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Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies

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1 Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies
How were the policies of massive retaliation and brinkmanship different from previous military policies?

2 Massive Retaliation Eisenhower believed in a strong military plus a strong economy Nuclear weapons would give more “bang for the buck.” Wars had to be prevented in the first place The best way to prevent wars seemed to be the threat of nuclear weapons-massive retaliation

3 New technology Nuclear triad-long range bombers, land-based missiles, missile-carrying submarines B-52 bombers Intercontinental ballistic missiles Military spending cut from $50 billion to $34 billion by reducing the size of the army Nuclear arsenal increased from 1,000 bombs to 18,000 by 1961

4 Brinkmanship The willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down Taiwan Crisis-China began shelling islands that were not Communist-controlled. Eisenhower warned that an attack on Taiwan would be defended by US naval forces using nuclear weapons. China backed down

5 Suez Crisis We offered to help Egypt build a dam on the Nile River
Congress refused to approve the deal because Egypt had bought weapons from Communist Czechoslovakia Egyptian forces seized control of the Suez Canal from the Anglo-French company that controlled it Britain and France invaded Egypt and the Soviet Union threatened to use force against them; the US had to step in to get Britain and France to call off the invasion The Soviet Union wins a huge diplomatic victory in the Middle East by offering to help Egypt; other Middle East countries begin accepting Soviet help

6 Covert Operations Covert-hidden
Used to prevent Communists from staging revolutions within countries Conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency Developing nations-nations with primarily agricultural economies Blamed European imperialism and American capitalism for their problems Looked to Soviet Union as a model of how to industrialize their countries Threatened to nationalize, or put under government control, foreign businesses operating in their countries

7 Iran 1953-Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh had nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company Seemed to be ready to make an oil deal with the Soviet Union Pro-American shah of Iran was forced into exile after a failed attempt to force Mossadegh out CIA arranged a coup that ousted Mossadegh and set the shah back to power

8 Guatemala 1950-Communist Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was elected president
His land-reform program took over large estates and plantations, including those of the American-owned United Fruit Company May 1954, Communist Czechoslovakia sent arms to Guatemala CIA armed Guatemalan resistance forces and trained them in Nicaragua and Honduras These CIA-trained forces were able to oust Arbenz Guzman

9 Eastern Europe 1956-Nikita Khrushchev was in power in Soviet Union
Delivered a secret speech insisting there were many ways to build a communist society The CIA got copies of the speech and delivered it throughout Eastern Europe and the world The speech discredited communism with frustrated Eastern Europeans

10 Eastern Europe, cont. Riots broke out
October 1956, full-scale uprising had broken out in Hungary Soon after, Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary and crushed the rebellion

11 Sputnik Oct. 5, 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth US launches its satellite 4 months later The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established in late 1958 to begin developing a civilian space program for the US Sputnik marked a turning point in history-the beginning of the use of satellites in space


13 Eisenhower Doctrine The use of military force whenever the president thought it necessary to assist Middle Eastern nations resisting Communist aggression Troops were sent into Lebanon in July to stabilize that country

14 Spy Plane 1960, Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane and held the pilot The incident prevented a summit between the USSR and US that was intended to calm tensions

15 Eisenhower leaves office
Warned against the influence of the military establishment and the defense industry-the military- industrial complex, in a democracy Had sent military advisers to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese army and had seen Fidel Castro establish a communist regime in Cuba

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