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“RedBoard” / Arduino Uno Ardumoto Motor Driver Shield

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Presentation on theme: "“RedBoard” / Arduino Uno Ardumoto Motor Driver Shield"— Presentation transcript:

1 “RedBoard” / Arduino Uno Ardumoto Motor Driver Shield
Gobbit Overview Let’s look over your robot kit before we start building … Gear motors Battery Pack QTR-8RC Sensor array Ball Caster Switch “RedBoard” / Arduino Uno Ardumoto Motor Driver Shield Jumper Wires Upper Deck Lower Deck Velcro Small Open End Plate Gear Motors Motor Brackets Wheels

2 Gobbit Overview Examine the electronic components in the kit …
Sparkfun Redboard Arduino UNO R3 Clone (brains of the robot listens to sensors and commands motor driver) Ardumoto Motor Driver (brain commands this to speed up or slow down the 2 DC gearmotors enough to steer the robot and sensor over the line to maintain sensor feedback of the line centered under the sensor) Pololu QTR-8RC RC Reflectance Sensor Array (line sensor reads light reflections to detect where a dark line is on a light background, then tells the brain what parts of the sensor the line is under)

3 Gobbit Overview … Review the orientation of your robot. Know which end is the Front and Back, and which sides are the left and right … Front Left Right Back

4 Gobbit Overview …Double check your wiring diagrams match your hardware… …and always follow the instruction sheets when building and wiring your robot.

5 Gobbit Overview Further information and help:
Gobbit Assembly, Wiring, Arduino IDE installation, Add-on Features, files, Projects, and Program video examples including the BSA Course - Replacement parts, additional sensors, and other fun devices to build onto your robot

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