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Zachary Short Shadow Replacement.

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Presentation on theme: "Zachary Short Shadow Replacement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zachary Short Shadow Replacement

2 Original Ideas I knew that I wanted to create user interaction
I wanted to do so with little to no work by the user I also wanted a relatively subliminal output, something you don’t necessarily notice

3 Double- Taker (Snout)

4 Hand From Above

5 Shadow Replacement Shadows are something that surround us on a momentary basis Something that we take for granted So what happens if this shadow disappears? Better yet, what happens if it gets replaced? Will people notice?





10 Problems Numenta People tracking
Originally I began to develop something just using a normal camera Problem was that what I did worked a lot better with stereo cameras


12 With out the stereo camera the program had several inclusions resulting in a shaky output
Stereo cameras are very expensive, so I had to think about what I had to work with




16 Ended up beginning to work with Kinect
Kinect can track multiple people simultaneously with out the use of the freeze pose Can also monitor depth and several other aspects that will be beneficial

17 Basically… The program places a box around the individual
Take the lower coordinates of the box and import those numbers into Max Implement a shadow and control the way the shadow moves based on the speed of the individual A stopped person results in a stopped shadow

18 Programs Nag mark 15 Xml4c OpenNL Nite Processing Max/Msp

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