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Presentation on theme: "HP NATIONAL JUDGING COURSE OCTOBRE 2017"— Presentation transcript:


The NHP judging course include: PRE COURSE MATERIAL PWT section 1 to 5 Quiz section 1 to 5 Table of general faults Workbook COURSE MATERIAL PWT section 6 to 13 Quiz table of General Faults

The National Judging course include material from different sources. Special thanks to FIG Technical Committee, PAGU Technical Committee and the following working committee members: Course material Hélène Laliberté (chair) Josée Morin Crystal Gilhooly Brady Spencer Sheri Wilson Workbook Hélène Beauchemin Shelly Lefler (Revision of workbook)

Outline the FIG Code of Points rules Facilitate its comprehension Provide a uniform application of its rules. Standardize the judging

5 Article 1 to 5 Articles 1 to 5 are rules and regulations mainly related to the context of the competition. Judges should be aware of those rules an know where to find them. Most of the penalties attached to an infraction listed under article 1 to 5 are applied by the Superior Jury (head judge of the competition) when notified by the D1 judge.

6 Rights of the Gymnast Receive evaluation of new elements or new vaults
New elements or vaults must be submitted by the gymnast (or coach) at least 24 hours before podium training (or according to the Workplan) To the Chair of Superior Jury

7 Permission to repeat her exercise
Repeat their entire exercise with the approval of the Superior Jury if the exercise has been interrupted for reasons beyond their control or responsibility Grip torn causing a fall, or interruption May repeat exercise at the End of the rotation or If she is last in the rotation at a time decided by the SJ.

8 Absence from the Hall Gymnast may leave the competition Hall for personal reasons The Competition may not be delayed through her absence Absent from the Competition area without permission or failure to return and complete the competition Expelled from the competition by the Chair of the SJ Unexcused delay or interruption of competition Disqualified

9 Penalties… In general, Penalties related to athletes behavior are 0.30
Penalties related to equipment are 0.50 Penalties related to coaches behavior are 0.50

10 Behavior of gymnasts : 0.30 Deductions
Failure to start within 30 sec. 0.30 by D-Panel Failure to start within 60 sec. Right to begin exercise terminated

11 Behavior of gymnasts : 0.30 Deductions
Failure to acknowledge D- Panel Missing national emblem and/or wrong placement Missing start number Incorrect attire Incorrect advertising Remaining on the podium Remounting podium after the exercise is over

12 Behavior of gymnasts : 0.30 Deductions
Speaking to judges Competing in the incorrect order Non identical leotards Other undisciplined or abusive behavior Unsportsmanlike conduct

13 Touch Warm up Time Pending on the competition format, in general UB
50 sec. each (including preparation of bars) BB & FX - 30 sec. Each gymnast VT - 2 attempts only except C-I qualification to C-III & C-III 3 attempts

14 Warm up notifications C-I & 4 time calculated for team except Vault.
In mixed-groups the warm-up time belongs personally to the gymnast. Order of warm up - same as competition. End of the warm up - may complete element Following warm-up or during “competition pause”, apparatus may be prepared but not used (ex. UB…)

15 Warm up - Deductions When flagrant exceeding of touch warm-up time
A deduction is applied by D- panel from Final Score Team/ Evt by Individuals (Gym/Evt)

16 Spotter One spotter on UB permitted VT, BB, FX No spotter is permitted
0.50 from Final Score by D-panel When Spotting assistance (help) - UB/BB/FX deducted (ref. article 8)the Final Score No DV, CV, CR No SB (BB)

17 Fall time without penalty
May confer with coach during the fall time & between vaults UB - 30 sec. BB - 10 sec. The fall time starts when the gymnast is back on her feet (different then JO). After 30 sec. UB or 10 sec. Beam, up to 60 sec. Is allowed with a deduction of -0.3 from Final Score. Exceeding intermediate fall time 0.30 from Final Score More than 60 sec. Exercise ended

