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Registration Events Benefitting the Region

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1 Registration Events Benefitting the Region
08/19/14 Registration Events Benefitting the Region This is the header slide for the 2016 Workshop presentations. #313 AYSO National Management Program 1

2 08/19/14 Course Objectives Discuss what impact e-signature technology has on the registration process. Discuss how Regions handle issues resulting from parents having little or no contact with the Regional Board. Instructor Notes Set the tone – “What do you expect to get out of this session?” Drive the answers to fit in with the Workshop Objectives. Briefly share the objectives for this session. In addition we will discuss and understand how the Region is going to accommodate the issues that could be a result of parents having little or no contact with the AYSO Regional Board. 2

3 Course Objectives cont.
08/19/14 Course Objectives cont. Discuss ways Regions can compensate for this lack of face-to-face contact. Explore the benefits of personal interaction with potential volunteers and players. Debate the pros and cons of “Face to Face” versus “Face to Computer” registration. Instructor Notes Delineate ways the Region can compensate for this lack of face-to-face contact. 3

4 08/19/14 Big Picture Let’s keep the Big Picture in mind throughout this workshop Let’s approach this with the ‘big picture’ in mind, not just looking for short term “oh it’s easier” or “this is the way we have always done it” mindset. Regions are going to do what they want and think is best for them. Maybe – just maybe- we can get you to think of long term and expand your thinking.

5 Definitions Describe “Face to Face” registration events.
08/19/14 Definitions Describe “Face to Face” registration events. Describe “Face to Computer” registration. Instructor: Ask attendees to describe the process their Region uses for both types of registration. Try to get at least two or three of each type. Face to face registration events are when parents physically come to a location. Hopefully they have all gone to eAYSO, filled out the Player Registration Form for their children, printed out two copies and bring them to the registration location. Face to computer only registration. Ask how their online registration differs from this process. … Parents fill out the Player Registration Form. Credit Cards account for the majority of the payments. Checks can be mailed to our PO Box.  Cash will be handled at our ONE in-person event, perhaps at the new player parent orientation, but it will also be discouraged as it is not traceable like checks and credit cards are. Receipts can be used.

6 08/19/14 Positives/Negatives Let’s discuss the positives/negatives of each registration process.

7 Face to Face Registration - Positives/Negatives
08/19/14 Face to Face Registration - Positives/Negatives First discuss the positives of this process and then go on to the negatives. Do not put up the next two slides until you have had a lengthy discussion with the attendees. Don’t make the click to the next slide until you have gotten as much input as possible. Accept all answers, understanding that Regions are all different in the way that they approach registration.

8 Positives of face to face
08/19/14 Positives of face to face Could be the biggest event the Region holds. Well organized events create a great first impression. Parents get to meet the “A Team” of the Region. These are review slides. Hopefully you will have received additional ideas for both registration processes. Ask for answers before showing them.

9 Continued Parents can be convinced to volunteer in person.
08/19/14 Continued Parents can be convinced to volunteer in person. Brands AYSO. Many Regions rate new players during the process. These are review slides. Hopefully you will have received additional ideas for both registration processes. Ask for answers before showing them.

10 Negatives of Face to Face
08/19/14 Negatives of Face to Face So much work! Costs money and resources to put on. Parents can ask for special requests in person. Takes up parents’ valuable time. Might not be a convenient time or place for parents. There will probably be many more than what is listed. Ask for answers before showing them.

11 Face to Computer - Positives/Negatives
08/19/14 Face to Computer - Positives/Negatives Don’t make the click to the next slide until you have gotten as much input as possible. Accept all answers, understanding that Regions are all different in the way that they approach registration.

12 Positives of Face to Computer
08/19/14 Positives of Face to Computer The technology is available to do this easily. It is far less work for the Regional Board. Parents like the ability to do this at their leisure. Ask for answers before showing them.

13 Continued All Regional Board Members don’t have to be involved
08/19/14 Continued All Regional Board Members don’t have to be involved Tech savvy younger parents like this technology. No need to handle large amounts of money. Ask for answers before showing them.

14 Negatives of Face to Computer
08/19/14 Negatives of Face to Computer Impersonal More difficult to recruit volunteers. Does not “Brand” AYSO. Parents might not have a computer or the skill to complete the process. Let the participants express their opinions as to the negatives of face to computer registration before showing the entire slide. Draw attention to the last bullet and ask what this statement means. Let the participant’s answers help bring to focus the financial aspects of this negative.

15 Negatives of Face to Computer
08/19/14 Negatives of Face to Computer The follow up has to be done by coaches. Registration reconciliation is more difficult. Let the participants express their opinions as to the negatives of face to computer registration before showing the entire slide. Draw attention to the last bullet and ask what this statement means. Let the participant’s answers help bring to focus the financial aspects of this negative.

16 08/19/14 One RC’s Perspective “We lose some of the personal touch, perhaps, but we gain so much in data analytics through technology that makes life easier for the Board and can ultimately result in new opportunities never even thought of!” -Peter Kaplan RC Region 6/D/735 Region 735 successfully holds face to computer registrations. When asked about how the Region maintains their level of volunteers, he shared a great idea. Each coach in the Region is asked to identify two parents from their team who might make good coaches. These parents are contacted and the rate of acceptance is high. Parent feel honored to be identified as having the qualities that the Region wants in a coach.

17 Challenges Recruiting volunteers can be a challenge
08/19/14 Challenges Recruiting volunteers can be a challenge How does each process tackle this issue? This will be a great guided participation exercise. (Or) If you have a manageable number of attendees (no more than 10 representing each registration process) you can divide up into two teams and give them 5 – 7 minutes to brainstorm the task of recruiting volunteers using each process. Ask for a spokesperson from each team. Don’t click to the next slide until you have completed the guided participation or each spokesperson has given their presentation.

