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ACAPT Annual Meeting Welcome and Introductions

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Presentation on theme: "ACAPT Annual Meeting Welcome and Introductions"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACAPT Annual Meeting Welcome and Introductions
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

2 Moment of Silence October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

3 Business Meeting Agenda
Call to Order and Welcome New Business: Motions Adoption of Order of Business Presentation of Awards Approval of 2016 Business Meeting Minutes Swearing In of New Officers Adjourn PT PAC presentation State of ACAPT: President’s Report October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

4 Approval of 2016 Business Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

5 PT-PAC: Making a Difference for the Profession
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

6 Issues Impacting the Profession
Prevented Large Payment Cuts in Medicare in the proposed Physician Fee Schedule Prevented a proposed rule on orthotics and prosthetics that would have restricted physical therapists from furnishing custom orthotics and prosthetics Opposition to the new Home Health payment system which generated more than 1,300 comments on the rule and 50 Senators expressing their concern about the proposed new case-mix model Legislation passed in Congress that improves coordination of rehabilitation research across all the institutes at NIH by requiring NIH to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation research plan October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

7 Opportunities Before the End of the Year
Passage of Legislation to Repeal the Medicare Therapy Cap Passage of Legislation to Allow PTAs to Provide their Services and be Paid under TRICARE October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

8 Connection Between Issues & PT-PAC
Access to Members of Congress through Fundraisers to Talk About Issues Build Relationships with Members of Congress Support PT-Friendly Members of Congress in their Election to Congress October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

9 We Need to Set the Bar High There is Too Much at Stake
In 2016, 7.1% of APTA members contributed to PT-PAC (9.3% of PTs and 3.2% of PTAs) In 2016, The Education Section had the highest participation in PT-PAC (29.2%), followed by HPA (28.9%) and Private Practice (28.3%)

10 Let’s Step Up As Leaders
ELC Goals 62% Participation Raise $18,795 Club Level or $20 if You Have Never Given We All Can Do It!!!

11 ACAPT President’s Report 2017
Barbara Sanders, PT, PhD, FAPTA Texas State University October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

12 Mark Reinking, PT, PhD, ATC, SCS – Regis University
Nancy Reese, PT, PhD – University of Central Arkansas Zoher Kapasi, PT, PhD– Emory University Michael Sheldon, PT, PhD – University of New England Scott Ward, PT, PhD – University of Utah Rick Segal, PT, PhD, FAPTA – Medical University of South Carolina Pamela Levangie, PT, DSc, FAPTA – MGH Institute of Health Professions Jim Farris, PT, PhD – AT Still University October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

13 Our Mission: To serve and lead academic physical therapy by promoting excellence in education, scholarship and research, practice and service to improve the health and wellness of society. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

14 Our Vision: ACAPT will be the leading voice to promote, achieve and sustain excellence in academic physical therapy. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

15 Excellence

16 Three C’s Communication Cooperation Collaboration October 13, 2017

17 Educational Leadership Partnership (ELP)
Education Section APTA ACAPT October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm Educational Leadership Partnership (ELP)

18 Membership = 94% or 213 of 227 eligible programs
Our accomplishments: Membership = 94% or 213 of 227 eligible programs Continued financial stability and link to Strategic Plan Dynamic Strategic Plan ACAPT History Videos and Interviews ACAPT Strategic Initiative Panels Consortia and their efforts directed toward our mission October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

19 MERC courses – held here at again at CSM
Development of the Student Honor Society ELP workgroups ACAPT Leadership Academy (#ACAPTLA) Sponsor/supporter of the TIGRR grant workshops Representation on Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science and Technology (FiRST) Participation in the Movement System Summit and follow-up groups October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

20 Consortium Activities
Participation and leadership in workshop on Global Forum for Innovations in Health Professions with the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (formerly IOM) Consortium Activities NCCE – Task Force on Payment for Clinical Experiences RIPPT – Task Force to build capacity for research trained faculty CHEP – Collaboration with Emory on Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation EPiC – active learning strategies programs CRCA – concept analysis on clinical reasoning October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

21 Continued improvement of web site and access to information
Podcasts from ELC 2015 and 2016 History Videos and Interviews Resources and News October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

22 Strategic Plan Dynamic Timely 2017-2020 plan in place October 13, 2017

23 Continue to build on our successes Develop ELP initiatives
Our opportunities Continue to build on our successes Develop ELP initiatives Complete our priorities of our strategic plan Remain responsive to changes in the academic world Strive for excellence October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

24 Thank you to all of our leaders – elected, appointed
Thank you to all of our participants – consortia, committees, task forces, work groups, panels, speakers Thank you to you our members It takes a great team to be successful!

