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Classroom News November 14th – 18th Mrs. Dugas Mark your calendar *

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1 Mrs. Dugas –
Classroom News November 14th – 18th Mrs. Dugas Mark your calendar * A peek at the week + Math: re-write 2 digit problems from horizontal to vertical position add 3 two digit numbers with/without regrouping review adding 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping Religion: to realize that the Holy Spirit helps and guides us Science: matter (liquids and gases) Reading: leveled readers vocabulary words skill: drawing conclusions Language: Identify verbs Spelling: er, ir ur words Phonics Identify contractions and 2 words they stand for make plurals using s, es, and ies Mon. Nov. 14 – board games and building club mtg. 3:30-4:30 Tues Nov. 15 – Cane’s night for OLPH Wed. Nov. 16 – no mass – SACS Visit Fri. Nov mass 8:30 a.m.; 1:00 dismissal A Note from Your Teacher: n Please send your child with a snack each day except for Wednesday We have several students that are forgetting each day. Thanks for your attention to this matter. Have a great weekend and upcoming week! Mrs. Dugas* November birthdays z Madeline – 7th Tripp – 24th

2 Mrs. Dugas –
Test Schedule November 14th – 18th Mrs. Dugas – Upcoming Tests: Thursday Language quiz on verbs (Look over p in green grammar book) Friday Spelling test Spelling words: n her hamburger person surface nurse perfect dirt turn birth serve curb curl skirt purse turtle r Notes: Reading books will not come home next week since we aren’t doing a reading story. We will read out of our leveled readers, study vocabulary, and focus on the skill of drawing conclusions. We will not have a quiz on this skill this week. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Vocabulary words everybody minute riverbank behind promise Thanksgiving brought hooves z

3 * + n r z


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