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Watch Out for Gangrenous Cellulitis!

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1 Watch Out for Gangrenous Cellulitis!
By Hannah Coggeshall

2 Description It is a progressive bacterial infection of the skin and soft tissue that can affect all parts of the body but are most common on digits, arms and legs. It is dead or dying tissue that has lost or has a reduced blood supply and cannot keep the tissue alive.

3 Scientific Description
Infection of soft tissue (in the subcutaneous and dermis layers) and produces necrosis (tissue death) and local vascular occlusions.

4 Signs/Symptoms
Pain and tenderness Edema (Swelling caused by fluid buildup) Redness of the skin Fever Chills Skin that is warm to the touch Small open or closed wounds Skin turning brown or black

5 Causes There can be many causes to this disorder but all have to deal with reduced blood supply such as frostbite, tobacco use, trauma and diabetes. It can also be caused by an infection or surgical wound. most commonly caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria.

6 Cures Many treatments for gangrenous cellulitis include surgery or some type of medical treatment and in cases of it being on legs even rehabilitation. The most common treatment is surgery as the infected area may have to be removed. Antibiotics can be used for more mild cases but more than likely have little effect. The worst case scenario is death caused by this disease if left untreated as it can be very aggressive and infection can spread to vital organs.

7 Fun Facts!! Older people are more susceptible to it because of the decreased blood flow. About 95% of people are on the road to recovery in about 5-7 days after treatment is administered It cannot be spread from person to person

8 The End!

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