25 Business Agenda Treasurer’s Report
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

26 October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

27 October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

28 October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

29 October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

30 October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

31 New Business: Motions October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

32 Standing Rules: Eligibility to Speak & Vote All attendees may speak; non-members of the ACAPT must receive permission of the representatives to speak. Only ACAPT Representatives may vote. If a designated representative is unable to attend the annual meeting, the institution may designate an alternate for the meeting. The alternate must be an APTA member within the institution following the ACAPT guidelines.   Representatives must register no later than one hour prior to the annual meeting in order to establish whether a quorum is present. Staff will issue voting cards to each designated representative. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

33 Motion AC-1-17: Proposed Bylaws Revisions
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

34 Article V: Officers, Board of Directors, Executive Committee Section 4C: Tenure No person shall serve more than two three complete consecutive terms on the Board of Directors or more than 2 complete consecutive terms in the same office. A member who has completed their terms of office is eligible to run again after taking off at least one election cycle. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

35 Article V. Officers, Board of Directors, Executive Committee
Section 6: Conduct of Business, A)Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall meet not less than twice a year. Seventy five percent (75%) A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors and must call a special meeting on written request of a majority of the members of the Board. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

36 Article V. Officers, Board of Directors, Executive Committee,
Section 6: Conduct of Business, B)Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall meet not less than twice a year and shall exercise the power of the Board of Directors between its meetings. Eighty percent (80%) A majority of the Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

37 Article VII: Elections and Voting:
The Representatives shall elect the members of the Board of Directors and the a members of the Nominating Committee. Elections shall be conducted online or in such other manner as the Board of Directors may provide. Elections shall be conducted each year in advance of the Annual Meeting, at such time as the Board of Directors may provide. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

38 Article VII: Elections and Voting:
Add: On petition of at least 5 Member Institutions, a qualified consenting member shall be placed in nomination for a position as an officer,  director, or as a member of the Nominating Committee to serve as a nomination by petition. Such a petition must be filed with the Secretary no later than 14 days after the list of candidates prepared by the Nominating Committee has been distributed to members. A candidate nominated by petition shall be afforded similar opportunities for publication of candidacy to the membership as those afforded a candidate nominated by the Nominating Committee, except that this individual shall be identified as nominated by petition. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

39 Motion AC-2-17 : Common Terminology
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

40 Context and History of the Panel Motions
Clinical Education Summit (October 2014) Report and Recommendations Three Panels (2016) – Terminology, Student Readiness, and Integrated Clinical Experiences Intensive work over 2 years getting us to this point 5 Motions Other Related Work and Motions Focus on Coordination of Effort and Collaboration – Education Leadership Partnership October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

41 That the following be adopted:
That the Physical Therapist Clinical Education Glossary be adopted and used for discussion and description of physical therapist clinical education. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

42 Motion AC-3-17 : Definition of Integrated Clinical Education (ICE)
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

43 That the following be adopted:
That the following definition of integrated clinical education (ICE) be adopted as the definition for use within the profession: Integrated clinical education is a curriculum design model whereby clinical education experiences are purposively organized within a curriculum. In physical therapist education, these experiences are obtained through the exploration of authentic physical therapist roles, responsibilities and values that occur prior to the terminal full time clinical education experience. Integrated experiences are coordinated by the academic program and are driven by learning objectives that are synchronous with didactic content delivery across the curricular continuum. These experiences allow students to attain professional behaviors, knowledge and/or skills within a variety of environments. The supervised experiences also allow for exposure and acquisition across all domains of learning and include student performance assessment. For integrated clinical education experiences to qualify towards the minimum number of full-time clinical education weeks required by accreditation (CAPTE) standards, it must be full time and supervised by a physical therapist within a physical therapy workplace environment or practice setting. ICE=Integrated Clinical Education  October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

44 Motion AC-4-17 : Rescinding Terminology for Clinical Education Experiences
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

45 That the following be approved:
That Terminology for Clinical Education Experiences (AC 2-13) be rescinded. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

46 Motion AC-5-17 : Parameters of Integrated Clinical Education (ICE)
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

47 That the following be adopted:
That the 8 parameters presented as baseline expectations for integrated clinical education be adopted and disseminated for use by physical therapist educational programs. These include: 1. Integrated clinical education may occur in any academic term prior to the completion of the didactic coursework leading to the completion of a terminal full time clinical education experience. 2. Integrated clinical education experiences will have specific desired outcomes that correspond to course and/or programmatic objectives. 3. Integrated clinical education experiences may be represented as a component of a didactic course or a standalone course that occurs in a synchronous fashion with other didactic coursework. 4. Integrated clinical education experience time frames are developed by the academic program based upon the course and/or programmatic objectives. Integrated clinical education may include full time and/or part time experiences. 5. Integrated clinical education experiences may occur in a variety of learning environments including campus or community based clinical or non-clinical settings, based upon the course and/or programmatic objectives. Integrated full time clinical education experiences that qualify for a program’s minimum number of clinical education weeks shall be completed in a physical therapy workplace environment or practice setting. 6. Integrated clinical education experiences shall include student assessments that are designed to link to the course or program objectives with expected student progression in professional behaviors, clinical knowledge, and/or skills.   7. Integrated clinical education experiences are coordinated by a faculty member of the academic program, in partnership with a coordinator from the clinical education site. 8. Integrated clinical education experiences are typically supervised by a course instructor and a preceptor. The preceptor may be an academic course faculty member, a clinical instructor, or other healthcare professional at the site the student is engaged in the experience, depending upon the course and/or programmatic objectives. Integrated full time clinical education experiences that qualify for a program’s minimum number of clinical education weeks shall be supervised by a licensed physical therapist.

