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Student: Shuai Wang Supervisor: William P. Heath

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1 A complete and convex search for discrete-time noncausal FIR Zames-Falb multipliers
Student: Shuai Wang Supervisor: William P. Heath Co-supervisor: Joaquin Carrasco The University of Manchester UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

2 Discrete-time Lur’e system
If an LTI plant G is in negative feedback with an S[0, k] slope-restricted nonlinearity, then stability is guaranteed if there is a multiplier M such that UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

3 UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
Overview of results Types of methods Continuous methods Discrete methods Finite Impulse Response Safonov, 1987; Gapski, 1994; Chang, 2012 FIR Zames-Falb Basis functions Chen & Wen,1995; Vee,2013 Restricted structure rational multipliers Turner,2009; Carrasco,2012; Turner,2011 Ahmad,2013 Jury-Lee criteria & Lyapunov approach Khalil2002; Kothare,1999; Carrasco,2013 Ahmad,2012 FIR Zames-Falb, noncausal, convex search, covers both slope restricted and odd slope restricted Remarkably efficient and improvement on existing literature UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

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Phase equivalence Lemma Given , if there exists a Zames-Falb multiplier M such that then there exists an FIR Zames-Falb multiplier MFIR such that Definition (Willems,1968) Amplitude Amplitude UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

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Numerical results UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

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Computation time UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

7 Conclusion and future work
Phase-equivalence Discrete-time FIR Zames-Falb multipliers are phase-equivalent to the class of discrete-time rational Zames-Falb multipliers A convex search for discrete-time Zames-Falb multipliers with FIR structure KYP lemma derived for discrete-time noncausal transfer functions No source of conservatism Complete search and it is expected to be the best for slope-restricted nonlinearities Future work MIMO extension Anti-windup synthesis UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

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