18 Modifying the equipement
The equipment should not be modified May Place the springboard on10 cm. supplementary mat (UB/BB) Springboard on unpermitted surface 0.50 from Final Score by D-Panel or SJ (Sec.8) Rearrangement or removal of springs 0.50 from Final Score by SJ Request permission to raise both bar rails, if feet touch the mat Changing height of apparatus without permission Final Score by Superior Jury notification by D-panel

19 Magnesium Permitted on: UB BB – small markings FX – not permitted
Incorrect use of Magnesium 0.50 from Final Score by SJ notification by D-Panel

20 0.50 Apparatus Decuctions by SJ
Failure to use supplementary mat Use of unpermitted supplementary mats Moving the supplementary mat during exercise or moving to unpermitted end of the BB

21 Incorrect behavior Performing without signal or on red light
Final score = 0 Absent from Victory Ceremony - Result and Final Score is annulled for team and individual (By Superior Jury)

22 Rights of the Coaches Assist during the warm up
Prepare the safety collar - VT Prepare springboard & position supplementary mat - VT, UB, BB UB - adjust and prepare rails Help in case of injury Inquire to SJ concerning the D- Score Request to SJ a review of the Time and Line deductions

23 Coach on Podium To Assist or Advise During fall time
Between 1st & 2nd vaults UB – Max 2 coaches To prepare UB 1 to remove springboard – must leave immediately 1 to spot

24 # of Coaches in Inner Circle
C-I & IV Complete Teams 1 Female & 1 Male 2 Females If only 1 coach – may be Male Nations with Individuals 1 coach (F or M) C-II & III – 1 coach per gymnast

25 Wrong # of Coaches Incorrect # of coaches FIG Rules
1.00 from gym/team at event Immediate Red card Removal from Competition floor In Canada, it will be dealt by the Canadian Head Judge!

26 Responsibilities of Judges
Must know FIG Technical Regulations Code of Points FIG Judges' Rules other technical information (Newsletters, etc.) Must Have International Judge’s Brevet Judge’s Log Book Correct Category for competition

27 They must Be knowledgeable Attend instruction sessions & meetings
Attend podium training (compulsory for all judges) Arrive at least 1 hour before the start of competition or according to the Work plan Wear the FIG uniform

28 During competition Be professional
Evaluate accurately, consistently, quickly, objectively & fairly Symbol notation sheets Remain in assigned seat No discussions/contact with gymnasts, coaches etc…

29 Apparatus Jury WC & OG International National FIG WC or OG Invitational 9 Judge Panel Min. 4 Judge Panel Min. 4 judges Panel 2 D- Panel Judges 2 D*- Panel Judges 2 D*- Panel Judges 5 E- Panel Judges 2/4 E- Panel Judges 2 E- Panel Judges 2 R- Panel Judges (* D Judges may also do E)

30 Line & Time Judges 1 line judge for Vault
2 line judges for Floor Exercise 1 time keeper for Uneven Bars 2 time keepers for Balance Beam 1 time keeper for Floor Exercise

31 Function of the Apparatus Jury

32 D-Panel Record exercise in symbol notation
Independently determine the D-score. Discussion is allowed The D2 enters the D-score in computer At the end of the competition they submit their symbol notation sheets to the AS and a written report according to the WTC President guidelines

33 D1 functions Liaison between Apparatus Jury & AS (prepare question about it) Coordinate Time, Line Judges & Secretaries Control of warm up time Display the green light Check that Neutral deductions are taken from the Final Score before being flashed Apply procedure for short exercise

34 E & R Judges Record the deductions for:
Execution Faults Artistry Faults Enter deductions into the computer or complete the score slip Keep a written record of their evaluation ( Execution and Artistry deductions)

35 Line judges VT & FX Raise flag when VT
Gymnast is over the border marking VT Count the number of warm up attempts Inform D1 of violations in writing

36 Time judges Ensure adherence to the warm-up time
Time duration between green light & beginning of exercise Time the exercise (FX & BB) Give an audible signal (BB) Time the fall period (BB & UB) Inform the D1 judge – violations & deductions If no computer input, record the time over the time limit


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