48 Motion AC-6-17 : Student Readiness
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

49 That the following be adopted:
That the list of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), grouped into 14 themes, requiring students’ demonstration of competence prior to entering their first full-time clinical experience be adopted. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

50 Motion AC-7-17 : Movement System Position Statement
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

51 Motion AC-7-17: That the following be adopted:
The American Council of Academic Physical Therapy endorses the concept that the movement system is core to physical therapist practice, education, and research. ACAPT, therefore, supports inclusion of the movement system as: (1) an identifiable element in every physical therapist educational program, and (2) a visible component of each program’s public- facing web presence (e.g., as part of a program description, program goals, curricular threads or proposed graduate outcomes). October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

52 Motion AC-7-17: Whereas the American Physical Therapy Association in 2013 adopted the vision statement: “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience”; Whereas that vision is intended to result in a professional identity where “The movement system is the core of physical therapist practice, education, and research”; Whereas the Commission on Physical Therapist Education (CAPTE) Standard 7A requires that “The physical therapist professional curriculum includes content and learning experiences in the biological, physical, behavioral and movement sciences necessary for entry level practice”; Whereas the mission of the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is “To serve and lead academic physical therapy by promoting excellence in education, scholarship and research, practice and service to improve the health and wellness of society”; and Whereas ACAPT’s vision is to “be the leading voice to promote, achieve and sustain excellence in academic physical therapy”: It is incumbent upon the member institutions of ACAPT to support excellence in physical therapist education not only by incorporating the movement system as a key element of the professional curriculum but also to contribute to the public’s awareness of the movement system as part of our professional identify. This position statement is supported by the action plan that emerged from the 2016 Movement System Summit to “Partner with ACAPT to engage leaders at ELC in a dialogue on the importance of integrating the movement system into education.” There is no immediate fiscal impact to ACAPT in adopting this position statement. However, there may be future ramifications if one or more strategic priorities are established by ACAPT to support academic programs in incorporating the movement system as a key element of their curricula where this is not already the case. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

53 Motion AC-7-17: Support for Position Statement Amended:
Whereas the American Physical Therapy Association in 2013 adopted the vision statement: “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience”; Whereas that vision is intended to result in a professional identity where “The movement system is the core of physical therapist practice, education, and research”; Whereas the Commission on Physical Therapist Education (CAPTE) Standard 7A requires that “The physical therapist professional curriculum includes content and learning experiences in the biological, physical, behavioral and movement sciences necessary for entry level practice”; Whereas the movement system is defined as: “the term used to represent the collection of systems (cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, integumentary, nervous, and musculoskeletal) that interact to move the body or its component parts” [Approved by APTA Board of Directors, October 2016: Report to the 2017 House of Delegates]; Whereas the mission of the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) is “To serve and lead academic physical therapy by promoting excellence in education, scholarship and research, practice and service to improve the health and wellness of society”; and Whereas ACAPT’s vision is to “be the leading voice to promote, achieve and sustain excellence in academic physical therapy”: October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

54 Motion AC-8-17 : Best Practices for Physical Therapist Clinical Education
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

55 That the following be adopted:
ACAPT opposes Recommendation 1 in “Best Practice for Physical Therapist Clinical Education” (“That formal preparation for practice includes physical therapist professional education, followed by a clinical internship and mandatory postprofessional residency, and is accomplished through a process of staged licensure and specialty certification”) on the grounds that it would result in removal of the most significant portion of clinical education from academic oversight and accountability. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

56 Motion AC-9-17 : Resilience
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

57 That the following be adopted:
ACAPT will develop a plan to enhance awareness of the mental health needs of DPT students and identify best practices by academic programs to support and improve students’ health and well-being. October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

58 New Business October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

59 Presentation of Awards
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

60 Pam Levangie Anne Thompson
October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

61 Installation of Officers
Director – Mary Blackinton Nominating Committee Member – Denise Bender October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

62 2018 Elections Slate - 3 year terms:
Vice President Director (2) Nominating Committee Member Contact the Nominating Committee to nominate someone: Mary Dockter – Mary Shall - Denise Bender – October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

63 Thank you! October 13, 2017 1:30-5:00pm

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