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Massimiliano Drudi (INGV) Ugo Di Giammatteo (ACS)

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Presentation on theme: "Massimiliano Drudi (INGV) Ugo Di Giammatteo (ACS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Massimiliano Drudi (INGV) Ugo Di Giammatteo (ACS)
EOD – Brussels, October The use of Open Data to assess the quality of European seas Massimiliano Drudi (INGV) Ugo Di Giammatteo (ACS)

2 The context: Marine Strategy Framework Directive
The status of marine environment is central for the assessment of health of the whole planet The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), adopted in 2008, has the objective of protecting the marine environment across Europe The MSFD sets a target for 2020 of Good Environmental Status (GES) GES is based on 11 GES Descriptors, ranging from Biodiversity to Eutrophication, from contaminants to noise

3 The context: Marine Strategy Framework Directive
In this context we intended to contribute to a wider and easier monitoring of Descriptor 7: Hydrographical conditions Hydrographical conditions are the physical characteristics of seawater (salinity, temperature, pH, hydrodynamics, …) Hydrographical conditions’ monitoring is key to detect climatic and long-term cyclical processes but also to evaluate the impacts of anthropogenics activities: offshore windfarms, tidal barrages, infrastructures in coastal areas

4 Open Data in Oceanography
In Operational Oceanography there are many sources of Open Data, for example the ones provided by the Copernicus – Marine Environment Monitoring Services - CMEMS However, to effectively exploit such data, there is the need for a deep, specific technical expertise To use these open data streams a user must have ICT skills in data transfer format (NetCDF, GRIB), in data transfer procedures and in customisation of processing tools

5 Our proposal ACS and INGV have thus developed The Ocean State Assessment Service The service contributes to progress by providing users with information at a higher level, without requiring the mastery of specific informatics expertise The service offers: a portal for the visualisation of the computed physical variables a desk for launching re-analysis algorithms on historical data

6 OSAS Overview EEA, Scientists, Economic Operators
Private Consulting Firms Monitoring Public Operators Environmental Decision Makers Value-Adding Companies Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Density, Kinetic energy, Mixing Indicator, Upwelling indicator

7 Output data – Types and Subtypes

8 The Catalogue

9 Display of physical fields (scalar)

10 Display of physical fields (vector)

11 Display of values along a transect

12 Display of values along a transect at various depths

13 Display of time series

14 Detailed Metadata

15 Processing Oceanography Open Data
Input Data – in Cloud storage: From CMEMS Med MFC : temperature field, Mediterranean Sea, daily mean from years salinity field, Mediterranea Sea, daily mean from years Derived Fields ( developed plug-ins) : Mixing Indicator Currents (vector field) Upwelling Density Kinetic Energy Class of Output Data : monthly mean map monthly climatology map seasonal climatology timeseries annual climatology map average annual mean timeseries

16 Linking Oceanography Data
Given the nature of the data to be represented by this service (mainly raster maps representing continuous variables) it is not advantageous to extract actual features from the data to be possibly represented in vector format and thus into RDF representations of the features themselves An ontology has been developed at metadata level, to be able to exploit standard vocabularies such as the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT - and in particular its Geographic extension Application Profile, Geo-DCAT

17 Linking Oceanography Data

18 The OSAS at work The Ocean State Assessment Service has evolved during the MELODIES project. It is now running on Terradue cloud platforms and is ready for an upscaling toward its full exploitation We are leveraging on the collaboration with the Environmental Agency of Liguria Region (ARPAL, our champion user) to expand the user community toward institutions, scientists and commercial operators of the marine sector We are available for live demonstrations of the Ocean State Assessment Service

19 Contacts Ugo Di Giammatteo Advanced Computer Systems A.C.S.
via della Bufalotta, Rome Italy Tel website: Massimiliano Drudi Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV Gruppo di Oceanografia Operativa Via Donato Creti, Bologna - Italy tel: ,

20 Thank you!

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