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What are the competencens students should have at the end of practical training?

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2 What are the competencens students should have at the end of practical training?
Personal skills Therapeutical skills

3 Personal skills – characteristics
Friendly Reliable Empathizing Conscious own strengths and weaknesses Be able to take criticism Supportive Respect your own and the patient's boundaries Confident about skills and knowledge Self-reflecting Team player

4 Personal skills – communication to patient
Communicate Respect your own and the patient's boundaries Psychosocial skills Coaching role Create a safe atmosphere for the patient

5 Therapeutical skills Base: anatomy,physiology, pathologies, implement guidelines, use evidence based practice Clinical experience e.g. recognizing patterns and understanding the importance of several other forms of therapy Work as a physiotherapist in a multi-disciplinary team To know the field of physiotherapy Being updated of the information Treatment: prevent – observate – diagnose - plan – treat – evaluate – efficient documentate Always clinical reasoning → requirements: clinical thinking, clinical reasoning model, know why we are treating the patients Set priority in treatment Educate the patient Train self-consciousness Communicate Patient is the king

6 Role of the supervisor Collaboration: - introduction to patient inform students and give opportunities for preparation allows you to make mistake feedback and evaluation Opportunities: - trust to expand your practical skills and let you work on your own ask advice about treatment make you part of the team Challenges: - don't create the atmosphere of an exam to communicate on an equal level create professional atmosphere make sure the patient content

7 Role of the supervisor Skills : - patient supportive trustful self-confident open minded having a professional relationship with student link university education with clinical practice explain your treatment

8 Role of the supervisor international
Work with international students Not judging about other education systems Know student's level of education

9 Methods to assess practical competences
Practical competences: respiratory treatment, massage... Every practical exam should be based on theoretical knowledge. Use a checklist of criteria. Exam by more than one teacher, e.g. an external teacher. Film exam and discuss with neutral teacher.

10 Graded based assessment vs. passed/failed assessment - pros and cons
+ Reflect your learning - Bad marks can get you down - 6th culture + Not time consuming for teacher - No difference between students

11 Thank you for your attention!

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