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JLEIC Collaboration meeting highlights

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1 JLEIC Collaboration meeting highlights
JLEIC pre-CDR and project development Fulvia Pilat JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting JLAB March

2 outline Plans for the pre-CDR Project development
Collaboration meeting highlights JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

3 EIC Timeline Activity Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 12 GeV Operations 12 GeV Upgrade FRIB EIC Physics Case NSAC LRP NAS Study CD0 EIC Design, R&D Pre-CDR, CDR CD1(Down-select) CD2/CD3 EIC Construction pre-project on-project Pre-CDR CDR CD0 = DOE “Mission Need” statement; CD1 = design choice and site selection (VA/NY) CD2/CD3 = establish project baseline cost and schedule JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

4 JLAB EIC Plan GOALS deliver pre-CDR by ~end FY17 (ready for CD0,
down-select) deliver CDR by FY (ready for CD1) Activities: Baseline design optimization (cost reduction) Pre-project R&D planning and execution Enhance synergy and collaborations with labs, universities and industry Completion of civil site development JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

5 DoE Critical Decisions process
CD0: Approve mission need Recommendation 3 of LRP provides basis for mission need Review by the Academies (2016) CD0 likely issued in 2017 CD1: Approve alternative selection and cost range CDR is CD-1 deliverable Typically after project down-select CD2: Approve performance baseline CD3: Approve construction start CD4: Approve start of operations A pre-CDR (preliminary Conceptual Design Report) will: Be the document basis for DoE EIC project down-select proposal Straightforwardly evolve from proposal basis document to CDR Focus and organize design and R&D efforts

6 Key CDR Elements From DOE at a minimum, the Conceptual Design shall develop the following: Scope required to satisfy the Program mission requirements; Project feasibility; Attainment of specified performance levels; Assessment of project risks and identification of appropriate risk mitigation strategies; Reliable cost and schedule range estimates for the alternatives considered; Project criteria and design parameters; Impact on the site Sustainability Plan; and Identification of requirements and features. CDR includes a clear and concise description of the alternatives analyzed, the basis for the alternative selected, how the alternative meets the approved mission need, the functions and requirements that define the alternative and demonstrate the capability for success, and the facility performance requirements, planning standards and life-cycle cost assumptions. The CDR should also clearly and concisely describe the KPPs that will form the basis of baseline at CD-2.

7 Key CDR Elements Physics Program Scope of Physics Program
High level version of physics program and motivation References/summarizes other reports/documents Ties in with CD-0 – mission need Physics program may have phases – e.g. Phase I and later upgrade to Phase II etc. – needs to be addressed Facility requirements necessary to achieve Physics Program Phase I scope delineation e.g., Number of Interaction Regions (IRs) Beam (both electron & hadron) requirements at IR – tie to Physics program IR experimental equipment requirements – tie to Physics program Upgrade (Phase II) scope delineation etc.

8 Key CDR Elements Facility Design
Performance criteria (from Physics Program) Possible solutions that meet performance criteria Lower level performance criteria necessary to achieve facility performance criteria to support Physics Program (e.g. parameters per machine segment – i.e., hadron linac, hadron booster, etc.) Analysis of these solutions in terms of cost, risk, and performance in support of Phase I physics program Analysis of these solutions in terms of cost, risk, and performance for for future (e.g. Phase II) projects in support of Phase II physics program Identification and documented basis of preferred solution for each facility segment Risk evaluations lead to R&D plan – delineated in CDR (and proposal) Initial baseline cost and schedule for preferred solution identified by alternative analyses

9 Key CDR Elements Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Need it now & use it as framework for CDR WBS is framework for project WBS must be orthogonal basis set WBS should be by MACHINE SEGMENT – e.g. hadron linac, hadron booster, hadron collider etc WBS should NOT be by discipline – e.g. vacuum, rf, civil Table of Contents (TOC) Single volume, linear document – only higher level material JLab has controlled document system including internal reports, committee reports, publications These can be used to delineate full detail of any analysis – e.g. beam cooling, etc. that can referenced in CDR with only summary higher level results in CDR

10 Draft JLEIC CDR TOC 1. Front Matter - Contributors, Table of Contents, Acronyms, List of Figures, List of Tables 2. Executive Summary - Global overview (400 to 500 words) that includes the following: Introduction, Science horizon in terms of physics opportunities and time, Science background and development including Jlab history/role in science development, Scope NSAC (Jlab) EIC science objectives, LEIC Project Plan to achieve objectives: Capabilities Critical parameters, location, size, and configuration Acquisition Strategy and Alternative Analysis Project Implementation Concept/Organization/Team Members Cost and Schedule (TPC/TEC), Major Milestones, Transition to Operations Advisory Committee's Recommendations 2.1 Introduction 2.1 Scope 2.2 Acquisition Strategy and Alternative Analyses 2.3 Cost and Schedule 2.4 References

11 Draft JLEIC CDR by machine segments
Baseline overview JLAB Electron Injector - CEBAF JLAB Electron Collider Ring JLAB, SLAC Ion Injector (front end, linac, booster) JLAB, ANL, LBL, BINP Ion Collider Ring JLAB, LBL, SLAC, TAMU Interaction regions JLAB, SLAC, LBL, TAMU Beam cooling and ERL Cooler JLAB Detectors JLAB, BNL, ANL, LBL……. Site and Infrastructures JLAB Commissioning Upgrades Under development – listed are possible contributors

12 Project development Task list of technical work, including simulations
Timeline and responsibilities (names & institutions) Configuration management and control parameter lists, lattices, element databases, nomenclature, documents Pre-CDR Site Development Development of DoE suite of documents Refine cost estimate / TPC reduction Funding profile  CDR JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

