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Section 1 330 C.E. Constantine (emperor of Roman empire) moved capital to Byzantium Byzantium was old Greek trading colony on a peninsula Constantine.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 1 330 C.E. Constantine (emperor of Roman empire) moved capital to Byzantium Byzantium was old Greek trading colony on a peninsula Constantine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 1 330 C.E. Constantine (emperor of Roman empire) moved capital to Byzantium Byzantium was old Greek trading colony on a peninsula Constantine called the city New Rome The Roman empire was divided into 2, with 2 emperors – one for East and One for West Western Roman Empire fell to invaders, the East continued for 1,000yrs.

2 Section 2 Constantinople
Constantine moved to Byzantium b/c it was easy to defend (miles of walls were built, put a chain across harbor) Trade routes met here from Asia & Europe = became center of trade Trade helped make Constantinople rich It had a sewer system Lots of rich ppl, but also lots of poor ppl Poor = could work for emperor to get bread Sport to watch was chariot races at Hippodrome

3 Section 3 – Reign of Justinian I
Justinian’s reign lasted from During his reign a riot broke out b/t Blues and Greens, but then together they rioted and ruined Constantinople. Justinian’s wife, Theodora, told him to stay and help end the revolt, which he did. After the riot, he rebuilt the city – new bridges, hospitals, roads, parks, and churches, including the Hagia Sophia He also reclaimed some of Rome’s lost territory= North Africa, Italy, Spain Best known for his Code = revised laws, his Code became basis for many Western lands

4 Section 4 Eastern Orthodox Church
Emperor was head of gov’t but also living representative of God and Jesus Christ = church and gov’t were connected Emperor was supreme authority; he selected the patriarch who was the head bishop Divine Liturgy was = to Catholic Mass (church service) The liturgy was said in Greek or local language** Saint Cyril helped create Cyrillic alphabet which helped ppl read the bible in Eastern Europe

5 Section 5 Conflict Between East and West
Medieval Europe and Byzantine Empire were united in Christianity 1st disagreement was about worshipping pictures of Jesus/saints led to iconoclasm (smashing of religious art) Another disagreement- ruling the western half – Pope Leo crowned Charlemagne instead of Irene – which angered everyone 1054 – split between the Christian church began and still exists today

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