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December 7, 2016 Agenda • Great Leap Forward • Truth About Communism

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Presentation on theme: "December 7, 2016 Agenda • Great Leap Forward • Truth About Communism"— Presentation transcript:

1 December 7, 2016 Agenda • Great Leap Forward • Truth About Communism • Scenes from Cultural Revolution • China Quick Facts Warm-up What was the point of the military engagements we have discussed and what was it called? Homework: review today’s material. Study guide due tomorrow, test Friday

2 The point of all the military engagements was to stop Communism and it was called CONTAINMENT.

3 Unit 6: Modern History of Southern & Eastern Asia
1.Unit 6 Standards 2.Warmup (11/14 –11/18) 3.Japan Reading 4.Hiroshima/Nagasaki BP 5.Unit 6 Study Guide 6. Origins of Cold War 7. Korea 8. Vietnam 9. India Quick Facts 10. Vietnam/Korean Venn 11. Korea/Vietnam BP 12. Warmup (11/28 – 12/2) 13. Spending Your Salary 14. Spending Your Communist Salary 15. Communism BP 16. Great Leap Forward 17. Truth About Communism 18. Cultural Revolution 19. China Quick Facts

4 The Truth about Communism
1.There is no incentive for anyone to work hard. a.This leads to shortages of products and services. Even if you have money to buy things, there is little in the stores and long lines. b.Shortages of food often cause many people to die in famines. 2.People end up having fewer choices. a. Healthcare is free, but usually bad. 3.There is very little freedom in communist countries. a.No freedom of the press. b.If you criticize the government, you go to prison or worse. c.You aren’t allowed to leave. 4.Communism is a combination of economic and government systems a.Economic System: Command (Socialism) b.Government system: Dictatorship (sometimes oligarchic) 5.Everyone ends up poor. 6.Communism has failed in every country in which it was tried. Even China gave up on communism in the 1980s.

5 Scenes from the Cultural Revolution
NB 18

6 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
What was the goal of the demonstrators? What did China’s government do about the protests? Why do you think the world was shocked by what happened? What reforms have been made in China since the massacre? Which reforms have not been made?

7 China Quick Facts NB 19

8 Citizen Participation
China Quick Facts Government Citizen Participation Power Distribution dictatorship (oligarchic) unitary

9 Key Events in Chinese Communism
•1949–The communist “Red Army” defeats China’s Nationalist army, forcing the remaining nationalists to flee to the island of Taiwan. Mao Zedong becomes the ruler of “People’s Republic of China.” •1950–All land in China taken over by the government. All Chinese farms are converted into “communes.” •1958–The Great Leap Forward plan is started to increase factory and farm production. The plan is a huge disaster and 20 million people starve to death. •1965–Mao launches the Cultural Revolution; using young people called “Red Guards” to arrest and punish anyone who is suspected of having un-communist ideas or being disloyal to Mao. Millions of Chinese are imprisoned or killed. •1976-Mao dies.

10 After Mao •1989–At the Tiananmen Square Massacre thousands of pro-democracy protestors are killed by the Chinese army for demanding human rights. •Today–China is still a communist dictatorship and its citizens have few human rights. However, the government learned its lesson from the failures of command economy. China now has a mixed economy, leaning slightly toward market. It is a leading manufacturer and the 2nd most powerful economy in the world.

11 Mao Zedong Mao Zedong led the Red Army and became the ruler of communist China. Millions of people in China died during his “Great Leap Forward.” Millions of Chinese were persecuted by his followers during the “Cultural Revolution.” Considered one of the worst dictators of the 20thcentury. “Chairman” Mao Zedong Dictator

12 What was the Cultural Revolution?
Daily Closing What was the Cultural Revolution?

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