13 JLEIC Civil: Site Development
cs9 cs10 4 cs11 cs8 cs12 cs7 cs6 12 cs14 3 cs13 cs15 cs5 14 13 5 11 cs4 15 1 cs16 cs3 cs2 cs1 9 Funded by VA State 2 10 cs17 8 7 cs18 cs24 6 cs19 cs23 cs20 et5 cs22 cs21 et4 et3 et1 et2

14 JLEIC Site Development Scope
Engineering Services Contract – Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Site Characterization & Early Project Development for conventional facilities Awarded in September 2015, Commonwealth of Virginia funds Site Development - $1,000K: Site plan with roads, parking, and structures* Utility services & distribution Traffic Study Alternative analysis & feasibility studies Project Planning - $1,000K: Budgetary cost estimate* Preliminary risk assessment* Schedule development Pre-conceptual design report Design requirements document Site Condition Surveys - $500K: Topographic land surveys* Property surveys Geotechnical investigation - soil borings* Groundwater studies Environmental Services - $1,200K: Environmental site assessments* Wetland delineation Preparation of NEPA documents Ecological surveys Stormwater management plan *Current activities under Task Order #1

15 FTE needed for pre-CDR and CDR
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Design JLAB 5 8 9 7 EXT 1.5 2 3 R&D 4.5 2.5 3.5 4 Engineering 6 1 TOTAL 16.5 25 27 29 actuals plan

16 Next 6 months: accelerator goals
Outline pre-CDR March 31 Pre-CDR tasks-list, including simulation effort April 15 with names, institutions, timeline Baseline review (footprints, linac energy, ~end of April e-ring, BBC staging approach) LDRD proposals for April 29 NP EIC Accelerator R&D FOA May 2 200 GeV cost estimate ~June 2016 Configuration management and control August 2016 parameter tables lattices and element database nomenclature document 4th JLEIC Collaboration Meeting ~end of September (between LINAC’16 and NAPAC’16) AAC Review, Feb , 2016

17 Highlights – cooling and cooler
Calculation/modeling of cooling rates (validation of models) On the basis of present calculations and simulations: “weak” cooling (420 pC) not sufficient to fully cool the beam at high energy, “strong” cooling (2nC) could do the job assuming mixing of longitudinal and horizontal cooling Single-pass ERL cooler specs are demanding (and even more so for 200 GeV)  continue effort on re-circulator cooler ( especially in the light of good progress in the fast kicker R&D) Optimize overall machine parameter sets and evaluate luminosity with staged approach to BB cooling (no cooling initially  weak  strong bunched beam cooling) Dispersive and sweep techniques to optimize longitudinal and transverse planes  operational cooling manipulation to optimize beam lifetime?….possibility of experimental tests somewhere? Collaborate with and leverage RadiaSoft Phase1 SBIR for e-cooling simulations Excellent progress in the LDRD magnetized photo gun development (~35mA, limited by gun power supply) Started planning and coordination for the Xcelera Research Ph1 SBIR on thermionic magnetized source Critical to keep magnetized transverse beam size small through the low energy transport line to avoid nonlinearity JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

18 Highlights IR - machine detector interface
IR design well advanced and work to be done well identified Crossing angle reduction?  Reduction in luminosity, consequences for magnet design, 20% reduction probably OK but 50% affecting the detector performance Space for IR non-linear triplet correction packages and spool pieces in the arcs Option considered at BNL: divergence from IP asymmetric ….quadrupoles could be elliptical, much narrower in the horizontal direction Detector design well advanced Level of detail in detector design and R&D for the pre-CDR consistent set of requirements and possible technology choices Vacuum modeling and coating to handle dynamic vacuum. Vacuum was the dominant factor in the interaction region performance (HERA experience) JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

19 Highlights IR :magnets, dynamics
SF selected IR magnet designs hat can screen appropriately the field from the other beam CORC Cable-in-Conduit using REBCO (50 K ops) or Nb3Sn or MgB2 QFFB1e lives in the of the spectrometer solenoid  quad with iron flux return that excludes the flux from the 3T solenoid Good progress in chromaticity correction performance analysis for the ion and electron ring (DA, luminosity, Touscheck lifetime) Emittance reduction options FF quads end harmonics effects Reference radius Spool pieces in arcs and Irs Super-KEKB will have a 86mrad crossing angle – operational experience JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

20 Superconducting magnets
Innovation in cabling tools, needed because Lorentz forces are no longer negligible at 3T 3T for collider, 3.1 T for booster – essentially same design (based on a 3.5T design) Fabrication of a 1.2 m model dipole 6T CIC dipole –cost 2.25x cost of 3T (cos –theta cost goes ~B2) Nuclotron super-ferric dipoles, hollow cable design : 2T, fast ramps 4T/sec, all production in the lab (300m of cable per day) operational experience good, 2min quench recovery! Improvements of nuclotron magnets for GSI SIS100, full scale prototypes tested successfully in 2010, production in progress Fast ramped 2-4T dipole with hollow NbTi composite keystone cable, cos-theta design – design existing but no prototype For fast ramped T dipole  double layer necessary Field vs ramp rate: JLEIC ‘dots’ for booster and collider Review of cos-theta magnets ( RHIC magnets adapted for fast ramping ~1T/sec SIS300, curvature possible ~64m/sagitta ~3cm) For fast ramping you don’t want to be too close to critical current Interaction region quads: LARP Ni3Sn JLEIC 3rd Collaboration Meeting

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