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Weather Instruments.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Instruments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Instruments

2 What are they? What do they measure? Thermometer- temperature/ heat
Hygrometer humidity Psychrometer relative humidity Barometer air pressure Anemometer wind speed Weather vane/wind sock- wind direction Rain gauge amount of precipitation

3 Satellite- Takes pictures of cloud-cover from space
Radar- Sends invisible waves which reflect off of precipitation and return Weather balloon- Goes up into the atmosphere and takes weather readings from different levels

4 Thermometer

5 Thermometers measure air temperatures
Thermometers measure air temperatures. Thermometers work because matter expands when heated. Most thermometers are closed glass tubes containing liquids such as alcohol.

6 Rain Gauge Measures the amount of rain that falls.
What lab tool does this remind you of?

7 Barometer

8 A barometer measures air pressure.

9 Barometer Inside a barometer is a small, flexible, metal
Accordion box that is squeezed to a medium Pressure. If air pressure rises, air inside the Accordion box takes up less room and gets smaller. If air pressure goes down, the box expands.

10 Hygrometer Hygrometers measure the humidity in the air

11 Psychrometer Used to measure relative humidity.
Some psychrometers are motorized, others are simple as two thermometers which measure and compare temperature when wet and when dry.

12 A psychrometer measures the relative humidity of the air.
One of the two thermometers has a wick (cloth cover) which is dipped in distilled water.

13 Anemometer

14 An Anemometer measures the wind speed
An Anemometer measures the wind speed. The cups catch the winds, turning a dial attached to the instrument. Think you could build one of these?

15 Wind Vanes Used to measure wind direction. Wind vanes can be shaped like and arrow with a tail. They are often mounted on roof tops. Wind pushed the tail of the weather vane until the arrow turns and points into the direction the wind comes from.

16 Time for a little review!

17 Thermometer Barometer Psychrometer Wind Vane Rain Gauge Anemometer If I wanted to find out if the pressure was rising, I’d use which of the following? Used to determine the relative humidity.

18 Thermometer Barometer Psychrometer Wind Vane Rain Gauge Anemometer 3. Can help you find out the wind speed. 4. If I wanted to know the difference between the temperature inside and outside of the classroom.

19 How did you do? Here are the correct answers
1.Barometer B 2. Psychrometer C 3. Anemometer F 4. Thermometer A

20 I still need help with weather tools. OR
I've got it!

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