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Medical cannabis availability in Central & Eastern Europe

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1 Medical cannabis availability in Central & Eastern Europe
Pavel Kubů, Jovana Arsenijevic, Vendula Běláčková, Jakub Marcin Gajewski, Vasil Haralampiev, Božidar Radišič 19 | 11 | 2015

2 CEE Region Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

3 0 1 Czech Republic Cannabis is legal for medical use upon eligible physician’s specializations prescription for enlisted diagnosis and symptoms (full list at Clinical trials with whole-plant material approved Prescription adoption curve starting slowly Lack of CME and prescription guidance for eligible physician’s specializations Issues with central ePrescription system Healthcare insurance refundation barrier removed February 2016 Market supply from imported Bedrocan strains First medical cannabis locally produced reaching pharmacies in March 2016 More tenders for growing licenses expected Medical Cannabis Conference 2017 in Prague CME accredited event for cannabis scientist, physicians and other healthcare professionals Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

4 Croatia Medical cannabis available, Ministry of health regulations implemented Indications: Multiple sclerosis Cancer Epilepsy AIDS Cannabis based medication import THC, dronabinol, nabinol – only in pharmacies Can be prescribed by GPs, must be recommended by specialists THC medications prescribed maximally for 30 days Total amount of prescribed THC cannot exceed 0,75g Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

5 Poland The only legal way is a complicated individual import procedure for particular patient Prescription needed Refundation for Sativex, Bediol and Bedrocan Pharmaceutical preparations: option viable – however, physicians lack the knowledge to prescribe A new law is being debated in the Polish parliament right now; the outcome is hard to predict and the creation of the actual law is uncertain Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

6 Republic of Serbia Cannabis for medical use – advocated since 2014
3 cannabis-based medicines Dronabinol for weight loss in HIV, AIDS patients, nausea caused by chemotherapy Nabilone for nausea caused by chemotherapy Sativex for MS patients on muscle spasms only if spasms not adequately controlled by conventional therapies Free for patients, paid for by National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) Medicines will be available this mid-year for prescribtion by certified doctors Ministry of Health did not legalize cannabis oil – reason: lack of production and quality standards Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

7 Macedonia Production, possession, selling, use – all illegal
Draft of law for medical cannabis Passed first stages of parliamentary discussion; now amendments are being negotiated One of those amendments mentions growing cannabis by patients Parliamentary vote should be within weeks Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

8 0 1 Slovenia Cannabis production is illegal, users demanding self- supply Synthetic THC and CBD-based medicines available in pharmacies Will be extended to natural-based registered drugs within weeks Cannabis debate very vivid Use of substances is not a criminal offense in Slovenia The proceedings are happening on the parliamentary level Slovenia moved cannabis extracts to Sch.II, but the plant itself is still Sch. I Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

9 Cannabis for Patients Availability Matrix*
A: PATIENT AUTHORISATION B: SOURCES OF CANNABIS SUPPLY I. HERBAL CANNABIS II. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS B1: No legitimate supply of cannabis, sourced from illegal market (not medicinal grade) B2: Patients / caregivers can cultivate cannabis (not medicinal grade) B3: Authorised imported herbal cannabis (medicinal grade) B4: Herbal cannabis (medicinal grade) grown domestically by licensed producers B5: Pharmaceutical preparations (medicinal grade) A1: Specific exemptions from criminal law based on patient diagnoses  Macedonia – proposal stage A2: Specific exemptions from criminal law based on doctor´s recommendation for medicinal cannabis use (dispensaries) A3: Authorisation of patients via prescription system (pharmacies) Czech Poland Slovenia – if extended as expected Croatia Serbia Slovenia * Belackova, V., Ritter, A., Shanahan, M., Chalmers, J., Hughes, C. Barratt, M. & Lancaster, K. (2015). Medicinal cannabis in Australia – Framing the regulatory options. Sydney: Drug Policy Modelling Program. Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

10 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Albania No medical cannabis policy, no treatment, no use No advocacy, limited debates Bosnia and Herzegovina Cannabis is still treated as an illegal drug; no use for medical purposes No initiative for decriminalization of medical use Ministry of Civil Affairs plans to establish expert group to propose laws and regulations for medical use No time estimates available Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe 10

11 Bulgaria No difference between medical and recreational use – all penalized by 2 to 6 years in prison. Banned by the National Council on Drugs, included in prohibition list 1. Not only the substance, but also recommendations are penalized. No exceptions (cases of sentenced patients.) Movement to integrate patient-oriented regulation for medicinal cannabis. Since 2010, at least two clinical trials of “Sativex”. Farmers growing hemp can process stems and seeds but not flowers and foliage. CBD is legitimate, but the extraction of hemp is illegal. Medical cannabis patients’ union (Restart), IMCPC members. Protest on April 24 demands legalization for medical purposes, decriminalization for personal use, and allowing the production of industrial hemp. Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

12 Montenegro Romania Slovakia Banned completely
March 2016 – first legalization campaign for medical use Romania Cannabis is an indexed drug with no exceptions No real advocacy or debate Slovakia No legal access to medical cannabis Opposition MPs raising the topic into public discussion without any legislative proposals issued Medical cannabis availability in Central/Eastern Europe

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