18 Recruiting Volunteers
08/19/14 Recruiting Volunteers Face to Face Each Board Member can recruit for their own discipline. Talk to every parent. Warm/Fuzzy List all volunteer jobs on the wall Acknowledge every recruit RC can shake hands and welcome parents There is a place in eAYSO on the player application where it asks a parent if they would like to volunteer and gives them things like referee or coach, etc. but if they don't select anything they can still complete the registration. 

19 Continued Face to Computer Parents fill out a form on line
08/19/14 Continued Face to Computer Parents fill out a form on line Many Regions “require” parents to volunteer and is that allowed? Set expectations on the Region’s website Sterile/Convenient There are some Regions that tell parents that they MUST volunteer or their child's application won't be accepted...this is definitely not sanctioned by AYSO and when we find Regions doing this we  explain that they can't do this....but some still do it. But clearly eAYSO is not the tool which is able to enforce this.  Policies & Procedures 7.G.4--The  Region  may  not  condition  the  registration  of  a  player  based  upon  any  requirement  of volunteer participation by a parent or guardian.

20 08/19/14 Questions If you are a new parent, is it just about registering your child to play? Beware of thinking that there is only one right/wrong way to register players. Why? How can Regions use a combination of both processes? Explain. These questions will come up one at a time. Get as much input as possible. You may want to call on attendees who haven’t contributed up to this point in the workshop.

21 08/19/14 Is there a compromise? Doing only one type of registration isn't the BEST PRACTICE takes a good blending! In-person registrations connect and re-connect people.   However, having a line that takes two hours to get through doesn't do much to show a "quality" program; just a process that takes up too much time! People develop relationships which leads to commitment (aka volunteers). Having a line that takes two hours to get through doesn't do much to show a "quality" program; just a process that takes up too much time!

22 Let’s do some role playing… 1/3
08/19/14 Let’s do some role playing… 1/3 1. We are at a face to face registration, and a new parent comes in. Do the best you can to recruit this parent to volunteer. Ask for volunteers to do these role play scenarios. If you can’t get two volunteers for each scenario, you or your co-instructor can play one of the parts. It will be easy for you to play one part and have the attendee react to what you are saying. Set up the scenario with them over to the side so that you can be sure they will eventually come to the end conclusion that you want. In this scenario you can discuss time commitment, spending quality time with your children, the variety of volunteer positions, etc..

23 08/19/14 Continued 2/3 2. During Registration, brag to a parent about the process your Region has set up for a face to face registration event (food, kids activities, spaciousness, socializing, etc.). Ask for volunteers to do these role play scenarios. If you can’t get two volunteers for each scenario, you or your co-instructor can play one of the parts. It will be easy for you to play one part and have the attendee react to what you are saying. Set up the scenario with them over to the side so that you can be sure they will eventually come to the end conclusion that you want. 2. Welcome parents to your “Event”. Explain the process and all the bells and whistles you have set up for their comfort and ease.

24 08/19/14 Continued 3/3 3. A parent is watching their child playing soccer. You need more volunteers. Recruit! Ask for volunteers to do these role play scenarios. If you can’t get two volunteers for each scenario, you or your co-instructor can play one of the parts. It will be easy for you to play one part and have the attendee react to what you are saying. Set up the scenario with them over to the side so that you can be sure they will eventually come to the end conclusion that you want. 3. The parent should be concentrating on watching their child play and you are trying to recruit. It is distracting and not easy. Both of you get frustrated.

25 The Experience What is a store that you frequently shop in?
08/19/14 The Experience What is a store that you frequently shop in? Is it a “big box” or a local store? Describe the experience of going to that store What is a store that you frequently shop in? It could be Macy’s, Walmart, Staples, Home Depot, etc…. Or a local “Mom and Pop” store where everyone knows you? You may need to ask some leading questions: What do you like about the salespeople? Describe how the store is set up. How are problems dealt with? a return, damaged goods, etc… Make sure that you get negative experiences also, too. And focus on the pros/cons of big box v. mom and pop--selection v. personalization

26 08/19/14 The Online Experience Which online stores do you shop, either out of necessity or by choice? Describe the experience of shopping on this site What do you like about the site? Describe how the site is set up. How are problems dealt with? a return, damaged goods, etc… Both the online sites we deal with and the stores we go to have business plans that cater to different audiences. So the experience that  AYSO Regions wants to create may differ slightly due to number of players, economics, volunteer commitment, tradition, and competition from other options, but in the end we are all AYSO and are delivering essentially the same for kids..   We don’t want to lose sight that while there may be efficiencies of online checkout vs. self-checkout vs the full retail hand holding checkout.....that’s just one aspect of the overall AYSO experience (product) and we need to keep in mind that ultimately we are about serving the needs of the kids playing soccer....rather than making it easy to do what could degrade into drive-by-registrations if we aren’t vigilant.

27 08/19/14 The Bottom Line This is the point in the workshop where the learning can be summarized. You may want to ask one or more of the attendees to sum up what conclusions they have come up with as a result of attending this workshop. Click to the next slide only after getting this input.

28 08/19/14 Conclusion Both of AYSO’s ways to register players and recruit volunteers have their advantages and disadvantages. Every Region needs to weigh the factors, and design a registration process that works. Summarize these conclusions rather than reading them verbatim.

29 08/19/14 If it doesn’t work? Change can be good. It can be beneficial to the Region.

30 Find Balance! Face to Face Face to Computer Region 08/19/14
Remember that our goal in all of this is to enrich children’s lives through AYSO. Keep that in mind as you plan your registration process.

31 Thank you for attending!
State that this concludes the Registration Events – What Benefits the Region Most and express your hope that everyone has learned something to help them do a better job running their registration process. Thank them all for coming. #313

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