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Space-time characterization in a complex dynamical system

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1 Space-time characterization in a complex dynamical system
Projectile Target Expansion Fragmentation Secondary decays t ~ fm/c ~ s t~ fm/c ~ s and more Pre-equilibrium Compression g r/r0~1.5? r/r0~0.3? Different particles produced by different sources/densities/times What achievements?

2 We have tools to… measure distances as small as 10-15 m
measure times as short as sec

3 Observables  Physics Dynamics Space-time properties LP-LP correlation functions (g, n, p, d, t, 3He, 4He) Giuseppe Verde IMF-IMF correlation functions Arnaud Le Fevre LP-IMF correlation functions Abdou Chbihi Size, shape, lifetime, densities Disentangle different sources Images of emitting sources Probes of reaction models Chronology of emissions Thermodynamics Internal excitation energy Internal emission temperatures Structure Spin of unbound states Halo nuclei, exotic decay modes

4 Light-particle correlations
C. Schwartz, GSI proton-proton 1 2 Detector Emitting Source Sensitive to space-time properties of the emitting system 5 2 < Z < 4 4 B 3 d l e i y 2 c o i n c i d e n c e s 1 m i x e d e v e n t s 1 . 3 S.E. Koonin, PL 70B (1977) 43 S. Pratt et al., PRC 36 (1987) 2390 D.H. Boal et al., RMP 62 (1990) 553 W.G. Gong et al., PRC 43 (1991) W. Bauer et al., ARNPS (1992) U. Heinz et al., ARNPS 49 (1999) 1 . 2 ) q 1 . 1 ( R + 1 . 1 . 9 . 8 2 4 6 8 1 q ( M e V / c ) Bosonic/Fermionic nature of 1 and 2 Symmetrization/Anti-symmetrization of y Final State Interactions Coulomb (repulsive, long-range ~ ) Nuclear (attractive, short-range ~ 1-2 fm)

5 Koonin-Pratt Eqn and Source function
S.E. Koonin, PLB70 (1977) 43 S.Pratt et al., PRC42 (1990) 2646 Kernel = = Source function Probability distribution of emitting a pair separated by when last particle is emitted If (not simultaneous) Space-time ambiguity in S. Pratt, PRL 53 (1984) 1219 S. Pratt et al., PRC (1987) 2390 r0

6 Directional correlation functions: sizes and lifetimes

7 Directional correlations: size-lifetime
S. Pratt, PRL 53 (1984) 1219 S. Pratt et al., PRC (1987) 2390 r0 Effect of the anti-symmetrization of y Ar+Sc E/A=80 MeV, Central M. Lisa et al., PRL71 (1993) 2863 D.O. Handzy et al., PRC50 (1994) Reduce space-time ambiguity if 20-25 fm It means the following. If there is a lifetime effect in the emission of the two proton that cannot be considered simultaneous, then we must expect that the two particle source is more elongated in the direction parallel to the direction of the total momentum of the pair. This longitudinal direction contains the information about the lifetime of the emission while the transverse direction contains mainly the information about the space portion of the separation. What one can do is to study directional correlations and build the correlation function for the pairs with P parallel to q and the one with P perpendicular to q. These two correlation functions will be different. The difference is due to the Pauli exclusion prinsiple that will suppress the correlation when the total momentum is perpendicular to the relative momentum. By studying the correlations in this way you can decouple the space and time information. But there are some limitation to be taken into account. First of all these studies require a lot of statistics (so they are not easy). And then, however, they are able to reduce the space-time ambiguity if R(q) is not dominated by fast pre-equilibrium emissions and only if … But this not the case unfortunately for heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies.

8 Size and lifetimes in spectator matter
C. Schwartz, ALADiN Aladin data <E0>/<A0> increasing  Size Decreasing Size relevant to nuclear caloric curves Zbound, Size

9 s Chi2 test Directional analysis dominated by dynamical stage ?
C. Schwartz, ALADiN: 1000 MeV/u – Target spectators 0<Z <20 20<Z <40 40<Z <60 60<Z <79 bound bound bound bound 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 (fm) 7 5 uniform 4 R 6 3 2 5 s 1 4 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 40 t (fm/c) Gaussian Emission times are short comparable with passing time of spectator Directional analysis dominated by dynamical stage ? tp-p ≤ 20 fm/c b = 0.87 c 2*6.5 fm Dt=15 fm/c R ~ 8 fm  r/r0 ~ (?)

10 FOPI @ GSI – central collisions
Ru(Zr) + Ru(Zr) @ 400 MeV/u, Central Angle-averaged correlations Directional correlations Eur. Phys. J. A 6, 185 (1999) Dominated by short-lived component very short t

11 Secondary decays, evaporation… …very Long-Lived emitting sources
Detectors proton Source elongated up to Directional correlation functions not sensitive to very long-lived emissions

12 Directional correlation functions: size and lifetime
p-p extensively studied Short lifetimes (t ≤ 25fm/c) Dominated by dynamical sources (secondary decays out of the game)

13 A clear probe of early dynamical stage: Direct hard photons
Pre-equilibrium TAPS data r/r0~1.5? t ~ fm/c ~ s np  npg Bremsstrahlung

14 Hard photons & pre-equilibrium protons (MEDEA)
Common features: source velocity bsource= bN-N Large inverse slope parameter mean multiplicity  surface of the overlap region: same impact parameter dependence 44A MeV Ar+V photons Inverse slope: ~ 14 MeV 44A MeV Ar+V protons photons Overlap surface Mg protons Overlap surface 1+Rg-p If energetic protons and g are produced in first chance nucleon-nucleon collisions in the overlap region at the very beginning of the reaction P. Sapienza et al. PRL73 (1994) 1769

