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Intro to Alcohol.

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1 Intro to Alcohol


3 Intro to Alcohol Target: I will be able to identify the types of hol and describe factors affecting teen alcohol use Alcohol: a clear flammable liquid that is the intoxicating component of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and can also be used as an industrial solvent and fuel. Pg. 79

4 Types of Alcohol: Methyl alcohol (aka methanol): a toxic, colorless, flammable liquid alcohol Fatal if swallowed Exposure may damage eyes, kidneys, heart and liver

5 Found in: (Choose 4 to write)
*Antifreeze *Biodiesel *Silicon *Spandex *Windshield wiper fluid *Glass cleaners *Paints/varnish *Paint thinner *Moonshine- Illegal whiskey (sweeter than ethanol)

6 2. Isopropyl alcohol: a liquid alcohol used as a solvent, rubbing alcohol, and in the production of acetone (Nail polish remover) If ingested it causes gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), headache, damage to liver and kidneys, and impaired vision if in contact with eyes

7 3. Ethanol: The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages
Acts as a depressant by slowing the central nervous system (CNS) Can lead to malnutrition because the body can’t absorb important nutrients ABV: Alcohol by Volume- How much alcohol is present in one drink Beer is approximately 4.5% alcohol Wine = 4% alcohol Distilled Liquor = 40-50% alcohol

8 Proof: Measurement of how much ethanol is in alcoholic beverages
Twice the percentage of ABV Ex: 100-proof whiskey contains 50% alcohol by volume Ex 86-proof whiskey contains 43% alcohol.

9 Alcohol and Teens: 80% of teens have tried alcohol 50% of teen deaths are alcohol/drug related



12 Why Young People Drink (Factors affecting use):
1. Escape problems/deal with stress 2. To relax 3. Friends use it; you want to fit in 4. Curiosity/Boredom/Rebellion 5. Family- see family use it when they are socializing, celebrating, or having problems 6. Media- young, handsome/beautiful people having fun/partying- always problem free Summary:

13 UnHappy Hour Choose one of the factors affecting teenage use of alcohol (why teens drink) and then draw a convincing advertisement depicting what negative consequences could arise because of underage drinking. *Use a minimum of 4 colors* Pg. 78

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