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District Advisory Council (DAC)

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1 District Advisory Council (DAC)
7/23/ :10 PM Annual Report to PUSD District Advisory Council (DAC) © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 PUSD DAC - WHO District level committee made up of each school’s Site Council DELAC, ELAC, AAPC, CAC, & PTA Elementary, middle & high schools Certificated & classified staff Administrators

3 PUSD DAC - WHY Participate in the development & review of the District Plan & the district’s Parent Involvement Policy Support & mentor School Site Councils at each of our schools Report Annually to PUSD Board of Education

4 Activities 10 Meetings Average of 29 attendees representing 19 schools
District leaders presented on Parent & Community Engagement, Open Enrollment, Human Resources, the Personnel Commission Budget Training, School Safety Plan, Tiered Model of Support for Schools SSC visits

5 2015-2016 Progress Report Requests
Title 1 spending for & school years, including Parent involvement.(Not implemented.) Additional forms included in the SPSA template that facilitate monitoring of the SPSA throughout the school year.(Not Implemented.)

6 2015-2016 Progress Report Develop Best Practices for SSCs
Guidance on student performance benchmarks during common core transition. (Implemented) Additional SSC training with district staff & actual month to month duties. (Implemented) On-line repository of all PUSD plans on the district DAC website. (Implemented) Principal/Monitoring/Coaching/Training on SPSA Goals. (Partially Implemented) Require communication by SSC to school communities and stakeholders with a designated section on each school website for minutes and the SPSA. (Partially implemented)

7 2015-2016 Progress Report LCFF & LCAP Recommendations
All stakeholders involved in development of SPSA. (Implemented) LCFF should be under the oversight of SSCs at all schools. (Implemented) Board to maintain SSC as collaborative teams to monitor student performance & teacher preparedness. (Implemented)

8 2015-2016 Progress Report Recommendations for funding
Increased Unrestricted Funds to principals LDRTs at every school site Retain Security at schools Additional teachers at the high schools Middle school librarians Elementary school library coordinators Campus aides Health clerks at every school site RtI Coordinator Technology support at school sites (Partially Implemented)

9 Recommendations & Requests for 2016-2017
Develop Best Practices for SSCs An online repository of school plans at the new website Board policy in support of School Site Councils SSC training for all stakeholders, including principal mentoring & coaching on collaboration within site councils and writing goals for the school plan SSC communication to school communities & stakeholders Forms in the SPSA that facilitate monitoring of the plan

10 Recommendations & Requests for 2016-2017
Unfunded Priorities Academic Counselors Retain Security at schools Additional teachers at the high schools Middle school librarians Elementary school library coordinators Campus aides RtI Coordinator Technology support at school sites

11 Recommendations & Requests for 2016-2017
Report of Title 1 spending for the past school year, including Parent involvement Training for all noon aides, project aides and behavioral aides

12 Questions/Comments

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