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Dual Credit Course Codes

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1 Dual Credit Course Codes
How to: Check for accuracy to ensure that data has been entered correctly

2 Check for Accuracy Create a test transcript.
If entered correctly, here’s how college-delivered dual credits will appear on an OST: Make sure that the correct college name appears Note that for Level 1 Apprenticeship courses, no college name appears. Date Course Grade Course Title Course Code Percentage Grade Credit Compulsory Note Year Month 12 SAULT C: Music and Pop Culture GAS109 AHE4T 74 1 LEVEL 1 APP: Cook 415A TKA4Y 75 3

3 Check for Accuracy: Passing Grade
The passing grade for most college-delivered college courses at Sault College is 50%. The passing grade for PHQ4T at Sault College is 60%. Note that even though the student earned a mark of 50% or higher in both courses, he earned a credit for PHS4T but no credit for PHQ4T. Date Course Grade Course Title Course Code Percentage Grade Credit Compulsory Note Year Month 12 SAULT C: Professional Practices I – Pharmacy Law and Customer Services PTN106 PHQ4T 58 SAULT C: Medical Terminology MED111 PHS4T 54 1

4 Check for Accuracy: Partial Completion
If entered correctly, here’s how partial completion of a college-delivered level 1 dual credit will appear on an OST: In this case, the student did not successfully complete the Level 1 Cook program but he was awarded 1 of the possible 3 credits. Note that the grade must be equal to or higher than the passing grade for that program. (In this case, at Sault College, it’s 50%.) Date Course Grade Course Title Course Code Percentage Grade Credit Compulsory Note Year Month 12 LEVEL 1 APP: Cook 415A (Partial) TKA4Y 50 1

5 Check for Accuracy If entered correctly, here’s how a team-taught dual credit will appear on an OST: Note that the words “Dual Credit” appear in brackets after the Ontario curriculum course title Note that a “T” appears in the Note column to indicate “team taught” Level 1 oversight programs are recorded as team taught Date Course Grade Course Title Course Code Percentage Grade Credit Compulsory Note Year Month 12 English (Dual Credit) ENG4C 74 1 X T Foundations for College Mathematics (Dual Credit) MAP4C 65 Transportation Technology (Dual Credit) TTJ4C 52 2

6 OnSIS Reports There are 2 OnSIS verification reports that can be run at the school and/or board level: Dual Credit Course – Detail: VFSCH-0060D This report presents student level data Achievement in Dual Course Programs by Course Code: VFSCH-0049D.00 – This report shows only achievement data, aggregated by course and credits

7 Questions? If you have questions about dual credit course codes, please do not contact the OnSIS help desk directly. Instead, please contact:

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