15 Hard g-g intensity interferometry
Bose-Einstein correlations (no mutual interactions and no interactions with the medium) E>25-30 MeV qrel (MeV/c) 1+R(qrel) 1+R(E1-E2) 50 100 150 E1-E2 (MeV) TAPS, M. Marques et al., PRL73 (1994) 34 Kr+Ni, 60 MeV/u MEDEA, A. Badala’ et al., PRL74 (1995) 4779 Ar+Al, 95 MeV/u Space and Time disentangled (analysis difficult) Rrms ~ 1.73 ± 0.86 fm ~ Roverlap ~ 1.9 fm t ~ 5 fm/c

16 Angle-averaged correlation functions: sizes and densities

17 Angle-averaged correlation functions
Angle-averaging over 14N+197Au E/A=75 MeV q~25o Spherically symmetric Gaussian profiles extensively used r0=3.4 fm High Psum (Fast protons) 4.2 Peak Height Size 5.9 Low Psum (Slow protons) W.G. Gong et al., PRC41 (1991) 71 W.G. Gong et al., PRC43 (1991) 1804

18 Systematics of gaussian sizes
Target=197Au Proj (AP) r0 (fm) Vp/Vbeam Pre-equlibrium Long t AP=3 AP~15 AP=40 3He 14N,16O 40Ar What happens when long-lived emitting sources dominate?

19 Angle-averaged correlation functions
Gaussian sizes extensively used: peak height to extract source size Difficult to reproduce the shape of correlation functions Understand better long-lifetime emissions

20 Shape analysis Imaging and its physics

21 p-p correlations: physics information
q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) G. Verde et al., PRC65, (2002) Ytotal=Pre-eq. + Sec. Decays Yfast Yslow Peak width (shape) Size (shape) of two-proton fast source S(r) Peak Height Relative contribution from fast pre-eq. source Yfast/Ytotal Shape analysis required!

22 Imaging: high precision shape analyses
D.A. Brown P. Danielewicz Ytotal=Pre-eq. + Sec. Decays Yfast Yslow Fast source profiles … photographs Model-independent size Contributions from pre-equilibrium and secondary decays

23 Properties of two-proton sources
7 5 4 2.5 3.1 2.9 Size (fm) 1-f (%) Source Sizes Long-lived contributions Model independent sizes Imaging provides also the relative contributions fast/slow

24 Imaging and its physics
Shape analysis required to measure the size/density of dynamical source Relative contributions from dynamical/secondary decay sources New Experiments (high resolution)

25 Densities in central collisions -FOPI
Lifetimes very short (from directional correlations) Densities r/r0 ~ 0.3  0.6 Not taking into account the effects of collective flow (ex.: shrinking of emitting source, …) Shape?? R. Kotte et al, EPJ A23, 2005

26 Densities in target spectators
Aladin data C. Schwartz, ALADiN t ~ 25 fm/c ! Zbound, Size Different particles  Different densities

27 Densities (waiting for a shape analysis)
Densities of ~ r0…, but in a very short time < 20 fm/c ? Different particles probe different emitting sources?

28 Systematics of Correlation Measurements: p-p vs d-a
p-p correlations Vp /Vbeam d correlations Vp /Vbeam Zhu et al., PRC, R582 (1991) Radii ~ 30% Smaller than pp Different particles might come from different emitting sources What about imaging?

29 Extending imaging to complex particles
1+R(E*) E*(MeV) p-p d-a a-6Li Access space-time properties at the break-up stage Different particles probe different emitting sources and densities Isotopically resolved IMF-IMF correlations ~200 KeV LASSA Data

30 Imaging for complex particles
Imaging for complex particles... Collective motion requires special considerations …especially for heavier particles Reduction of source size Shape of correlation functions between complex particles strongly distorted.

31 Collective distortions
G. Verde et al., in prep. Nuclear part of correlation function needs correction q (MeV/c) 1+R(q) No Flow Flow KP eq. Data reproduced for Teff=5 MeV

32 Probes of reaction models
Exp correlation functions vs microscopic models predictions (BUU, QMD) Imaging: Correct for contributions from long-lived emissions Compare directly the profiles of the emitting source. Sensitivity to details of sNN,in-medium

33 Emission Chronology

34 Emission Chronology (non-identical particles)
if emission time delay… (suppose p first) P1 P1 P1 P1 Vp > Vn Vp< Vn P2 P2 ... difference in correlation ! R. Ghetti & J. Helgesson

35 Emission chronology D. Gourio et al., INDRA - Eur. Phys. J. A 7, 245 (2000) PLF in Xe+Sn at 50 MeV/u Chronology of emission p-d: td<tp R. Kotte et al., FOPI - Eur. Phys. J. A 6, 185 (1999) Results depend on space-time ambiguity R. Ghetti et al. - PRL (2003) Chronology of n and p emission!!

36 Neutron-proton chronology KVI – Ar + Al @ 61 MeV
Backward enhances dynamical source emission for reversed kinematics Backward Forward n < p p < n R. Ghetti & J. Helgesson Ghetti et al, PRL 91 (2003)

37 Chronology and Asy-EOS
n-p relative emission times depend on stiffness of symmetry energy Ghetti et al, PRC 69 (2004) neutron-proton Lie-Wen Chen et al., PRL (2003) Some indications of isospin effects in E/A=61 MeV More exclusive measurements required

38 Conclusions and perspectives
p-p correlations: space-time properties of early dynamical sources. Imaging analyses (1D and 3D) required to deduce reliable densities and lifetimes. High resolution experiments required – event characterization necessary. Emission chronology: promising probe of Asy- EOS. n-n, n-p, p-p, and isotopically resolved IMF-IMF

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