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(7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes

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1 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
The Byzantine Empire

2 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Key Questions What was an important difference between the Western and Eastern Roman Empires? A. ____________________________________________ What made Theodora important and unique in her time? A. ___________________________________________________

3 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Key Terms Justinian Theodora

4 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Key Terms Byzantine Empire mosaics

5 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Heading 1: “Emperors Rule from Constantinople” Constantinople between Black Sea & Mediterranean Sea, trade crossroads; Justinian emperor 540s, recaptured Italy, updated Roman laws, Theodora chief advisor; Slowly declines after Justinian, lasted 700 more years, fell to Ottomans 1453.

6 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Check for Understanding Please turn to your partner and share the name of a body of water that touched on the Byzantine Empire.


8 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Heading 2: “A New Society” Justinian last Roman emperor; Greek culture over Roman culture; Constantinople major trade route (Europe/Asia); blended society becomes Byzantium/Byzantine Empire; East: emperor ruled state & church; West: emperor ruled only state, popes over church.


10 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Heading 3: “Byzantine Christianity” Christianity only religion in the eastern empire; other religions illegal; art important part of religion; Byzantine mosiacs famous; 1000 AD east/west religion split, east=Eastern Orthodox Church.

11 (7th) Chapter 2-3 Cornell Notes
Check for Understanding Which of the following doesn’t apply to the Byzantine Empire? They had many religions. The empire lasted 1000 years after Rome fell. Constantinople was a major crossroads for trading networks.


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