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© The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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1 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.
Table St D Level Mean N Type Statement .87 High 4.50 171 I am rarely absent from my work since I have a moral obligation with my organization .66 4.43 172 I do more than what the task defines because I am loyal to my organization. .78 4.31 C I am working in this organization out of necessity as much as desire. .84 4.30 170 A I really feel as if the organization's success as my own. .69 4.28 I am very happy to continue working for this organization. .77 4.27 I believe one must always dedicate his/ her knowledge and experience to the organization. .76 4.25 I believe a person must remain loyal to his or her organization and care to maintain relations with other members of the organization. .72 4.23 173 I am happy to exert my effort to achieve my organization's goals and values. .82 I would be very happy to do things even if there is no clear reward or punishment. .81 4.15 I have a strong sense of belonging to my organization. .94 4.09 I really feel that my organization makes me feel important. .79 I believe one must always be loyal to the organization's norms and values. .86 4.06 My organization brings me personal fulfillment and satisfaction. 1.02 4.02 I continue working in the organization because I do not have other options. 1.03 3.94 I am emotionally attached to this organization. 1.08 3.74 It would be very hard for me to leave my organization because it satisfies my needs. 1.04 Moderate 3.58 168 I am worried if I move to another organization I may scarify the compatibility of my current work stress level to my responsibilities. 3.50 169 My organization deserves my loyalty. 1.19 I feel I owe my organization for with the professional training and development programs it provides. 1.05 3.48 I have a moral sense of obligation to remain in the organization for all the collaborative learning opportunities and resources it gave me. 3.38 My life may be disturbed if I decided to leave my organization. 1.14 3.31 My organization shows consideration to my financial needs which may not be matched by other organizations if I leave. 1.17 3.19 I will not leave this organization because I am satisfied with my salary. Note: Low (1-2.33), Moderate ( ), High(3.67-5) Note: (A=Affective Commitment), (C= Continuance Commitment), (N=Normative Commitment). Maha B. BinBakr et al. An Empirical Investigation of Faculty Members' Organizational Commitmentin the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Educational Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 8, doi: /education © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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