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Information System Design Info-440

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1 Information System Design Info-440
Autumn 2002 Session #9

2 Agenda Admin/review Conceptual modeling Break Metaphors
Continue with exercise Break Metaphors Exercise Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

3 Admin Announcements Interactive design project Upcoming Anyone?
Questions? Upcoming Quiz #2: Nov 6th [covers weeks: 3-5] Design Exercise #3: Nov 13th Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

4 Process: Where we are now?
Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Requirements Analysis, Part I Week 3: Requirements Analysis, Part II Week 4: Conceptual design Week 5: Interaction design, Part I * Conceptual design Use of metaphor Week 6: Interaction design, Part II Labs: Prototyping Site maps, flow diagrams Participatory prototyping Evaluation Information design Process, project management The literature, personalities, and history Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

5 Last time Development cycle Conceptual modeling
Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

6 Development process Define: Vision/scope Deploy: Delivery stable
Version Release Define: Vision/scope Needs assessment Deploy: Delivery stable technology Beta software Vision/scope document Develop: Build the technology Design: Invent the technological solution Design specifications document Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

7 Conceptual modeling Key idea:
Uncover entities, relationships, and attributes and represent formally A logical representation Graphic notations are helpful because of their precision Conceptual modeling focuses on the system (compare to task flows) Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

8 Diagram for Automatic Teller Machine (1st version)*
* Benyon, D., Green, T. & Bental, D. (1999). Conceptual modeling for user interface development. New York: Springer. Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

9 2nd version (iterating is important)
Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

10 Guidelines Formal notations can help design team focus on details with rigor No right answers on how much detail to include – It depends on the goals of the team Diagrams should be broken into digestible chunks and should be augmented with written descriptions Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

11 Conceptual Modeling Exercise

12 Two problems Reverse engineer conceptual model for Dmoz
Create a conceptual model for a scenario Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

13 Exercise: Reverse engineer a conceptual model for dmoz
What are the entities? What are the relationships? What are the attributes? What operations can be applied to the entities? Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

14 Exercise: Develop a conceptual model for this scenario
Jill is a historian. She wants to help people understand how natural and built environments have changed over time. To do this she wants to develop a site which will allow people to match old photographs of buildings, landscapes, etc. to new photographs. Jill wants people to see, touch, and experience ‘change’. Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

15 Break

16 Metaphors Conceptual metaphors help us reason about the world
Metaphors are fundamental part of our use of language Example: An argument is a building Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

17 An argument is a building
We’ve got the framework for a solid argument If you don’t support your argument with solid facts, the whole thing will collapse His trying to buttress his argument with a lot of irrelevant facts but it is still so shaky that it will easily fall apart under criticism Examples from Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

18 Metaphors map concrete things to abstract things
Concrete domain: Abstract domain: Building Argument Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

19 Metaphors in technology
For users, Metaphors help users understand possibilities and provide an initial conceptual model However, a metaphor may limit understanding for a system Example A word processor is like a typewriter The web is like a telephone Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

20 Metaphors in technology
For designers, Generating metaphors can lead to innovative solutions For example, A digital library is like X, Y, Z, … Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

21 Example: What metaphors might be applicable for this scenario
Jill is a historian. She wants to help people understand how natural and built environments have changed over time. To do this she wants to develop a site which will allow people to match old photographs of buildings, landscapes, etc. to new photographs. Jill wants people to see, touch, and experience ‘change’. Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

22 Some possibilities Matching is like ….. History is like …
Environment is like … Change is like … Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

23 Next time Topics Two readings Return assignment #2
Review conceptual models Introduction Site maps Intro to prototyping & participatory design Two readings See syllabus Return assignment #2 Copyright David Hendry (INFO-440 session /28/2002)

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