What makes PBL Different?
Leading Students into the 21st Century Learning is problem-based not discipline-based Learning is student-directed rather than teacher directed Learning is contextually grounded rather than context free Learning is cooperative rather than competitive Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Faculty-facilitation Cooperative in nature Uses small groups
PBL in the Classroom Leading Students into the 21st Century What does PBL look like? Student-centered Faculty-facilitation Cooperative in nature Uses small groups Active, not passive, learning Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Introduction of Keynote Speaker:
Leading Students into the 21st Century Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Kevin Smith Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Gigi Gray Ritz-Carlton
Keynote Address Leading Students into the 21st Century Gigi Gray Of The Ritz-Carlton Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Programmatic Lunch
Chuck Heinlein, Opening Comments Closing Session Residential Director
Leading Students into the 21st Century Chuck Heinlein, Residential Director Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
A thank-you from the customer…
Leading Students into the 21st Century A thank-you from the customer… Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Introduction of Special Guests:
Leading Students into the 21st Century Introduction of Special Guests: Diane Burnside Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Jacob Stump Stanaford Elementary
Alexa McCormick Shady Spring Middle School
Ariel Fink Woodrow Wilson High School
“A Little Gift From the Pilgrims”
Spring Session : April 11,12, Leading Students into the 21st Century Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
Diane Burnside Adjourment Leading Students into the 21st Century
Sharon stress that this is a draft looking to High School principals in the state to refine this document and make it even better Talk to you a little later about your assistance in the process Important beginning to creating a common vision. The more you are involved and share in its creation and refinement, the more meaningful it will be for you.
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