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Artist of the Week #6 M.C. Escher.

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Presentation on theme: "Artist of the Week #6 M.C. Escher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artist of the Week #6 M.C. Escher

2 Background: Maurits Cornelius Escher 1898-1972 Born in the Netherlands
Escher failed his high school exams and enrolled in the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts. – went for graphic design. Known as one of the world’s most famous Graphic Artists.

3 Style/Type of Work Created:
Escher explored architecture, perspective, and impossible spaces. Mediums: Woodcuts, engravings, and drawings. Cycle, 1938 Bond of Union, 1956

4 Style/Type of Work Created:
Known for his TESSELATIONS -A tessellation is a collection of figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps. Metamorphosis II, 1940

5 Style/Type of Work Created:
Sky and Water I, 1938

6 Interesting Fact: In Escher’s lifetime he completed:
- 448 lithographs, woodcuts and wood engravings - over 2000 drawings and sketches

7 Examples of Escher’s Work:
Cycle, 1938 Sky and Water I, 1938 Metamorphosis, 1940 Bond of Union, 1956

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