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Grade 11 Vocab Unit 4 Abysmal - Verbose 20 WORDS.

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1 Grade 11 Vocab Unit 4 Abysmal - Verbose 20 WORDS

2 Word: Abysmal Definition: extremely hopeless Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Logan has an abysmal attitude; he does not try at all because he always says he will fail no matter what.

3 Word: Alleviate Definition: to relieve Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: I took Advil to alleviate the pounding headache I had.

4 Word: Austere Definition: harsh, stern Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Shannon has an austere personality; she does not smile very much and comes across as very harsh.

5 Word: Candor Definition: honesty Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The teacher was struck by the student’s candor; when he did not do his homework he admitted to it immediately instead of making up a fake excuse.

6 Word: Concurrent Definition: happening at the same time Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The concurrent traffic on both sides of the road created a massive jam that took hours to dissipate.

7 Word: De facto Definition: by fact (not by choice) Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The state was plagued by de facto segregation as a result of different property taxes in different towns and cities.

8 Word: Disinterested Definition: not taking sides Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Penelope tried to remain disinterested when her two friends got in a fight with each other.

9 Word: Enhance Definition: to improve Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Studies show that acid found in almonds enhances the brain and improves its functioning ability.

10 Word: Faux Pas Definition: mistake, blunder Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Tom made a bad faux pas by not taking his hat off when the Queen entered the room.

11 Word: Hermetic Definition: sealed off, airtight Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The police created a hermetic border around the crime scene so nobody could tamper with it. The letter was hermetically sealed.

12 Word: Ingenuous Definition: simple, sincere, without deception Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Kelly has an ingenuous personality. She never lies and always comes across as compassionate and sincere. Trippy is an ingenuous dog; she has a simple and earnest personality.

13 Word: Malleable Definition: easy to shape or bend Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Clay is a malleable substance because it can be molded very easily.

14 Word: Nullify Definition: to cancel out Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Allison nullified the safety benefits of wearing a seatbelt by constantly speeding. In the end, she wasn’t anymore safe than when she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

15 Word: PERIPATETIC Definition: traveling continually Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Touring music artists live a peripatetic life. They are always traveling from city to city.

16 Word: Proletariat Definition: the industrial working class Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The mayor won his position by appealing to the proletariat voters and promising better working conditions.

17 Word: Rejuvenate Definition: to refresh Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Joe’s Caribbean vacation and his time away from work rejuvenated his mind.

18 Word: Sardonic Definition: mocking Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: Sally’s sardonic tone pushed people away because they did not like to be mocked.

19 Word: Succinct Definition: briefly and clearly expressed, short and sweet Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Everyone appreciated the mayor’s succinct speech that did not go on and on for no reason.

20 Word: Tentative Definition: uncertain, unconfirmed Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: We made tentative plans to hang out at the movies and then later ended up not doing anything.

21 Word: Verbose Definition: wordy/using too many words Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The essay was too verbose; the thesis and argument were lost in the excess of complicated words.

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