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Family Life Education SEXUAL BEHAVIORS (Day 2)

2 Objectives- Day 2 Students will know age of consent in VA.
SOLs: 9.1, 9.1b, 9.1d: 9.2, 9.2a, 9.1c 9.4, 9.4a, 9.4b Students will know age of consent in VA. Students will know the difference between an adult and a minor Students will understand consequences of under age sex.

3 Bell Ringer (Day 2) Pick either 1 or 2 and write a half page red to red about: Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should make important decisions for their older (14 to 17 year-old) teenage children. Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. Include the statement as the first sentence in the beginning of essay. Save these to be turned in with your test!

4 Show video, “Risky Business”


6 Breaking the Law (Consequences)
Punishment for sexual assault crimes may vary: Fines and Jail Jail sentences vary from 6 months to life, determined by the actual nature of the crime.

7 Definitions Sexual Assault/Abuse - any type of sexual activity that is not agreed to Rape - the act of making someone partake involuntarily, in sexual acts, through violence, force, threat of injury, or where the victim is unable to decline due to the influence of drugs or alcohol. Incestuous Behavior - sexual contact between persons so closely related that they are forbidden, by law, to marry. Molestation - similar to sexual assault, usually dealing with children.

8 Sexual Harassment 3 Types

9 1-Verbal Sexual comments, jokes, gestures, noises
Asking about sexual fantasies, preferences, or history. Referring to an adult as “girl,” “boy,” “sweetie,” “baby,” etc. Making sexual comments about a person’s clothing, body, or looks.

10 2-Non-Verbal Sexual comments on hats, shirts, etc.
Display of sexual pictures. Making facial expressions Invading a person’s body space (standing too close, etc.)

11 3-Physical Any physical unwanted touches
Deliberate sexual touching or brushing up against, leaning over, or pinching.

12 Breaking the Law (Consequences)
Facts: 18 yrs. old or older is legally an adult Less than 18 yrs. old is a minor. Minor Adult vs.

13 So, if an: 18 yrs old has sex with 18 yrs old has sex with
yr. old 13-14 yr. old Class 1 Misdemeanor Class 4 Felony <1 year in jail & 2, fine 2-10 yrs in jail & $100,000 fine

14 A minor but <3 yrs. apart
So, if an: 13-14 year old has sex with 13-14 year old has sex with A minor but 3 yrs. older A minor but <3 yrs. apart Class 6 Felony Class 4 Misdemeanor 1-5 yrs in jail & $2, fine $ fine

15 So, if anyone: Has sex with Anyone 12 or under RAPE 5 years to life

16 Class work #2 Textbook page 120-121
Read “What to know about Date Rape” Define terms: Rape, Acquaintance Rape, and Date Rape Briefly explain the 4 bullets on page 120.

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