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Focus: Students will identify first aid for burns

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1 Focus: Students will identify first aid for burns
Focus: Students will identify first aid for burns. Goal: To understand how to care safely for someone who is burned. Standard: NHES #2-Safe and healthy environment Warm-up: Interview peers. Record answers. Report back to whole class. 1. What can burns be caused by? 2. Name each type of burn, explain what they look like, and how we care for them 3. Create your own critical thinking question.

2 Notes: Treatment of Burns
Minor burns: Pour cool water over area and cover with clean bandage. Tylenol helps with the pain.

3 2. Severe burns: a. Remove the victim from the dangerous area and perform CPR, if needed. b. Remove smoldering clothing, cover burned areas with cool cloths. c. DO NOT use creams or ice. d. Seek immediate medical attention.

4 Severe Burn

5 3. Chemical burns: a. Rinse skin for 20 minutes. b
3. Chemical burns: a. Rinse skin for 20 minutes. b. Wrap area in dry cloth. c. Remove any clothes or jewelry that could be covered in chemical. d. Seek medical attention.

6 Chemical burns

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