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Monday, 5/8/17 – 5A Tuesday, 5/9/17 – 2B

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1 Monday, 5/8/17 – 5A Tuesday, 5/9/17 – 2B
English II Monday, 5/8/17 – 5A Tuesday, 5/9/17 – 2B

2 Do Now Take out Stage 1 Packet Reviewing Thesis Statements
Sample themes, thesis statements, and quote sandwiches can ALL be found in the Research Paper Folder on my teacher page Reviewing Thesis Statements

3 Stage 2 For EACH of your body paragraphs (4), you will support your point from Raisin with a quote from the text. THEN, you will further back up your claim with a quote from your LITERARY CRITICISMS. You must select two articles from the Bloom’s Guide and access them via Destiny Quest. We will set up Destiny Quest together shortly. But first…here is what Stage 2 consists of… Use your class time today and next class to work on this. Due in two classes and GRADED!

4 Stage 1 Secondary Packet (Quotes in Quote Sandwiches)
Once you have your theme and four quotes, you will move on to the second part of Stage 1.*I will check your themes and quotes and approve them before you move forward.* Create a thesis statement that includes your theme plus four examples (see sample) and then, create a quote sandwich for each piece of textual evidence you found (context, quote with citation, analysis). *See sample All of this info., all of these instructions, and copies of all handouts can be found on my teacher page in the Research Paper folder. Turn in Stage 1 by the end of the block. It will be graded.

5 Taking Your Quotes and Creating Quote Sandwiches
THEME: One should always fight against racial discrimination. Layer 1 (Bread) = CONTEXT EXAMPLE: In Act II, the reader finds that Mama has put a down payment on a house in a white neighborhood, despite the racism that exists in the area. When informing her family of her decision, Mama says, Layer 2 (Meat/Cheese) = QUOTE EXAMPLE: “Them houses they put up for colored in them areas way out all seem to cost twice as much as other houses. I did the best I could” (Hansberry 77). Notice the citation Layer 3 (Bread) = ANALYSIS EXAMPLE: According to Mama, houses in minority neighborhoods tend to cost even more money, and are “way out” there, away from the Youngers’ current apartment. Therefore, Mama takes a stand against discrimination, teaching her family to do the same, by purchasing the house in the white neighborhood.

6 Homework Work on Stage 2: Read through each of your two articles and begin taking notes. You must have two quotes from each article (for a total of 4). This is due in two classes (Friday, 5/12 – 5A and Monday, 5/15 – 2B) and will be graded.

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