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Which Bacteria Am I ? Characteristics Energy Control Me Parts and

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Presentation on theme: "Which Bacteria Am I ? Characteristics Energy Control Me Parts and"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Bacteria Am I ? Characteristics Energy Control Me Parts and Stuff 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 I am the cell category of bacteria
100 I am the cell category of bacteria

3 Prokaryote

4 200 I am the Kingdom of Bacteria that can live in the soil, water and in YOU!

5 Bacteria

6 I am the kingdom of bacteria that live in extreme environments
300 I am the kingdom of bacteria that live in extreme environments

7 Archaea

8 400 I am an extreme bacteria that produces methane gas as a waste produce

9 Methanogen

10 500 Daily Double We are bacteria that can live in your gut and have been linked to making people sick at Chipotle

11 E. coli

12 The fancy science term for rod shaped bacteria
100 The fancy science term for rod shaped bacteria

13 bacilli

14 If a bacterium moves it may use this structure
200 If a bacterium moves it may use this structure

15 flagella

16 If bacteria exchange genetic information, this process is occuring
300 If bacteria exchange genetic information, this process is occuring

17 conjugation

18 List the asexual form of reproduction most popular with bacteria
400 List the asexual form of reproduction most popular with bacteria

19 Binary fission

20 List two characteristics used to identify bacteria
500 List two characteristics used to identify bacteria

21 Shape Chemical nature of cell wall Way they move (motility) Way they obtain energy

22 Is this statement true or false: All bacteria require oxygen
100 Is this statement true or false: All bacteria require oxygen

23 false

24 200 Which term means that the organism must have oxygen in order to live Facultative aerobe Obligate aerobe Obligate anaerobe

25 Obligate aerobe

26 300 If a bacteria carries out a process like photosynthesis, it would be this type of organism

27 (photo)autotroph

28 400 these bacteria use chemicals and inorganic molecules as a form of self energy

29 chemoautotroph

30 A bacterium that can live with or without oxygen
500 A bacterium that can live with or without oxygen

31 Facultative anaerobe

32 Killing bacteria using heat or chemicals is called
100 Killing bacteria using heat or chemicals is called

33 sterilization

34 What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant
200 What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant

35 Both chemicals Anti- on living disinfectant –on nonliving

36 Give two examples of types of heat to control bacteria
300 Give two examples of types of heat to control bacteria

37 Dry heat Open flame Moist heat Autoclave 15 lb/in2 at 121 degree Celsius Pasteurization Heating (kills, does not sterilize)

38 A compound that blocks the growth and reproduction of bacteria
400 A compound that blocks the growth and reproduction of bacteria

39 antibiotic

40 500 Daily double Bacteria need to be controlled because they can cause disease. Tell what occurs in a person when infected with bacteria

41 Break down,damage tissue Create toxins/poisons

42 100 Identify “C” and “B”

43 C – DNA B - flagella

44 200 These contain part of the bacterial DNA and cytoplasm…formed in harsh conditions

45 endospores

46 These are two foods made by bacteria
300 These are two foods made by bacteria

47 Yogurt, cheese, pickles, etc

48 Bacteria are also known as this, a disease causing agent
400 Bacteria are also known as this, a disease causing agent

49 pathogen

50 500 Give one way bacteria are useful in Nature and
One way that man has made them useful to other humans

51 Answers will vary

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